Playing Jedi Academy in 2025


  1. Rave Blitz

    Technical Issue Movie Battles II is broken on Linux......... AGAIN!!!!

    THIS IS NOT OKAY DEVS!!!! FIX THIS! I'm tired of having to CONSTANTLY update files to get this game to run properly! Just make a damn Launcher for Linux already, and have it auto-update like on Windows! I'm tired of this crap!
  2. Rave Blitz

    Technical Issue Installing MBII on Linux Mint 22

    I'm using Linux Mint, and I wanted to try and play MBII but I'm not sure how to install it properly. Any help would be much appreciated.
  3. J Jimbles

    Launcher Trying to run on Linux Mint 21 but I have no idea how to get the launcher working.

    Alright so I got the mod to run and everything by installing it manually to my Gamedata folder and running it through basegame's mod selection screen, however anytime I try to load into a server the game hounds me about not having the launcher running and it won't let me play. Any advice on...
  4. P

    Technical Issue Steam deck installation help needed please

    Hi everybody, I have been trying to install MBII on the steam deck but so far without success. The steps that I took are as follows: 1. installed steam JKA 2. Downloaded the manual MBII install. (followed the instructions on the installation & troubleshooting page) 3. Downloaded openJKA. 4...
  5. iPlayOnMicrowave

    [SOLVED] Launcher on linux.

    Getting back into MB2 under Linux, I found myself surprised by the fact it now requires the launcher. My Linux meets the launcher requirements; but where is the launcher binary? I only managed to find a windows executable.
  6. M

    PoP OS! (ubuntu 20.04 LTS) installation of MB2.

    Hey guys, today since installing this game is a pain in the arse to install i've come to make short work of this game for you. First hurdle was playing the game on proton. Don't *Actually you may be able to. i didn't want to be labled as the numbskull who did Step 1: Enable proton in the steam...
  7. Alodey

    Technical Issue not found

    Hello! Before I start with my problem, I am very sorry for my bad english. I hope you can understand me well. Or maybe I talk like Yoda ^^` So, I tried to make my own server on an Ubuntu 20.04 server. I looked at many guides and upload these files: Base (with assets files) MBII linuxjampded...
  8. E

    [SOLVED] Can't join any servers in MB2 1.7 on linux.

    So i just installed the upgrade version to and when i go to play i can't connect it just says: ERROR: Client/Server game mismatch: basejka-1/Movie Battles II V1.7 I readed the patch notes and it said that i need some file named libcurl.i386 to join but i can't find it for Arch linux...
  9. E

    Technical Issue Trying to run mb2 on linux

    So i just installed jedi academy and after installed the openjk exe i installed mono and other things , tried to set_game mb2 thing and i just launches but when i join a server it says start the game via launcher but i cant run the launcher even if i do open with mono runtime terminal what can i...
  10. G

    Technical Issue installing on linux

    So it seems the instructions on the wiki are for windows and mac, I did try the steam instructions, but the file is a dos executable, even though it is called MBIILauncherLIN.exe. I have openjk working fine, so thats not a problem. distro manjaro (arch based). There was also some .Net thing that...
  11. Spacestroller

    Technical Issue Chat causing game to micro-stutter

    I hate to double post, but not sure if I can necro my old January post. Decided to give MBII another go after few months, and I still face the same issue. Even tho the game runs very smoothly with great FPS and good connection, for some reason every chat / voice chat line or any kind of message...
  12. danwald10

    Technical Issue [solved] MBII with Arch Linux and openJK

    So I am trying to play MBII on my arch linux. I tried to fix missing libraries and files by checking out the logs, so I have duplicated base in my install location in Steam and my .local, and copied into japlus,lugormod,base and the MBII folder since the log said its missing. I...
  13. :.:5teamF0x.:.

    Linux build defaults to wrong renderer.

    Hello, all! Lomg time, no see! Just wanted to let you know that the Linux build is defailting cl_renderer to 'rd-vanilla' instead of 'rd-vanilla-mbii'. Procedure: Download the launcher for Linux, let the game download, then attempt to run the game. Error is in the crash log that the game generates.
  14. Toys R Us

    Technical Issue Running MBII with OpenJK linux; Mod loads, but not totally?

    So when I launch openjk with +set fs_game "MBII", I'm greeted with the MBII opening animation, but the menu is using default Jedi Academy, so I can't access any MBII controls. I also am unable to join any MBII servers, because I get the following error Below is...
  15. Cat Lady

    SERVER RPi| Competitive [RTV] EU

    Hello kittens, Following the success of - started on 25 October 2015 - RPi| FA [RTV] EU, I'm turning the less-popular sibling (RPi| Open [RTV] EU) into new project - RPi| Competitive [RTV] EU. As of 6 February 2016, this one - Just like FA variant - becomes 24/7 MBII server, sporting Open mode...
  16. Identic

    Technical Issue Server crash

    Hi! I need just one fix for my server, it's crashing after some hours ran on mb2_dotf map as i see. How can i fix it? Asylum Warzone, linux, dotf only. uploaded whole MBII folder with the files (v1.3.2.1) I think i'll set up to RTV for less dotf, then maybe less server crash? The server is...
  17. Cat Lady


    Hello kittens, As a result of having working MBII builds for (arm) Raspberry Pi 2 credit-card sized computer (builds soon to be released for everyone), on evening of 25 October 2015, I've started hosting two 24/7 MBII servers - with names as in title. One is for Full Authentic (described here)...
  18. pedro henrique

    [SOLVED] I can't run MBII on Linux (Ubuntu 15.05)

    Hello there! Greetings from Brazil! I play MBII since 2008, but now I'm using Linux (Ubuntu 15.05) and I can't figure out how to run it. I've downloaded the mod v1.3.1 from moddb and only get Play_MBII.bat as shortcut to play, which doesn't seem to be a linux application. I also tried to...