Playing Jedi Academy in 2025

Maren's Update Ideas (Epic Ideas)

Which ones are the good ideas?

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Maren, thanks for my new signature, really love it!
Because blasters definetly aren't bad vs Jedi!
lmao most of the replies just ignore the benefits of blasters, are you genuinely retarded or just bad at reading?
What benefits lol? Making saberists even stronger would make gunners way too weak and there would be no point in playing them. This is not battlefront.
The gunners would have more buffs to assist them with other ways of taking them out, i already suggested gadgets such as turrets to crush jedi's in 2-5 shots and new weapons that are in the base game and in FA modes.

If you just want to balance it out with number tweaks rather than new things to keep the game fresh then you are advocating for its death more than i am..
You want to raise the buffs of both but Jedi much much more, meaning Jedi will still be superior and gunners will just have slightly more buffs yet many more ways to die. You've mentioned a single buff for gunners, whilst simultaneously complaining they already have way too many ways to combat Jedi. You've even mentioned fists as one of these ways despite it being useless against even the worst AOD member.
lmao most of the replies just ignore the benefits of blasters, are you genuinely retarded or just bad at reading?
You must be retarded?

You said you wanted to nerf the blasters and buff the Jedi, literally NO BUFF/BENEFIT for gunners in your idea.

You want the styles to be buffed, which makes saberists even better.
You're saying that a skilled gunner should not be able to kill a jedi? This is a game, not the movies, it would just make the gunners useless. You want them to be played more, but you are also saying to nerf them? A turret would be no use,not only that there's already one moving turret (droideka) but also deflect + the fact that Jedi/Sith have something called "force jump" and can very easily get behind them, automatic turrets are already in Full Authentic and they're useless.

- Instant kill from snipers to soldiers, makes for a bad experience for noobs
This is literally in any game, snipers have more powerful rifles, but close range they die easily.
Soldiers also have reinforcements/extra lifes, while snipers don't.

DUAL WIELD: perhaps? x1.2BP regeneration, this will keep dual wielders strong in 1v2 scenarios and make them rely more on the knockback abilities they possess to not be killed.
Dual wielders should keep themselves out of 1vX scenarios, and even if they fail to, you still have mblocking.

Jedi could deflect sabers for hours in the clone wars and were pretty badass,

Staff: Staff is definitely the coolest saber style, but unfortunately it's weak compared to many of the other styles so why should it have weaker attacks?
Because it's staff, it's broken and easier to use in 1vX scenarios due to its blocking angle.

There is tons of equipment to kill them with, and i also want more equipment to be available to classes to make killing saberists easier
Yes, more equiptment would be nice, but what else can you add to soldiers?
There's hardly anything left which actually has a model and good enough stats to go into a patch.

In my opinion open is good, no need to make the Jedi/Sith complete rambos in open. Good dueling as a Jedi/Sith takes time and so does being a good gunner.

Avroth makes a good point.
You must be retarded?

You said you wanted to nerf the blasters and buff the Jedi, literally NO BUFF/BENEFIT for gunners in your idea.

You want the styles to be buffed, which makes saberists even better.
You're saying that a skilled gunner should not be able to kill a jedi? This is a game, not the movies, it would just make the gunners useless. You want them to be played more, but you are also saying to nerf them? A turret would be no use,not only that there's already one moving turret (droideka) but also deflect + the fact that Jedi/Sith have something called "force jump" and can very easily get behind them, automatic turrets are already in Full Authentic and they're useless.

This is literally in any game, snipers have more powerful rifles, but close range they die easily.
Soldiers also have reinforcements/extra lifes, while snipers don't.

Dual wielders should keep themselves out of 1vX scenarios, and even if they fail to, you still have mblocking.


Because it's staff, it's broken and easier to use in 1vX scenarios due to its blocking angle.

Yes, more equiptment would be nice, but what else can you add to soldiers?
There's hardly anything left which actually has a model and good enough stats to go into a patch.

In my opinion open is good, no need to make the Jedi/Sith complete rambos in open. Good dueling as a Jedi/Sith takes time and so does being a good gunner.

Avroth makes a good point.
You know there is tons of equipment which could be added, some that can't be deflected and essentially shoot gas, that could easily be used to counter saberists while keeping saberists very strong, as for the droideka/Super battle droid they both need buffing as they both share the huge disadvantage of not being able to jump and both get crushed by almost any class.

With more lives for certain classes and more unique items such as i stated in another post like Vibroblades, to give regular soldiers a nicer variety of weapons and let them have a chance against saberists/wookies even though they'd still be vulnerable to wookie slaps/force.

that's just some of the possibilities that could enable gunners new ways to crush jedi/sith

Give classes lots of buffs (despite the blaster nerf) and every class is happy with diverse weaponry saberists will undoubtedly be crushed while being able to take on a single gunner with ease (with exception to classes like Mando/Wookie ofc
You're just repeating the same thing over and over. We have more than half of those "buffs" for gunners already and some of the things you want removed, like jump for droideka and SBDs, would break the game even more.
You're just repeating the same thing over and over. We have more than half of those "buffs" for gunners already and some of the things you want removed, like jump for droideka and SBDs, would break the game even more.
I didn't even propose that..
as for the droideka/Super battle droid they both need buffing as they both share the huge disadvantage of not being able to jump and both get crushed by almost any class.
Reword it then, reword the whole post while you're at it.
You know there is tons of equipment which could be added, some that can't be deflected and essentially shoot gas, that could easily be used to counter saberists while keeping saberists very strong, as for the droideka/Super battle droid they both need buffing as they both share the huge disadvantage of not being able to jump and both get crushed by almost any class.

With more lives for certain classes and more unique items such as i stated in another post like Vibroblades, to give regular soldiers a nicer variety of weapons and let them have a chance against saberists/wookies even though they'd still be vulnerable to wookie slaps/force.

that's just some of the possibilities that could enable gunners new ways to crush jedi/sith

Give classes lots of buffs (despite the blaster nerf) and every class is happy with diverse weaponry saberists will undoubtedly be crushed while being able to take on a single gunner with ease (with exception to classes like Mando/Wookie ofc

a gunner should never be found alone except the last man standing, saberists should always help their gunners and usually they do, thats why in a 1v2 situation a saberist vs 1 saberist and a gunner you'll generally have a tough time fighting if the saberist isnt a retard and protects his gunner. vibroblades would just mean that everyone is basically a jedi without force powers with the exception that vibroblades would do nothing against jedi/sith, since a lightsaber will just cut it down.
unblockable guns vs jedi/sith? it would ruin the balancing as everyone would use them and saberists would stop getting used at all, you could make a gun which either insta kills or drains 100 FP and it could charge for 10 seconds to fire and reload in 1 minute but it would be your only weapon and thats against your idea to give gunners more equipment. SBD and droideka dont need to jump since droideka is highly mobile and a sbd is a beast at combat even in short range due to his undodgeable slap which can kill a jedi easily ( has some experience with that SKIP TO 1:03
), they are basically walking tanks. Wookie already is a struggle to fight against when he gets his rage mode, a flamethrower could be cool but thats just what mandos already have, gas wouldnt work because you can just go away from it with your force jump.
in my opinion I wouldnt add really anything new to open because I don't see people crying about it, adding anything new to open which would trash the jedi/sith would make the class dead, buffing saberists even more gives an unfair advantage and could mean that jedi/sith spam happens more and buffing every class the same way would just mean everything dies quicker which imo doesn't make it any more fun.
can we lock this thread yet?

it's obviously a troll, and now it's three pages long.
and shit, on the off chance that OP is genuine - the issues brought up are skill issues, not balance issues.