Playing Jedi Academy in 2025

Open is finally dead.

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You're shooting yourself in the foot here. The car manurafcturer will be designing a car for their "average" customer. It's called marketing. Car manufacturers trying to sell the race driver experiance do it by adding electronics to make up for the lack of skill for the people who can actually afford their cars who are not race drivers.
i'd say even in a normal car for average people an f1 driver will be able to give u a lot more valuable feedback than the average person but maybe i'm crazy. full disclosure i don't have a car, but i do have a toilet, maybe we could switch back to that analogy


Internal Beta Team
Car manufacturers trying to sell the race driver experiance do it by adding electronics to make up for the lack of skill for the people who can actually afford their cars who are not race drivers.

This is how I feel playing Tempest's patch. Is that really what we want in a mod for a nearly 22 year old game? Or, hear me out, do we want a deep and engaging system where you can keep learning and improving for ten years, keeping nerds invested and engaged by polishing their mechanics, skills, tricks and understanding? I just think that having a car which automatically rev matches on downshifts is boring. It's not the correct design direction for this type of game. Maybe if this were a mainstream casual AAA game it would be different.
we want a deep and engaging system where you can keep learning and improving for ten years
I'm sorry to disappoint but the time for deep and intricate systems has come and passed.

For the past 10 years, MB2 has enjoyed relative stability, being kept afloat by the renewed interest in Star Wars thanks to The Force Awakens, and all other media that came after it (movies, games, shows). People CRAVED for more SW, and so we had new players constantly joining in. Even if most of them left, new blood always rushed in after some big release.

Now, I don't want to be too harsh here, but I think that stability was mostly squandered. We had all the time in the world to come up with new content, and yet... All I can remember is ENDLESS balancing, number changes, adjustments and reworks with a side dish of maps and models. All this time spent for nothing, because duel mains still can't agree on exactly how deeply the lightsaber hilt should go up their asses when they do a PB MB ACC ACM 360 degree swingblock.

What we have NOW is a situation where people don't give a rat's ass about Star Wars anymore. The franchise isn't dead per se, but it is oversaturated and plagued with low effort failures. Your average Joe doesn't want more SW. And that means no more new players for free.

Understand this - the time for playing with numbers is over. If you want this mod to survive, you need to focus whatever effort you can spare on making it as noob friendly as possible. New players are now a luxury, you HAVE to fight for them, fight tooth and nail for them to stay.

I'm sure you can figure out what to do, but let me give you a few pointers:

1) The fucking keybinds - you NEED to minimize the number of buttons and figure out a good default layout ASAP. This shit is horrible, to the point of me not even binding the slap key on SBD because I couldn't be bothered. You think a new player would be?

2) Tutorials - I understand that finishing the in-games ones might be too much to ask, but we need AT LEAST youtube videos to explain how everything works - gamemodes, mechanics, classes. Also, these tutorials need to be FRONT AND CENTER, not buried in the "help" tab of the launcher among other things. Like, put them straight into the main menu so the noob physically cannot miss them.

3) Let go of the idea of making MB2 a competitive e-sport. It WON'T happen. Competitive communities form naturally around casual ones, so focus the game on being as casual-friendly as possible. People want to nadejump? Fucking let them. Casuals LOVE funny things in games. Some peepee poopoo rifle/grenade/ability is too strong? Let it be strong, buff other things instead. Let classes have STRONG things and build around those. Make things FEEL GOOD to use, and worry about exact balance later.

I'm sorry to say it, my good oldies, but balance is no longer a concern. Soon there won't be anyone left to appreciate your amazing balancing ideas. This game needs new blood, and that means accessibility and FUN.

If someone makes a video about this mod and it blows up and brings 10000 new players into MB2, I can guarantee you that 9999 will leave the next day. 1 person will stay and play legends, because at least that part of the mod is just no-brain stupid fun.

So, ya know, think about it. Just my 2 cents.
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Just a Guy
Movie Battles II Team
1) The fucking keybinds - you NEED to minimize the number of buttons and figure out a good default layout ASAP. This shit is horrible, to the point of me not even binding the slap key on SBD because I couldn't be bothered. You think a new player would be?
This is the problem I currently have with the game right now. We are having some discussions about it on how we can solve this problem.
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People want to nadejump? Fucking let them.
Exactly. The developers have made changes that no one asked for nor wanted. Grenade-jump was removed for no apparent reason, (Possibly because it is a bug) it wasn’t gamebreaking or broken in anyway. Same with SBD slap, what was the point of the change?


Internal Beta Team
Exactly. The developers have made changes that no one asked for nor wanted. Grenade-jump was removed for no apparent reason, (Possibly because it is a bug) it wasn’t gamebreaking or broken in anyway. Same with SBD slap, what was the point of the change?
Grenade jump is a bug. Yes, he's funny and there were a lot of memes thanks to him, but it's still a bug.


KotOR Mapper & Cultist
Movie Battles II Team
Exactly. The developers have made changes that no one asked for nor wanted. Grenade-jump was removed for no apparent reason, (Possibly because it is a bug) it wasn’t gamebreaking or broken in anyway. Same with SBD slap, what was the point of the change?
Sadly, nadejump stopped working when the secondary frag grenade was reworked (which remains, to this day, one of the most tragic changes, in my opinion).
Rarely have I seen anyone waste a frag nade for this, and nowadays its only purpose is to trick the team into thinking it’s a primary, so everyone panics.



Internal Beta Team
Everyone here is worried about sebring.
Yes, there may be a problem. I'm bad with saber, it's less than 1% of my gameplay, but don't make a tragedy out of the fact that something in the game has changed.
The reasons for this were explained to you in a clear, accessible language. Mistakes happen, those responsible for some things, unfortunately, sometimes leave their jobs. And it is difficult, at the moment, to immediately correct all the mistakes. Yes, understanding the amount of work does not come immediately - this will be appreciated by those who have ever tried to lead a team and find employees. Our community consists of such units, mostly line staff or ordinary hard workers.

Instead of whining, blaming or being angry, write specifically what you are not satisfied with. Constructively, preferably.
Beta testing was invented for you! A beta team that can come and write a problem. Instead, 60% of people everywhere write toxic comments and insults.

Plus, the game engine and the system that Raven created. Yes, due to the limitations of those years, there are things that everyone suffers from, and at the moment they cannot be recycled. None of those employees suspected that the game would be alive thanks to the FREE EFFORTS of PEOPLE after 20 years.
Based on the comments, most of them are dissatisfied not with the patch itself, but with the correction of errors that gave pleasure to some, problems to others. When trolls are deprived of the opportunity to troll, they go to shit.

But, I would leave such opportunities as a grenade jump for the fun, like a bunny hop for Legends or PB returned in this patch.

I also have questions and misunderstandings about this patch, for example:
Why was Bryan singled out as a separate weapon if it was a copy of a regular pistol blaster? The damage/rate of fire is regulated by a separate file.
Why does the placement explosive to not cause a lot of damage, because it is made for covertly placing and blowing up someone's ass?
Why did they return the vanilla TD if it was, in fact, just a fragmentation grenade?
I still can't accept the fact that there is a four-button accessibility management development. (I hate consoles, I think these are solid limitations compared to PCs and moving in this direction only imposes more restrictions, including sacrifices for the sake of those who press only 4 buttons in the game.)
BUT, I don't yell about it on all MB 2 networks. I came and asked why it was necessary - they answered me.
Going back to the engine, has anyone who is unhappy with the patch even tried to do something for vanilla JK? The model of the weapon? The environment model? A map of 4-6 walls?
95% of you will fall off instantly when faced with the difficulties of development here. Because you come to the finished product. This is not Ubisoft, EA, another major developer who will lick you on Twitter promising to fix everything for your money.
Even for the simplest acquaintance with the modification of the game, so many little things need to be taken into account in order to create a model. And what's going on in the code is anyone's guess. If you look from the outside, everything seems simple and easy, write a script that will run without problems. BUT NO.
For example, Wookie is furious, falling on his back from a knockout - begins to slide on the ground. Standing on his feet, he can jump, but being stunned by a sonic grenade forbids jumping. WTF?
This is a banal example that is annoying in the game. And there are many such things, small, invisible, rarely reproduced. Collecting is even more difficult, something happens there every TICK of game time, and the correct animation /direction of the saber must be taken into account.
It's not getting any easier, is it?
I'm just asking, please be grateful and polite. This is one of the few projects that bring fans together. It allows we all to be creative and put evenings of PERSONAL TIME into the development/ testing of what you should like. You may not be heard the first time, you may be accidentally ignored, your past mistakes may be in the developers' memory/ban list. Just grow up. Accept that the hysteria and accusations that you are used to on the Internet will not help here. She only destroys desire, and YOU (the mass of haters) you will be guilty of this if you do not come to your senses in time.

Thanks to the developers for continuing to work on the game and fix bugs.
Thanks to the players for the adequate feedback.
Thank you if you have read this in full.
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Internal Beta Team
Everyone here is worried about sebring.
Yes, there may be a problem. I'm bad with saber, it's less than 1% of my gameplay, but don't make a tragedy out of the fact that something in the game has changed.
The reasons for this were explained to you in a clear, accessible language. Mistakes happen, those responsible for some things, unfortunately, sometimes leave their jobs. And it is difficult, at the moment, to immediately correct all the mistakes. Yes, understanding the amount of work does not come immediately - this will be appreciated by those who have ever tried to lead a team and find employees. Our community consists of such units, mostly line staff or ordinary hard workers.

Instead of whining, blaming or being angry, write specifically what you are not satisfied with. Constructively, preferably.
Beta testing was invented for you! A beta team that can come and write a problem. Instead, 60% of people everywhere write toxic comments and insults.

Plus, the game engine and the system that Raven created. Yes, due to the limitations of those years, there are things that everyone suffers from, and at the moment they cannot be recycled. None of those employees suspected that the game would be alive thanks to the FREE EFFORTS of PEOPLE after 20 years.
Based on the comments, most of them are dissatisfied not with the patch itself, but with the correction of errors that gave pleasure to some, problems to others. When trolls are deprived of the opportunity to troll, they go to shit.

But, I would leave such opportunities as a grenade jump for the fun, like a bunny hop for Legends or PB returned in this patch.

I also have questions and misunderstandings about this patch, for example:
Why was Bryan singled out as a separate weapon if it was a copy of a regular pistol blaster? Урон/скорострельность регулируется отдельным файлом.
Why does the place explosive to cause a lot of damage, because it is made for covertly placing and blowing up someone's ass?
Why did they return the vanilla TD if it was, in fact, just a fragmentation grenade?
I still can't accept the fact that there is a four-button accessibility management development. (I hate consoles, I think these are solid limitations compared to PCs and moving in this direction only imposes more restrictions, including sacrifices for the sake of those who press only 4 buttons in the game.)
BUT, I don't yell about it on all MB 2 networks. I came and asked why it was necessary - they answered me.
Going back to the engine, has anyone who is unhappy with the patch even tried to do something for vanilla JK? The model of the weapon? The environment model? A map of 4-6 walls?
95% of you will fall off instantly when faced with the difficulties of development here. Because you come to the finished product. This is not Ubisoft, EA, another major developer who will lick you on Twitter promising to fix everything for your money.
Even for the simplest acquaintance with the modification of the game, so many little things need to be taken into account in order to create a model. And what's going on in the code is anyone's guess. If you look from the outside, everything seems simple and easy, write a script that will run without problems. BUT NO.
For example, Wookie is furious, falling on his back from a knockout - begins to slide on the ground. Standing on his feet, he can jump, but being stunned by a sonic grenade forbids jumping. WTF?
This is a banal example that is annoying in the game. And there are many such things, small, invisible, rarely reproduced. Collecting is even more difficult, something happens there every TICK of game time, and the correct animation /direction of the saber must be taken into account.
It's not getting any easier, is it?
I'm just asking, please be grateful and polite. This is one of the few projects that bring fans together. It allows we all to be creative and put evenings of PERSONAL TIME into the development/ testing of what you should like. You may not be heard the first time, you may be accidentally ignored, your past mistakes may be in the developers' memory/ban list. Just grow up. Accept that the hysteria and accusations that you are used to on the Internet will not help here. She only destroys desire, and YOU (the mass of haters) you will be guilty of this if you do not come to your senses in time.

Thanks to the developers for continuing to work on the game and fix bugs.
Thanks to the players for the adequate feedback.
Thank you if you have read this in full.
perhaps now that feedback is supposed to be actually listened to the game can only get better. i'm a beta tester and i can say that it feels like im talking to a wall and im not getting any response back if anyone is even acknowledging the bugs i report or the things i suggest when it comes to sabering


Internal Beta Team
perhaps now that feedback is supposed to be actually listened to the game can only get better. i'm a beta tester and i can say that it feels like im talking to a wall and im not getting any response back if anyone is even acknowledging the bugs i report or the things i suggest when it comes to sabering
I'm sitting in a bug tracker and there's something being discussed every day. Frenzy or someone else is constantly posting the todo list, and corrections come in the closed part.
Plus, as someone wrote above, the developers have a plan for what needs to be done first. And now you have two hands, in one the execution of the plan, in the other the bugs that appear with each release. Therefore, no one is perfect and mistakes are allowed.
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