I can guarantee you, that I would be capable of thinking of better ways (And probably already have) to improve the game, than 1.4. However, I have no idea what your goals even are. As far as I'm concerned, your goal was to make fighting in 1.4 turtle centric and boring, unless you use yellow.
Some of the people on the forums worship the patch, and that gives you confidence to try and push it through. However do keep in mind, the patch is very unpopular amongst the majority of players ingame. Most people I talked to in EU and NA all hated it. NA was practically completely empty 2 days before the end of the beta.
They hated it for various reasons, some dumb, some legitimate, but either way, 1.4 is not that popular, and most agree that 1.3 should just be fixed, rather than revamping the entire system into the nudge fest. Personally, I think that releasing 1.4 as is would kill a good portion of the community. New players wouldn't try sabering, or get bored of it fast. Old players would simply not play anymore. I think the only reason Kael said he would play 1.4 is to hunt down the devs <_<
I believe 1/6 people actually liked it, at least that is what I found, and usually they were gunners that didn't saber.