Push 3 Balance

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Internal Beta Team
Welcome to the topic. Please excuse the name, I didn't think too hard about it but this should probably be called

Force Push Re Balance

Let me start of here by first saying I do not think Push is Overpowered and this is Not a Nerf Thread. But there is a problem I have with how it affects gameplay. The issue that I want addressed here is The Use of Push 3 as a player crutch and this is what I want to see removed.
Not sure what I mean by that? Let me explain then. I'm sure a lot of you have noticed that Push 3 is easy to use to knock down targets and get some nice ground kills. All the while it is also easy to stop by walking, crouching or standing still. But the real issue is that it is much easier to use Push and very forgiving in mistakes by the user.
What does this mean? Well, simply put, it means that a Pusher has to put forth less effort in an engagement as opposed to his target. And to add a little more to it, a Force User without Push level 3 has to put forth even more effort than his opponent if not the same. This is not good from a gameplay balance standpoint.
What happens from this, then? Well, most Force User class configs basically have Push 3 as a necessity rather than an option. Players become reliant on it and other great elements become unused.
But hasn't Push remained the same for many years? Yes it has, but I never noticed the problem until recently.
How did I see this issue? It actually happened to be the large influx of brand new players. Watching them progress in player ability map after map or even days. But the thing I noticed the most is that they all used Push 3.
What's wrong with them all using Push? Nothing, except for the fact that they try out other classes or force powers but fail and go back to Push 3.
Why would they go back to using Push 3 over and over? After seeing this and examining it, I saw it helped their player ability. Sure, they still weren't very good but they were substantially better than not using it.
So this is a New Player problem? No, not at all. The new players merely opened my eyes by seeing the sheer number of them doing it. I am certain everybody knows of one or a few players who exclusively play Jedi with Push 3.
How does Push help these players out so much? From what I concluded it is because Push is extremely simple and easy to use. It can even be used in a majority of situations. Not much effort has to be used to be averagely effective at the game now.

Now in my opinion this is not fair at all because all players should have to give the same amount of effort to be effective. Sure, all players are different and some are better than others or vice versa. But they all try about the same to be a positive contribution to the team. Just because someone is good or bad at playing doesn't mean they aren't trying.

So, from all this I try and figure out a way to complete this objective: Make Push Harder to Use for Bad Players but Still Retain it's Effectiveness for Good Players.

Here we go then, my idea is below. I am certainly also not saying my idea is the best one or the only option. The one directly below is an edit after reading things from this thread and mashing them together while also thinking of other gameplay elements and how they work. My very original idea, which was pointed out would actually be a nerf (which is not my plan) is at the very bottom.

Probably the most important part of the topic is that these are all suggestions, which means they are not guaranteed to be implemented and are also all subject to change. Everybody here should be striving to make the game a better experience. I implore everybody to share their suggestions, ideas, and thoughts. The key word is collaboration.

Another extremely important part of it is that we all discuss this in a constructive, mature, and polite manner. I don't want to see the thread devolve any more than it has because there are some very good ideas here. If you need an example, here are a couple.
This is how to not be constructive.
Person 1: I think that (x) should work this way because of (y).
Person 2: Hah, (x) is fine you just need to do (z) better.
This is how to be constructive.
Person 1: I think that (x) should work this way because of (y).
Person 2: I don't understand your issue with (x), you can just do (z), can you help me understand?​

So after thinking through after all the things people posted I came up with a new idea built upon some of it. Of course all not set in stone.

Push 3 changes to have a narrower knockdown area which is like a tube in front of the Jedi that is a bit around the crosshairs. Not as pinpoint as a blaster shot but they would still basically need to be aiming at them. But here's the twist, it only is like that for instant button pushes. To compensate the animation should be sped up by about a quarter of a second, reducing the time that the Jedi is vulnerable. But wait, there's more. The power can also be charged up for maybe around 2 or 3 seconds for maximum to unleash a full scale Push that knocks down all runners in the regular arc. Also I think the charged up blast should push things back with greater velocity. That would make for some fun grenade tosses. Although, the charge should not be able to be held indefinite so after maybe 2 or 3 seconds of holding automatically goes off. Now, to think of our saberless Jedi friends even more can come of this but this is just expanding on the idea so it may be too much. Jedi with no sabers using Push 3 in melee can just tap it for full effect like it is now, but if they charge it fully it can Push over everybody in it's line of fire regardless of movement status. It would probably use more FP to compensate but that could make a force only Jedi a very valuable part of a team during a standoff. The issue of wookiees and SBDs I don't know of but if they could fall from it, would be a very useful ally to have.




This can even be applied to Pull to make it affect a group after a charge, which would give that power a bigger oompf it definitely needs!

There have been a number of ideas posted in the thread, which may need to be expanded on and complimented, such as:
  • All levels of Push knockdown at different ranges and spreads
  • Changes in Force Point cost
  • Changes in Class Point cost
  • Delay before pushing
  • Charge up before use
  • Differing types of knockback areas

Below is my first original post.

Now before you all start saying "l2walk" what this stems from is just the amount of Jedi/Sith who only use Push 3 as their main offensive weapon. In my opinion it is way too effective and versatile for how cheap it costs in both class points and FP. When looking at Pull, not only does it cost more, but it is harder to use due to the direct aim required and shorter range. I have seen plenty of players who don't use Push 3, but in comparison to the majority that do they need to play a lot smarter and harder. Push is just too easy.

My proposed fix is very simple although I don't know if the engine allows it. Have push be the way it is for range and AOE, especially projectiles, except for the knockdown which needs to be on the crosshair. Of course the closer the range the more lax this would be and anyone pushed outside of the knockdown sweet spot would still get pushed back, to help get those guys on a cliff. Pull could even be reworked the same way so a large group of people could be nudged closer rather than fall down.

This would increase the skill required to use it and help reduce the class spam for people looking to get easy kills but still maintain the support role it can fill.

Here is a representation of what I mean.
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Okay, buy me dinner first.

Blobs of anything is overpowered, clones are not the only culprit. Atleast you can shoot back at clones and see their health dissipate. Saber blobs you need explosives, a religion, and a firing squad. And knowing the current games, chances are your whole team is most likely sith. So firing squad is out the window unless playing with friends.

If anyone learned anything from that event the officials servers are running is that class spam period is not fun to fight against at all. Some are worse than others. Example being fighting a team of 7 wookies that are using the quality build and not just rage is just hard. Just really hard.

Mando is by far my favorite class when it comes to jedi spam. The jetpack eliminates the need for me to use the shift key, and I can get that speed I want without suffering the consequences of push. If you get the jetpack down right you can actually go in a complete circle around the jedi while shooting him. Not metaphorically, I mean you can fly actual circles and shoot at them and there isn't anything they can do without gunner support.

They are considered under powered with all that movement potential and speed?
Yeah mandos need a buff, the only time you can get a jedi kill with a jetpack is if the jew doesnt really know what he is doing, or a snipe maybe. They get puahed easily and Id agree they are the one of the worst classes against jedi.


Internal Beta Team
The jetpack eliminates the need for me to use the shift key, and I can get that speed I want without suffering the consequences of push.

The problem is you have to hold jump (or double tap depending on your settings) to activate jetpack. This means, if the jedi is quick enough with push, that you can't use your jetpack without getting pushed down.

Also, if the jedi is smart and doesn't try to be greedy or look cool by jump killing you while you're jetpacking, he can just hold block and wait for you to waste all your fuel or run away to land while he regenerates FP.


The problem is you have to hold jump (or double tap depending on your settings) to activate jetpack. This means, if the jedi is quick enough with push, that you can't use your jetpack without getting pushed down.
Yus, there should be a single button or something similar
I have no idea what you guys mean with the block. I always managed to kill a jedi by strafing in circles around him because he cant keep up with my speed, or I manage to hit a blind spot.
Man this is gonna suck quoting, however you get a point for actually adding to the discussion.
Also, did people remove spell check from their browsers? Yeah I spell like shit, which is why I modify my posts 10 times.

So what if he has deflect 3, apparently its a death sentence to shoot people with deflect 3 because reflected shots can turn into head shots or kill other teammates. And he can just push my grenade if I even try to do so, unless I can do a perfect concussion throw. Which is unlikely.

What does this have to do with how easy it is to press the F key?

Now your putting words in my mouth, this discussion is about a skill. Here is an example of off topic points.
"Arc troopers can recover faster"
Yes we know that, this is a discussion about the push skill and how easy it is to use and how benefits outweigh the cons.
What do arc troopers have to do with anything?

Now that you bring it up, gunners with force support are basically kill teams. If I am attacked by a soldier and jedi im basically dead because im forced to walk. The soldier will beat the shit out of me because im slow as fuck and cant really do anything. And im forced the walk because there is the implication and strong possibility if I let go. I will be pushed down.

Yes it is relevant, I cant disengage because im forced to shoot 5 jedi in front of me. I am dead if I try to run because if I let go of shift I will be knocked down. Every single time 10 out of 10 times. However jedi and sith don't suffer from this. They can run all they like, they just have to face my direction or jump all over the place until they reach cover or a corner. Then they can run away.

In-fact they can run at me and zigzag which is just not fun to deal with even with experience. They never have to walk if they know what their doing. But I don't get that luxury. I have to walk at all times.

They have deflect 3, now what?

Actually you can push when you cancel swings and canceling takes like a millisecond.

I mostly agree, but then they use speed to close the gap making the long range push effective.
Or sith, use lighting to keep me suppressed until they are in close enough, assuming the lighting doesn't kill me.

Actually I never brought that specifically up.

Again I am not a fan of that cone thing at all, charge skill, whatever. My idea was just aiming the skill just for knockdown to occur. Not touching the fact you can push multiple explosives away. I never mentioned that or said that should be changed I only said aim the skill on the person if you want knock down.

Someguy also brought up a good point how people adapt. Gunners have always been getting hit with a nerf bat and tweaked. Yet we adapted. If jedi players can't adapt when their class gets modified, that tells me they were using crutches and have to relearn the game.

Forgive me I am far to lazy to break the quotes up as you did.

First deflect 3 is only accurate when used from a distance if you don't believe me go test it the accuracy of deflect goes down exponentially based on how close the gunner is to the jedi/sith. On top of this the way deflect works now where you have to manually block the blasters while aiming and at the cost of your own fp, even though deflect 3's force drain is 1 per click it still keeps the fp of the deflecting jedi going down if you shoot them by keeping it from going up. Also in order to use deflect the jedi/sith must be holding block which by default means they are walking meaning they are slow as well.

Second regarding "how easy it is to press the F key" it is equally as easy to press the shift key or any key for that matter, so how easy it is to press a button is not a valid argument for any balance discussion.

Third you can not push after canceling a swing until the animation has ended in its entirety. This means as long as the jedi/sith is showing a swinging animation you are still safe to run.

4th you bring up that other classes should not be allowed in this discussion because it is a discussion on the balance of push, however you can not look at individual powers or stats when you look at the balance of a game, you have to look at the balance of a game in its entirety. This is why the argument of how other classes have counters to push is viable in this discussion because it shows that there are more ways to counter push other than walking.

IF and i want to stress this IF they change push to a aimed power for knock down then it needs to be also changed to where its vulnerability time or opening to be shot has to match pulls so jedi/sith do not get killed every time they fight more than one gunner.

Overall I am with Phelps on this argument that the problem does not lie within pushes balance, but the lack of team play that is seen in open now days. I say this because any time you have 2 or 3 gunners working together you will see them easily kill jedi/sith or any class for that matter.
Yeah I don't blame you. You need an acquired amount of patience to break it down, Which is why I said "this gonna suck to quote." But I break it down because im known for being misunderstood and I need to go the extra mile of making sure people understand me.

I've read the tip saying deflect 3 is accurate over distance and you need to get closer, however there are people saying that tip is out of date. I've done it both and I somehow managed to get a reflected bolt in my head or a teammate. So do I huddle the guys ass or what, both seem to end with me killing myself.

The difference between the F and the shift key is that the F key is a weapon, where shift determines how fast you are going. That is one of the main problems, killing somebody is easy as walking.


Yeah I don't blame you. You need an acquired amount of patience to break it down, Which is why I said "this gonna suck to quote." But I break it down because im known for being misunderstood and I need to go the extra mile of making sure people understand me.

I've read the tip saying deflect 3 is accurate over distance and you need to get closer, however there are people saying that tip is out of date. I've done it both and I somehow managed to get a reflected bolt in my head or a teammate. So do I huddle the guys ass or what, both seem to end with me killing myself.

The difference between the F and the shift key is that the F key is a weapon, where shift determines how fast you are going. That is one of the main problems, killing somebody is easy as walking.
Aim at their feet long or short
What seperates MbII from garbage cookie cutter mainstream games though, is its accuracy and portrayal of force powers, explosives, and lightsaber damage and dismemberments. That's why it's so hard to understand why things have been like they are. It makes it harder to balance but it's still above anything else
Yeah I don't blame you. You need an acquired amount of patience to break it down, Which is why I said "this gonna suck to quote." But I break it down because im known for being misunderstood and I need to go the extra mile of making sure people understand me.

I've read the tip saying deflect 3 is accurate over distance and you need to get closer, however there are people saying that tip is out of date. I've done it both and I somehow managed to get a reflected bolt in my head or a teammate. So do I huddle the guys ass or what, both seem to end with me killing myself.

The difference between the F and the shift key is that the F key is a weapon, where shift determines how fast you are going. That is one of the main problems, killing somebody is easy as walking.
The argument that F is a weapon where shift is not would be a decent argument except that the jedi/sith can only use their weapon, push, but the gunner can use their counter, walk, and their weapon, gun, at the same time while the jedi/sith can only use push and nothing else at the same time.


Slayed dreamer
I read your entire post and this is all I can focus on. I am completely dumbfounded by this. I don't even know how to respond to such ridiculousness.
I don't know how to respond as well. Are you sure you play Movie Battles 2?
while Push remains the same, it becomes more powerful as a result.
You've broke my brain. What the hell does that mean? "If something remains the same, it becomes more powerful"... Is Push some kind of living creature?
This mod is based off of a Jedi Knight game and if you want to go slaughtering scores of helpless gunners I would suggest to go play that or TFU or something. This is supposed to be a balanced experience.
Stop kidding me, serious. And install Movie Battles please, instead of that mod you playing.
"Helpless gunner", lmao... Why I can't this while I'm playing? Why those "helpless gunners" often just rip any saberist they met?
Tell it to people who type "useless sith" in chat...
Through the years you see things other classes get nerfed over and over but people adapt and still manage to play. This would not be any different.
Oooohhh Now you're talking! After 25 pages of convincing "this is not a nerf thread" you confessed at last that this is all about nerfing?
But I hope you understand I can never trust you again and these scars will never heal? :(

And what about other classes? Which one was nerfed? I can only remember wookie and their godcaster, but other classes seems didn't take any damage.
On other hand, saberist lose deflect and grip. Sith don't require any additional nerfing.
Might as well rename this to jedi battles 2. They don't seem to really care about the other classes except this exact one.
God forbid people think about the big picture instead.

Learning to walk, this hasn't been touched for years, are not arguments. I haven't see a single good point while we have brought up a whole collection of different ideas and topics. Which of course all it got ignored. Gives me the illusion of talking to a wall, which we probably are.
Jesus Christ!... Please, Movie Academy, give an Oscar to this guy, he looks like a real drama actor over here. Screw DiCaprio, screw Will Smith, they are nobody.

A have this "illusion" (which I guess is reality) for last 15 pages of thread, when some people repeat over and over again "this is not a nerf thread", "let's rebalance, not nerfing", and discuss same nerfing suggestions in next posts over and over again.
Most of my arguments just silently ignored, I got no reaction for "useless sith" messages, which are almost a meme of Movie Battles, and no reaction for actual performance of different classes; did you really see owned gunners, which were suppressed by saberists?
"One jedi can control a whole room of gunners."
This is what your problem is. You just don't want to accept jedi as equal participant, and wanna play as there wouldn't any saberists. Stop it. You can't play this mod the way you can play CS/Q3/UT/whatever. You can't just strafe here, strafe there, this is Movie Battles. You can't ignore sith, you just can't, but you are still trying.

You don't want to give away any of your gunner's habits, but the fact is you must give away 50% of them, because saberists are important here just like a gunners. This is NOT a yet another shooter, this is a fighting game for 50%, and people have to deal with that.
Also, did people remove spell check from their browsers? Yeah I spell like shit, which is why I modify my posts 10 times.
I use it constantly, but it only checks word spelling, not is it suitable word or not, doesn't check the whole sentences as well.
You are a native English speaker, but most people here are not, so please be merciful.
So what if he has deflect 3, apparently its a death sentence to shoot people with deflect 3 because reflected shots can turn into head shots or kill other teammates. And he can just push my grenade if I even try to do so, unless I can do a perfect concussion throw. Which is unlikely.
Deflect is useless, it only drains fp. How many times did you see somebody died from deflected shot?
Sith can't push anything they want, it all require skill and in certain circumstances it isn't possible.
Sith can't push while he's rolling up after slap from jedi, sith can't push where he's taking fire (vulnerability window!), sith can't push when there is jedi around, since sith is vulnerable to saber during push as well. Some nades getting stucked near pillars, others goes behind sith... There are a lot of different scenarios, but overall balance does not give privilege to saberists.
Now that you bring it up, gunners with force support are basically kill teams. If I am attacked by a soldier and jedi im basically dead because im forced to walk. The soldier will beat the shit out of me because im slow as fuck and cant really do anything. And im forced the walk because there is the implication and strong possibility if I let go. I will be pushed down.
If we're talking about 1 vs 2 you will be in trouble no matter of classes those two.
If it's about 2 vs 2, chances are equal.

And I still don't understand all this "I cannot run when jedi are near, I have to hold walk" thing.
Sith cannot run too, they have to hold block to not being shot. So what?
Walk to avoid push, block to avoid bullets. Any difference?

In other games gunners can run all time because simply there are no any saberists in such games, but this is Movie Battles. Standard patterns don't work here.
I don't cry that I can't quietly dueling in open mode without getting shot, because gunners are important part of gameplay and I have to pay attention to them.
Yes it is relevant, I cant disengage because im forced to shoot 5 jedi in front of me. I am dead if I try to run because if I let go of shift I will be knocked down. Every single time 10 out of 10 times. However jedi and sith don't suffer from this. They can run all they like, they just have to face my direction or jump all over the place until they reach cover or a corner. Then they can run away.
Jedi can't do everything they want in front of 5 gunners. If jedi just rush towards them, he would be shot instantly. If he gets too close, his fp would be drained, and he would be dead again.

In fact, if equal number of players from both teams are in one room, nobody can't do whatever he want to. Everybody have to use theirs skills to get some advance, and chances are equal no matter of classes, once again.
If some team has more players, other team is screwed anyway.

btw don't you forget Perspective from a new player | Movie Battles II Community thread? Remember how hard @{Δ} Achilles were trying to prove that saberists are heavily underpowered and helpless against gunners?...
I mostly agree, but then they use speed to close the gap making the long range push effective.
Or sith, use lighting to keep me suppressed until they are in close enough, assuming the lighting doesn't kill me.
Speed doesn't used after push often, and jedi is vulnerable during speed. Sith don't have speed at all, and not every sith has a lightning.
Someguy also brought up a good point how people adapt. Gunners have always been getting hit with a nerf bat and tweaked. Yet we adapted. If jedi players can't adapt when their class gets modified, that tells me they were using crutches and have to relearn the game.
Correct me if I wrong, but I thought you play this game only for a few months, what can you know about nerfing in the past?
And once again, jedi/sith get nerfed more than anybody else already.
Push is a tool in gunner vs saberist match-up, just like poison or blob. You can't separate them.
I agree, but those tools should have same effectiveness, but blob looks like 'press X to win' if there are multiple clones around.
The balance between lightsaber vs gun is messed up right now though. In most cases saberist would win 1 vs 1 against any gunner (unless direct counter like wookie, cortoSBD or Dash Rendar). Because of not direct buffs in recent builds. And this will be adressed next patch.
I can only hope that wouldn't happen. :(
btw @GoodOl'Ben said something completely different:
The Elitetrooper will be favoured roughly 60/40 at high levels of play. Clones even more. Which is very funny for a 2-life class.
There aren't anything besides public matches really. It's just skilled vets stomping the lesser folk.

I personally don't see a problem with Jedi/Sith being favored against Clones, Soldiers, Elitetroopers or Commanders at lower levels of play. These classes are supposed to be be weaker.

Average single-life gunners are very much on par with average Jedi/Sith even when forced to use nothing but their main weapon and core movement abilities.

Push as an ability is very much balanced. It has big trade-offs when used.
User loses 20 FP
User is vulnerable to all incoming attacks for 1 second
User is stuck in animation, unable to attack for 1 second
It is worth noting that getting shot up close by even a Clone Rifle will set a Sith back by roughly 12 FP each shot. Ideally in a 1 second window you will be able to land 2-3 shots at least. Push is a very big risk/reward investment that relies on players being shit.

If it were nerfed in AOE, it would need to be buffed elsewhere to justify it. Biggest suspect for a buff would be the long 1 second vulnerability window. Notably this change would make Push far more viable in high level fights, which I don't know how I feel about.

Okay, buy me dinner first.
And this is *you* who blamed *me* for using "bad taste" jokes and not being "mature" enough?...
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Anyway, since something is being done I'm done with this topic.

It's ironic that someone who claims they have played since B16 has such a gripe with force push of all things that Jedi has had. You don't remember bunnyhopping able to regen FP? Or holding block giving Jedi insane damage reduction vs everything in the game (rockets and primary nades doing 20 dmg)? Sense 1 being the best investment on a Jedi/Sith? Or before IDR was introduced Jedi were near impossible to be force drained? From B16 to live Jedi has went from being blatantly OP to perfectly fine in open mode as of now, and you're complaining about the only force power that has been untouched and balanced for 10+ years? It really makes me question if you aren't a new player yourself.

I've read this whole thread and your idea that push has a low skill floor, bad jedi vs bad/okay gunners is too strong isn't wrong, people who are new to this game don't know how to walk. You're using this as the highlight of why push needs nerfed - people who have a fraction of time played don't have the experience or game knowledge to combat force push, you're right. Nerfing the force power because of this is a ridiculous reaction to anyone who actually knows the basics on how to gun OR saber.

Same skill players, most of the time that Jedi will win. It should be 50/50. That is not an even balance.

Also man, that is not true nor has it been true for a very long time. For years now the equally skilled gunner has almost always killed the equally skilled Jedi, with the one exception being - new players.

The problem here is your reasoning for which force push needs rebalanced in 2016 when it hasn't been touched for (correct me if I'm wrong) an actual decade. You think that's a coincidence? No it's really not. And I don't think you even play Jedi yourself either. Push doesn't even work on half of the classes in the game anymore unless you angle them into a wall, thanks to quick getup, being able to shoot midway into quick getup, and the introduction of dash. The push vulnerability window is exactly where it needs to be.

People focusing on the point that push is too long range haven't seen a hero or BH get pushed at max range, side roll and then headshot the Jedi mid sideroll and keep going. Good Jedi/Sith don't even attempt max range push kills anymore because it always leads to instant death, and there is still somehow debate about nerfing the knockdown duration.

Jedi is currently at all time low in this game, moreover their class counters have never been stronger, why are people still debating about the only force power that hasn't been destroyed yet? Oh right.


P.S. Does anyone know how Hero dash actually made it's way into live in it's current state or who decided Hero actually needed it?
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And this is *you* who blamed *me* for using "bad taste" jokes and not being "mature" enough?...

The difference between me and you is that I don't use the word "rape", or even imply it because I have respect for others around me.
Your joke was shitty but it has nothing to do with it being bad its the fact you had to make it a rape joke when it would taken you 5 seconds to find something actually funny on google.

Anyway, since something is being done I'm done with this topic.

Im curious what they are doing though, but that is probably another thread.
You've broke my brain. What the hell does that mean? "If something remains the same, it becomes more powerful"... Is Push some kind of living creature?

When every other power gets nerfed to shit and gunner/saber mechanics change:) I won't feed the rest of the lines to you. You're not even trying:)

And what about other classes? Which one was nerfed? I can only remember wookie and their godcaster, but other classes seems didn't take any damage.
On other hand, saberist lose deflect and grip. Sith don't require any additional nerfing.

The trauma of all the changes over the years has broken your brain.:) Every single class has been nerfed to some degree. Everything was op in the early builds:) And since it was all op = balanced by op'ness:)

This is what your problem is. You just don't want to accept jedi as equal participant, and wanna play as there wouldn't any saberists. Stop it. You can't play this mod the way you can play CS/Q3/UT/whatever. You can't just strafe here, strafe there, this is Movie Battles. You can't ignore sith, you just can't, but you are still trying.
Stop being dramatic. This isn't a remove jedi/sith from the game. It's not even a remove force push from the game thread. It's a tweaker thread.
Clearly, you're opposed to tweaking. Not very adventurous are you:(

btw don't you forget Perspective from a new player | Movie Battles II Community thread? Remember how hard @{Δ} Achilles were trying to prove that saberists are heavily underpowered and helpless against gunners?...

Quoting aliased troll that's been playing for years lulz.

And once again, jedi/sith get nerfed more than anybody else already.
Ignore those buffs and perks:)

I agree, but those tools should have same effectiveness, but blob looks like 'press X to win' if there are multiple clones around.
Bad teamwork with misplaced skills lead to no kills:)
Smart, courageous and brave players run at the clones and get into the thick of it. Each sith supporting the other with push or lightning.
Unfortunately, most, more than most, lack courage or daring and instead tend to die stupidly when they fall into the let's do this one at a time mentality.

It's ironic that someone who claims they have played since B16 has such a gripe with force push of all things that Jedi has had. You don't remember bunnyhopping able to regen FP? Or holding block giving Jedi insane damage reduction vs everything in the game (rockets and primary nades doing 20 dmg)? Sense 1 being the best investment on a Jedi/Sith? Or before IDR was introduced Jedi were near impossible to be force drained? From B16 to live Jedi has went from being blatantly OP to perfectly fine in open mode as of now, and you're complaining about the only force power that has been untouched and balanced for 10+ years? It really makes me question if you aren't a new player yourself.

Nope, he's good. So are you. Come to grips with the fact that good players have differing opinions/views on the matter. And your memory is selective when you forget the glory of gunners back in days of yore. Bunny hopping gunners with shoddy hit detection against sabers and instant death nades. And base blob for clones, instant death if done correctly:) Let's not forget primary contact nades. Draining force? Back then we waited for the jedi/sith to swing when we werent whipping out our balls that so intimated the enemy jedi/sith that they were forced to crouch in case they shat themselves on the rebound of their sphincters tightening too much too hard too fast.

Those were the days.

Jedi is currently at all time low in this game, moreover their class counters have never been stronger, why are people still debating about the only force power that hasn't been destroyed yet? Oh right.
All time low? I hope you mean regarding their strengths rather than how many people spam them. If the latter, another broken individual. Fear not, I shall smear some ointment upon they brain. It shall soothe the fever that burns within.

He's vulnerable. Rape his brain!
Someone who possessed knowledge of previous builds that talked like a bitter, old player:)

We had someone pretend to be a girl for 6 years, fake her death from cancer and then exposed as a fraud 4 years after her funeral:)
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