New year, new contest 🎉

Tompa´s Replacement pack V1.4.6 + Saber hilts (release 15.8. 2016)

Hello there,

after a long period od time without MB2 i started to play again and I tried to find some nice models for replacement. There are still some good modders (JKHub community) who are doing a great job and updating best SW game in the world for us:) ... and so I used some things from them and packed it to the replacement pack! I strongly recommend developers to look on that and use skins from there!

I haven´t made any of these models, all credit goes to authors posted below!

Put the files to your Gamedata/MB2 folder and enjoy!




Link: MEGA

4Lom = Cad Bane (Hirman, Seven)
Anakin EP3 default and robed = reskin face/hair (Vitez, Tompa9)
Barris Offee = Starkiller General (Darth Phae, Dark_Apprentice)
Bespin Cop = Sullustan Commando (Jeff)
Bossk RGB = reskin (Kualan)
Coleman Trebor = Rey of Jakku (Scerendo)
Commander Keller = brown jedi robe (Peneke Team)
Daala = Captain Phasma (Kualan)
Darth Maul = face reskin (DT85, Tompa9)
Dash Rendar = Hera Syndulla (Jeff)
Devaronian = Chiss (Jedi Outcast)
Durge = Hondo Ohnaka (Jeff)
Female Rebel = Kota Militia Soldier (Jeff)
Grievous = Darth Nihilus (DarthStiv)
Han EPIV = Atton Rand (Kotor Pack)
Han EPV = Leia EPV (MB2)
IG88 = reskin (Kualan)
Jedi Female = Echuu Shen-Jon, Darth Kruhl (Spanki)
Jedi_HM = Jaden Black, Jaden Blonde, Hoth Jaden Rebel
Jerec = reskin (Darth Phae)
Kreia, Traya = Reskins, without one hand
Kit Fisto = EPIII Kit Fisto (Śălvoö)
Kyle Katarn = reskin (Rooxon)
Leia EPIV = 2x Leia EPVI (MB2)
Leia EPV = Han EPIV and EPV (MB2)
Leia Endor = Morgan Katarn (Jedi Academy)
Leia Slave = Bail Organa (Kualan)
Lobot = Sabine Wren (Jeff)
Luke EPIV = Luke EPIV ceremonial (Jeff)
Luke EPV = Luke TFA robed (DT85)
Luke EPVI robed = Luke EPVI hooded (Toshi)
Luke EPVI tunic = Luke EPVI default (Toshi)
Luke TFA = Bao-Dur, Dorak, Vrook (Vitez)
Luminara = Bastila Shan (DarthStiv)
Mace Windu = Mara Jade (DT85)
Malak = Darth Revan, Revan Reborn (RevanKnight)
Mandalorians = 3 reskins (Laam)
Mara Jade = Mace Windu Default/Robed (Spanki)
Mara Hero = Reskin, ponytail (DarthStiv)
Mercenary = Twin Suns (DarthStiv)
Mercenary Kyle = Dark Forces skin (Tim Eggena)
Naboo Guard = Jar Jar Binks (Major Clod)
Naboo Soldier = Juno Eclipse (Jeff)
Obi-Wan EPI = reskin (Savatron)
Obi-Wan EPII default = General Kenobi CW (Jeff)
Obi-Wan EPIII hooded = robed
Obi-Wan EPIV default = robed
Old Republic Soldier = different head (MB2)
Ongree = Galen Marek Jedi Adventure Robe (RevanKnight)
Panaka = Old Republic Trooper (Vitez)
Plo Koon = Plo Koon Clone Wars (Kualan)
Prisoner = Rebel Specmarine (Lt.Claim)
Queen Amidala = Amidala Clone Wars (Jeff)
Qui-Gon Jinn = reskin (Seven, Kualan)
Quinlan Vos = Quinlan Vos Clone Wars (Scerendo)
RAB 24 = HK 47 (DarthStiv)
Reborn Acrobat = Reborn default (Jedi Outcast)
Reborn2 = Darth Sion (DarthStiv)
Reborn New = The Inquisitor (Kualan)
Revan = Malak (MB2)
Rosh Penin = reskin (Rooxon)
Sabe = Carth Onasi (DarthStiv)
Saesee Tiin = reskin (Śălvoö)
Serra Keto = Satele Shan (Jeff)
Shaak Ti = Shaak Ti reskin (Kualan)
Sith Stalker = Lord Stalker (Duvaithor)
Snowtrooper = Galak Fyyar (Jedi Outcast)
Storm pilot = Snowtrooper (Lt.Claim)
Stormtrooper and Elite trooper reskins by Lt.Claim (Shocktrooper, Terrortrooper...)
Swamptrooper = Imperial Gunner (Barricade24)
Tyriasarkin = Rodian Rebel RGB (Jedi Academy)
Visas = Rahm Kota (Gu_tucci/Seven/ Peneke Team) and head port = Peneke Tesla
Zabrak Soldier = Twilek Rebel (Kualan)
Zuckuss = Embo (Kualan)

Link: MEGA
Avenger = Bastila Shan Staff (Kotor Pack)
Quinlan Vos = KotoR Lightsaber (Rooxon)
Aayla Secura = Oevvaor (wooden hilt)
Kylo Ren = Kylo Ren (DarthMartyr)
Luke EPIV = Darth Malgus (Psyk0Sith)
Ki-Adi-Mundi = Mara Jade (Omega1)
base Skywalker = Darth Revan TOR (Rooxon)
base Stinger = Stinger reskin (Rooxon)
base Katarn = Katarn´s Outcast (Rooxon)
Vindicator = Satele Shan Staff (Jose Carlos)
Windu EPI = Kanan Jarrus (Rooxon)
Yun = Darth Nihilus (AshuraDX)
Praetor = Starkiller (AshuraDX)
Kit Fisto = Turanis (AshuraDX)
Champion = Temple Guard Pike (Rooxon)
Adjudicator = Rahm Kota (HOUOU)

+ new menu music, Kylo Ren´s saber authentic sounds
+ improved saber sounds by TableWax
+ many updated character soundpacks (Bobba Fett, Darth Maul, Aayla Secura, Ki-Adi-Mundi, Saesse Tiin and more)
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Sorry but I dont think I will add this CW model. Anakin is already ingame and I only add or reskin models which are in wrong quality or arent ingame. Also all Anakin skins even that from EP2 are using same model.glm, so if I replace one, I must replace all 4. I will try that only if it is using the same model but I think in MB it is Toshis one. But I could make you your private replacement if you wish. :)
Well, if you could replace the ep2 with the Hapslash Clone wars one the regular colored (blue) I'd appreciate that :D So people still see me as Anakin
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What will you be updating/changing in the new version?
I have prepared Juno Eclipse from Force Unleashed as Rebel Commander and 6 new stormtrooper skins from Lt.Claim for soldier and commander class. Maybe Anakin from Clone Wars and Old Luke if there will be some nice skin.
Hello there Im completly new to MB II family but I have a problem with this amazing mod which you provided sir . I really love these skins, however, occasionaly I got an error ( 15 min, 30,1h depends). My game freeze and I have to start up again. Without mod everything run smooth but I really enjoy some skins and wanted to use them. Is there is anything I can do about it? Or maybe someone had same problem and could tell what to do?

I downloaded mod and paste it where you wrote sir so it's not my stupidity I guess...
Hello there Im completly new to MB II family but I have a problem with this amazing mod which you provided sir . I really love these skins, however, occasionaly I got an error ( 15 min, 30,1h depends). My game freeze and I have to start up again. Without mod everything run smooth but I really enjoy some skins and wanted to use them. Is there is anything I can do about it? Or maybe someone had same problem and could tell what to do?

I downloaded mod and paste it where you wrote sir so it's not my stupidity I guess...
Yes sir, I have the same error sometimes :D Dont know what is the reason, i will probably try to solve it in February after my exams. Some skin has something in it which make collision. I must try every new skin one by one. So it will take time. Thanks for support mate :)
Hm I must look at it, but since i deleted that broken file in HK47 folder, i haven´t got any problem :)
My godness.. That replacement pack needs to be include in MBII as a patch i'm not kidding , this is too good . Thank you very much .
Thanks a lot for support. Im glad you like it. I hope that authors will give developers rights to use some of them. If not, there is still my pack :)