Playing Jedi Academy in 2025


  1. Rave Blitz

    Technical Issue Movie Battles II is broken on Linux......... AGAIN!!!!

    THIS IS NOT OKAY DEVS!!!! FIX THIS! I'm tired of having to CONSTANTLY update files to get this game to run properly! Just make a damn Launcher for Linux already, and have it auto-update like on Windows! I'm tired of this crap!
  2. Rave Blitz

    New mode idea: Legacy

    Legacy mode: A mode that combines Open and Legends. This mode would ultimately replace the need for Open and Legends. Features: Full Customization for all Characters from Legends. Now has an option to fully customize the character with pre-set customization based on Canonical abilities, or the...
  3. Rave Blitz

    Technical Issue Installing MBII on Linux Mint 22

    I'm using Linux Mint, and I wanted to try and play MBII but I'm not sure how to install it properly. Any help would be much appreciated.
  4. D

    Movie Battles II could learn a thing or two from this game.

    There's a reason why TF2 remains one of, if not the Best team-based shooter, and it's due to mechanics MBII would only dream of having, and why people keep coming back to play it.
  5. D

    New Class idea: The Yuuzhan Vong

    Had a brilliant idea for a new Class for Open, or even Legends mode, and while this may be OP, I believe it would be a welcome addition to the game and would make for interesting gameplay. The Class would be simply titled: "Vong." Weapons: Amphistaff: An almost "living" like weapon, capable...
  6. Fletcher Time

    FTG Reunion 2021

    Hello all! Had a lot of fun today on US Official Open. Got the old FTG guys together to play for some time. Starting on mb2_boc for nostalgic purposes as that was always my favorite map. Missing the old days as usual. We set up this little get together to be yearly so we can remember MBII since...
  7. Neb

    Movie Battles II Lite

    Hi everyone! It might be a bad idea, but what do you think if MBII would only include the "mb2_(insert map name here)" type of maps, or maybe only the Star Wars themed ones by default? I can see why it's fun to play on other maps and Power Battles, but when I try to remove for example the Movie...
  8. Blazer


    Hey guys just wanted to make a quick thread about my future in MBII I've officially uninstalled it. MBII will hold a special place in my heart, and it has always been a fun, and exciting ride of experiencing everything with the community, but no matter how much fun I've had, there's a reason I...
  9. RogueWookiee

    [SOLVED] (MAC) No Servers in server list?

    I recently installed the torrent version for mac and I used JKJALaunch and followed the installation instructions. Once I launched the game from JKJALaunch I got the MBII Menu but when I tried to play there were no servers in the server list. I have no idea what to do with it but I need some...
  10. J

    Hosting Server Switching Maps and creating private dev maps causes MBII to crash & (Mac)

    Hello, I am having trouble playing this game consistently because every time a server changes maps or I try to join a new server after already playing one map, the game crashes and I have to restart mbII. This is not really a problem because its very easy for me to simply relaunch and rejoin...
  11. RogueWookiee

    Technical Issue Extreme Lag ever since new patch

    So lately i have been getting high ping and everyone has too. It was never like this before the patch came out. If this is a bug please tell me how to fix it, it ruins the game for me and others. Thank you (PS Comment below if you have any fixes)
  12. Force Panda

    Hosting a MBII server, do not know how to port forward with MBII.

    I think I have done the basics of how to set up and host a server, but I have never done port forwarding before and do not know how to do it with MBII. Please help!
  13. BlanetheTrooper

    My last goodbye

    Recently, i have not been having as much fun with MBII as i had been in the past. So, i am uninstalling the mod, and moving on. My life has gotten really stressful recently (will not bore you with the details) and i am still coming through like a trooper. (EGO ALERT!!!) Anyways, i want to say...
  14. Goliath-A.I.

    New Forum Font

    Is this some kind of sick April fools joke, or is it permanent? A font change I understand, but green text too? On April first.. I lack contradictory evidence for my theory.
  15. Vizino

    MBII Game Recording Fun

    ***If this is posted in the wrong section i greatly apologize, i did read rules for posting before making this and I'm not sure if this counts have advertising if it does, respectability it would be taken down, no argument from my-side *** Yea I don't use the forums a lot cause i don't have...
  16. D

    Hosting Server How to create MBII server?

    I have a JAMP server, and FTP. How to create MBII server?
  17. Goliath-A.I.

    US Administrator

    I trust the community knows me well enough at this point. If you will have me, I will enforce your laws. Otherwise, I will at-least be able to say I have at one point applied for an administration position. In-Game: Goliath-A.I. MBII Experience: Joined around 3 years ago. Age: -Inorganic...
  18. foggy

    Matrix in MBII

  19. foggy

    MBII Interstellar (better than Nolan).avi

  20. Goliath-A.I.

    US Official Open Report

    Q-11, Behemoth, and myself were kicked from U.S. Official Open (stated reason being team-stack) at approximately 9:13 PM. This was after we had been on the battlefield for a good hour or so. We were outnumbered multiple times, but due to overwhelming firepower our opponents slowly left. One...