Well I can only repeat what I wrote in
similar topic just day ago...
Maybe you should provide more info about your problem? Screenshots, what OS you have, is there any error messages, what exactly you've downloaded, etc.
How do you actually launch game?
Also check your firewall, if any; maybe it blocks game from connecting to servers.
You can try manual install on Windows:
1. Install Jedi Academy.
2. Patch it to version 1.01 (skip if your JA already 1.01).
3. Download
Star Wars: Movie Battles II v1.3.1 download . Unpack it to your Jedi Academy\GameData folder so there will be such path: C:\Program Files\JediAcademy\GameData\MBII
4. Download
http://www.moviebattles.org/download/servers/V1.3.1_V1.3.2_Upgrade.zip . Unpack it to same folder as in previous step, overwriting files with same names.
5. [Optional] You also will need some minimizer to make switching to other apps possible. You can use this:
JA Minimizer . Run it before run game. You will be able to use F11 key to switch between mb2 and other tasks.
6. Start the game by launching file C:\Program Files\JediAcademy\GameData\Play_MBII.bat
Works for me.
If you are on Mac, read this topic, especially last messages:
Guide to install MB II on MAC / Macintosh | Movie Battles II Community
EDIT: And by the way, web list is working, I've just checked it:
Movie Battles II Server List
Try open console in mb2 (shift + ~), type /connect IP.Of.Some.Server