Let go of the idea of making MB2 a competitive e-sport. It WON'T happen. Competitive communities form naturally around casual ones, so focus the game on being as casual-friendly as possible. People want to nadejump? Fucking let them. Casuals LOVE funny things in games. Some peepee poopoo rifle/grenade/ability is too strong? Let it be strong, buff other things instead. Let classes have STRONG things and build around those. Make things FEEL GOOD to use, and worry about exact balance later.
I'm sorry to say it, my good oldies, but balance is no longer a concern. Soon there won't be anyone left to appreciate your amazing balancing ideas. This game needs new blood, and that means accessibility and FUN.
If someone makes a video about this mod and it blows up and brings 10000 new players into MB2, I can guarantee you that 9999 will leave the next day. 1 person will stay and play legends, because at least that part of the mod is just no-brain stupid fun.
So, ya know, think about it. Just my 2 cents.
I have been playing MB2 since 2007. I've rarely post here because I don't care about duel/competition or most of thoses thing. If I have played MB2 more than any other game in those 17 years it's because MB2 was the most fun and pleasant Star Wars game to play with a great community ingame.
When the mod was at his top there was a lot of people, some having fun doing silly things --> Remember the time when we could "hug" people while holding the use key? Or when we were doing tower of player in Xmas Dotf with cheat enable, spaming rocket everywere like a fucking turret? Or when one team was spaming the ET/Sold build/clone army build vs sith army, or when a mand was having his suicide rocket moment in the main of dotf? (impossible now)
Some others were playing the objectives, some playing with the same class all the time (who remember Kikili and his A280? He disappeared soon after it was nerfed), some playing with bulshit build just because it amused them.
The issue is, bit by bit the fun was removed, and nerf, and fixed year after year. Update after update the game was made more "balanced" (who asked for the secondary nade to be made like a cheap concusive nade?), bug where fixed (ppl were wasting too much time having fun), the gameplay was made more complicated and less fun.
--> Jedi/sith vs gunner is more boring than ever. Before the nade nerf we could teamwork, one player ambushing with a secondary nade, one blasting/sniping, imposible now. We can't flinch them, we can't hit them when they swing... the only way to beat them is to bust theire FP or have some luck with rocket/nade/melee. Fortunately reb still got clone blob to make it a bit less uniform.
When the last update was released it changed the whole jedi/sith dynamics, it changed the hotkey (there's too many of them). When I saw I had to redo 17 years of bind and settings I wondered if it was still worth it, If MB2 was still fun now.
It's true that the mod is old, people got lives, jobs, family. I too have way less time for MB2 than when I was 15 years old. People who played the mod all thoses years now have to chose what to do with the spare time they still have, and choose what's the mose enjoyable. Does changing the force user gameplay makes the mod more enjoyable? Does changing the ARC scope rate of fire? Or changing the secondary nade? Or changing the weapon sound effects? Or adding new shortkey?
If dev wants the mod to survive then before updating it ask yourself "Will this make the mod fun to play?" "Will it attracted & keep new people?".
You also need to made it easier (way easier) to come in for new people. There is to many shortkey to use, too many information that are not in the library, nor in a tutorial, too many "deep" gameplay (Saber vs saber is completely awful, it's way too complicated). Well that is, if new people ever hear about the mod of course.