Remove Dodge


Internal Beta Team
Old dodge:
It was a passive talent and was active all the time. You couldnt see your dodge points. You could dodge from behind. You could dodge while in scope mode. These features applied to all levels.

Lvl1 five points, lvl2 ten points and lvl3 Fifteen points. (30 points in total for lvl3 so quite costly)

Lvl1 workd only when standing. Lvl2 workd walking crouch and standing. Lvl3 workd even while running. Lvl3 also had the most dodge points as far as I can remember. The only things the current dodge is better at than old dodge is that the new dodge duration in a fight lasts longer than the old dodge (which means if you got in couple shots the dodge depleted semi quick in a fire fight. A well timed new dodge lasts longer than that) and the point cost.
That sounds better than the current one, did it work only against snipers or all guns?


Movie Battles II Team Retired
Most if not all people seem to be missing mega-important points about old dodge vs new dodge: old dodge locked your input entirely in the dodge animation i.e. for its entire length your movement and attack inputs were blocked (and thus you were forced to carry on whatever momentum you had as the dodge anim started - also meaning if you had no momentum at all you were locked in place potentially for a long time in case of successive dodges), & also for its entire length you were unable to dodge any additional projectiles. On the contrary, new dodge does not lock movement and attack inputs at all, and also allows you to dodge additional gunshots during a single dodge animation (in which case the animation is not restarted). Well, actually for new dodge at least i'm speaking about dodge from v1.4 all the way through like v1.5, probably even v1.5.2, but i actually have no idea whatever the hell might have been changed since v1.5.2. While old dodge is from before v1.4 (which is when i changed all the aforementioned aspects).
Most if not all people seem to be missing mega-important points about old dodge vs new dodge: old dodge locked your input entirely in the dodge animation i.e. for its entire length your movement and attack inputs were blocked (and thus you were forced to carry on whatever momentum you had as the dodge anim started - also meaning if you had no momentum at all you were locked in place potentially for a long time in case of successive dodges), & also for its entire length you were unable to dodge any additional projectiles. On the contrary, new dodge does not lock movement and attack inputs at all, and also allows you to dodge additional gunshots during a single dodge animation (in which case the animation is not restarted). Well, actually for new dodge at least i'm speaking about dodge from v1.4 all the way through like v1.5, probably even v1.5.2, but i actually have no idea whatever the hell might have been changed since v1.5.2. While old dodge is from before v1.4 (which is when i changed all the aforementioned aspects).


Internal Beta Team
it worked against all guns and was even more overpowered than current dodge, heroes in particular were unkillable with old old dodge 3

current dodge needs a numbers tweak and it would serve the purpose it's supposed to without being as oppressive
Oh cyka


Movie Battles II Team
@Stassin yes I forgot about that and it does make an important difference between the old and the new dodge. That also does, in my opinion bring into the table a valid way of nerfing dodge: make current dodge stop you from shooting your weapon whilst in dodge animation.
Arc dual pistols would like to have a word with you

Plus most people aren't talking about removing dodge as a whole they're suggesting changes that keep dodge as a option to use against snipers but remove the more desk smashing parts of dodge.

Well,if you think arc with dual pistols can counter it,that means you don't often meet very skilled disruptor user,because on EU open servers any arc that appears in any way:jumping,dashing,or running is getting sniped by disruptor in damn 80 percent of the cases and i mean also skilled arc players by that.Actually any class without dodge,skilled player or not is getting shot by disruptor in 80 percent of the cases,no matter how hard they try.Doesn't that mean that disruptor is the most OP thing in the game?

Probably some people will ask where did i get those statistics,but when it comes to very skilled disruptor user,those statistics match my description.
Also there are often such cases in which very skilled disruptor users gather in 1 team and just camping together,so they leave that nano chance for red team to win the round,but cmon,nano chance is completely unfair,we are not in SW movie where rebels had that nano-chance,we are playing the game that implies to have balance between both teams.So should reb team just spam ET and heroes with dodge?Or spam jedi to counter that?
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the most recent OLD dodge 3 was like old old dodge 3 (though i cant remember if how that is portrayed here is entirely accurate), except you could only dodge sniper fire, and the latest version of it made it so you couldn't dodge while scoped in iirc, also couldn't dodge headshots
There's ways around dodge like secondary nading them, or just beating the shit out of them as a wookiee. And if there's a force user around your worried about pushing then nade then use QT and be a grease ball.
The counters to dodge are heavily limited to the point where if you don't nade them, rocket them, saber them, or beat them to death you have no efficient way to harm the person using dodge. They will always have the advantage in a gunfight because they decided to take one ability with them, and that is where dodge is broken.
Dodge is oppressive in normal gunfights right? It's meant to be a 'counter' to snipers or so the gunner can close distance safely against snipers if I understand dodge correctly? Right now it acts like invulnerability to all gunfire so it feels shit to play against an ET for example as another gunner class, with the ET corner camping and peeking out with dodge only to regen it and repeat until 1 player dies

Make dodge only work vs sniper rifles (could also increase health or armour of ET to compensate for the additional damage he would have taken from dodging blaster fire damage) and maybe increase the duration slightly so it's more of a 'use dodge and gain ground vs snipers' instead of Neo

Could also make dodge work only vs bodyshots and not at close range - the ET would be able to dodge fire at mid-range and long-range, but there is opportunity for counterplay as the ET can still take headshots (maybe reduce damage slightly on headshots during dodge so snipers will kill but long-range blaster fire is less effective?) Close range, dodge wouldn't activate? This is maybe a harder change to balance and maybe just making dodge only work vs snipers and increasing ET armour slightly would be a better/easier change

The annoying part of dodge is the close range matrix fights which are just complete shit to play against, 2 ET's just dodging all fire until 1 fucks up and runs out of dodge without being in cover. Optimise dodge to specialise against snipers, or offer some counterplay for gunners by making current dodge susceptible to headshots
Just remove that ass perk and instead adapt maps with more cover so that the gunners can advance safely... the problem is the maps favor snipers, just look DOTF for blatant exemple there's no cover its all long wide ass sniper corridors, then a little chock for explosive spam.

The map esthetic is good, but the design of most map is not adapted to gameplay, it mostly favors sword because they have their own cover to advance and snipers to shoot whatever comes by and all the rest of the attacking team is kind of depending on those 2 class to get any close to do something...

You want to solve the problem design your map accordingly first
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there are only very few maps that feel that they are made for mb2 (and mb2 class balance) first and star wars accuracy second - hopefully we will see more of these or see current maps adapted to fit gameplay better