Remove Dodge

Four counters seem like enough in my opinion.
ur right, i think we should give jedi force immunity that gives u 100% damage reduction for 5 minutes. but it should have at least 4 counters, say crouch spinning kick, deka discharge, EMP rockets and grip 3 disable it for 5 seconds. that sounds fair, i mean it's kinda overpowered maybe but it has 4 counters so np
how come i only get one use of a grenade for 15 points and dodge gets infinite uses over a round for 10, ironic how we run into the same issue with fp drains in another system that regenerates on it's own.
I think that's right. I also remember there being an IDR-style mechanic either from the beginning or maybe patched in one of the later builds. Or maybe that was just a result of players naturally learning to close range against dodge users, since you were more likely to hit and trigger dodge, and therefore drain an enemy's dodge points faster up close than when fighting from afar. "Emergent gameplay" indeed.
Yeah, that was a feature. At IDR, dodge would not work. Also, you could get hit while dodging if the bolt hit your model mid animation.

It was awesome.
it worked against all guns and was even more overpowered than current dodge, heroes in particular were unkillable with old old dodge 3

current dodge needs a numbers tweak and it would serve the purpose it's supposed to without being as oppressive
It was not more OP lmao.

Dodge before had a viable strategy to fight against it. Get up close to them, or if your aim is good, just keep them in that animation lock.

Now a days there's no viable counter. The only thing you can do is force them to trigger dodge and survive trading lasers long enough for their dodge to run out and for you to be able to hit them, which is honestly just terrible gameplay.

And any clever player will know how to move as a dodge Gunner to minimize the amount of damage they can possibly take since the dodge bar replenishes so quickly. They can just play like Jedi and go and hide til their points replenish and try again.
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If you're a gunner and dodge thwarts you then I'm sorry but you're an awful gunner. Use cover when fighting heroes and Imp Officers, it's literally less ridiculous than 'just walk' being a counter to force push and pull.
Very little insight.


What would you have us do instead, stand in the middle of a hallway waiting to be shot?
The Super Battle Droid is a slow and defensive unit with a battery that must remain charged. Taking cover is and always will be a viable strategy.

Our blasters are effective at all ranges, and the element of surprise is not a necessity. The reason a SBD waits around a corner is to protect himself, and remove the chance of you escaping the hallway or taking cover.

Furthermore, if you don't learn that a SBD has set up a defensive position at 'X' choke point after the first 'surprise attack', your death is no one's fault but your own.

Finally, there are almost always alternate routes to the objective, that allow you to bypass foolish droids that do not rotate their positioning, or stray too far from the objective.
Why can't you disconnect from your gay roleplay persona even in the context of a forum argument?

SBDs are fucking outrageous even without dodge to contend with. In close-range combat, it can be nullified by your handy m2 wookie knockdown attack and at long ranges dodge is working exactly as intended and you deserve to eat 4 p3 shots for standing still and shooting.
Why can't you disconnect from your persona even in the context of a forum argument?

Oh no, a forum argument. How serious.
I so
sincerely apologize... from the bottom of my fleshy heart.


SBDs are fucking outrageous even without dodge to contend with.

You're welcome.

In close-range combat, it can be nullified by your handy m2 wookie knockdown attack.

avoid trying to punch the SBD.
The later is likely wiser.

and at long ranges dodge is working exactly as intended

No comment.

you deserve to eat 4 p3 shots for standing still and shooting.

If the SBD who hurt you was standing still when he killed you, then I have unfortunate news for you.
We can move.

A pleasure to be of service... 'Padawan'.
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If you're a gunner and dodge thwarts you then I'm sorry but you're an awful gunner. Use cover when fighting heroes and Imp Officers, it's literally less ridiculous than 'just walk' being a counter to force push and pull.
Right, stay in cover the entire time while they can safely shoot while out of cover. Brilliant, why didn't we just think of that? Just stay in cover the entire time! It's not like dodge literally grants you temporary blaster immunity! I dunno if you haven't noticed, but they use dodge when you HAVE to shoot at them. What you're saying is the equivalent to saying "just don't shoot them", it doesn't counter dodge, and it still gives them the safety that they dumped their points into.
This new dodge is absolute brain-dead cancer and has to be changed or removed, period. I honestly don't see how can anyone be against nerfing it...

Well, except for 2 groups:
- people who got used to it, and now don't want to lose the comfort of being immortal while running their hero/et/comm
- people who started getting good K/Ds with the help of dodge, and got addicted to it, not realising that it's a stupid crutch and not "skill"
One of the ten commandments of dodge is

"He who dodges first, loses."

I'm bored of resorting to dodge.
Just override the programming, amirite? Gotta love having to resort to using dodge just because someone else is using that stupid mechanic.
Dodge completely ruins the gunner v gunner gameplay and almost totally nullifies the other one lifer classes besides hero that don't have dodge...

It's stupid especially on defense since it allows defenders to peak out without getting hit and they can just wait for it to regen.

I mean it's not even being used for its intended purpose anymore. (Running through open areas like main in dotf without being sniped.)

It's usage is mostly in CQC where they absolutely dominate anyone without a sec nade or push or some type of knockdown.

I'd say definitely nerf it, but don't completely remove it. Make it only dodge sniper fire including head-shots too.
Dodge completely ruins the gunner v gunner gameplay and almost totally nullifies the other one lifer classes besides hero that don't have dodge...

It's stupid especially on defense since it allows defenders to peak out without getting hit and they can just wait for it to regen.

I mean it's not even being used for its intended purpose anymore. (Running through open areas like main in dotf without being sniped.)

It's usage is mostly in CQC where they absolutely dominate anyone without a sec nade or push or some type of knockdown.

I'd say definitely nerf it, but don't completely remove it. Make it only dodge sniper fire including head-shots too.
If they only made it useful against snipers then I guess that wouldn't be too bad. But it should be useless against other blasters.
If the SBD who hurt you was standing still when he killed you, then I have unfortunate news for you.We can move.
*unholsters twin pistols
*spins pistols while lighting cigarette
*takes drag
so then stop bitching about p3 because it's one of a handful of counters to your lame gimmick
*exhales cigarette smoke
Right, stay in cover the entire time while they can safely shoot while out of cover. Brilliant, why didn't we just think of that? Just stay in cover the entire time! It's not like dodge literally grants you temporary blaster immunity! I dunno if you haven't noticed, but they use dodge when you HAVE to shoot at them. What you're saying is the equivalent to saying "just don't shoot them", it doesn't counter dodge, and it still gives them the safety that they dumped their points into.
try uhhhh

rushing their cover when their dodge runs out

seriously grub, i know if you had it your way this whole game would be a stationary turn-based RPG but goddamn the whole game doesn't have to be played passively