Direct hit barge(un-raged) on a crouching sith does up to 36 damage. Leaving them with 64 health and typically, you dead.
Why? 2-side sweeps with yellow is more than enough. Not to mention instead of rewarding you for a direct hit, all it does is slow you down as que mb2 physx other players are walls you must either *go around*, *kill*, or *jump over*.
The best way to use barge when your going melee only against a full healther is to clip them. But shouldnt direct hits be rewarded? And it makes so much sense that someone crouching on their knees is actually harder to tip over? Lulz. A gameplay mechanic we've taken for granted for years and never thought, but does that really make sense
Regardless, again, same damn thing. Sith ez mode it with crouch-sabering while wooks need to change weapons, tactics and resort to tricks that require a substantial more amount of effort(hence the inbalance) than using two buttons - crouch/attack.
What's especially interesting is that while everyone talks about these strategems, most of the community can't pull them off effectively - ever.
While almost everybody can crouch-attack with ez.
Hilarious. A direct hit with barge actually seals the wooks fate. Shouldnt it be the opposite?
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And for those that cry, but its too hard then. You can always lock wooks with bowcaster out of rage/barge.
Real wookiees use their claws.