Playing Jedi Academy in 2025

Maren's Update Ideas (Epic Ideas)

Which ones are the good ideas?

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Hey memers from my previous post i'm back!

now i'd like to just say that i've been playing mb2 for a good while recently and i've inspected the mechanics and weapons and such and also seen many opinions on the weapons, and unfortunately i'd say many people remain divided on the question of balance!

so here are some ideas, some are just far-fetched goals and some are simple fix's that (i think) would better Movie Battles 2.
now if you saw my previous post you will know that i'm in favour of more buffs and more features to keep open a huge sandbox of fun warfare rather than a limit battlefront feeling ;/

Now i can already tell many will disagree, but as someone who wants to buff all the classes, i'd like the blasters to be

- Instant kill from snipers to soldiers, makes for a bad experience for noobs

- You can pummel saberists with your fists
- You can dodge saberists with ease
- Skilled gunners can kill jedi/sith in a 1v1 if skilled
- There is tons of equipment to kill them with, and i also want more equipment to be available to classes to make killing saberists easier (including the turret which should be one of the most damaging weapons in the game due to it being stationary)
also: Jedi could deflect sabers for hours in the clone wars and were pretty badass, now i don't want this to be like battlefront where jedi run around killing everything, but i want the open matches to be more like a battle where jedi/sith are deflecting blasters back at their enemies and if outnumbered then killed far easier
(this list doesn't include nerfing weapons such as pistols, but seeing pistols used more would be nice)

Now my solution regarding lightsabers i'd say is simple but effective my suggestion would be to buff most styles!

DUAL WIELD: perhaps? x1.2BP regeneration, this will keep dual wielders strong in 1v2 scenarios and make them rely more on the knockback abilities they possess to not be killed.

Staff: Staff is definitely the coolest saber style, but unfortunately it's weak compared to many of the other styles so why should it have weaker attacks?

Cyan: Higher ACM build up

Blue: Higher ACM build up

Purple: replace stab with kata and make it devastating: adding this would finally add a move worth dodging, also making acm build up more from successful blocks!

Also why is there no force absorb? this game already has the force powers to let players become almost gods with powers, i could even argue destruction could be implemented as long as it took out an entire FP bar

just wrote this with some hope of change for the other saber styles to see more powerful saber styles, because i genuinely think purple should be the proper dueling style
This whole thread sounds like you whining about:
-Actually requiring skill in open
-Wanting for acm meta to come back, which is stupid
-Buffing already broken styles
-Staff is the most broken thing in this game after Cyan yawing + instant-counter abusing wild Nightshades, a flaw which should haunt the devs in their sleep each night.
-Cyan is still in a good place
-Blue is still op considering they literally requires much to none skill to use.
Purple is underrated, but by far I don't agree about it being used as the default dueling style, yellow feels like the place to be.
Ha, "hope of change". The only thing we can hope for is an update that doesn't ruin the game too much.

In all seriousness though, your arguments are very valid. Thank you for your service.
Gunners need a buff against saberists if anything. I practically never play as a saberist, I am shit at playing them, hell I rarely even play this game, but I somehow get more kills against gunners than as a gunner against saberists. It's ridiculous.
why didnt you add a 'this is all terrible' option to your poll? i think that would be your most popular idea

im jk btw i didnt even read it
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why didnt you add a 'this is all terrible' option to your poll? i think that would be your most popular idea

im jk btw i didnt even read it
lol i just wrote a bunch of crap straight off the top of my head, i wouldn't have either ;)

in fact i don't even remember much of what i wrote, my main priority was just to buff up the purple style, from what i remember..
Gunners need a buff against saberists if anything. I practically never play as a saberist, I am shit at playing them, hell I rarely even play this game, but I somehow get more kills against gunners than as a gunner against saberists. It's ridiculous.
This is why i want to buff classes and sabers, more equipment would just be crazy and likely overwhelming, with for example "stationary turrets" to crush opponents in less than 3 shots would be really intense and make for some awesome battles.
Ha, "hope of change". The only thing we can hope for is an update that doesn't ruin the game too much.

In all seriousness though, your arguments are very valid. Thank you for your service.
Thanks. The saber vs gunner issue is kind of a problem on mb2, this is why i want to buff most things (with the exception of snipers/regular blasters) to add more equipment and buff classes to help them kill saberists in new ways
This whole thread sounds like you whining about:
-Actually requiring skill in open
-Wanting for acm meta to come back, which is stupid
-Buffing already broken styles
-Staff is the most broken thing in this game after Cyan yawing + instant-counter abusing wild Nightshades, a flaw which should haunt the devs in their sleep each night.
-Cyan is still in a good place
-Blue is still op considering they literally requires much to none skill to use.
Purple is underrated, but by far I don't agree about it being used as the default dueling style, yellow feels like the place to be.
Hey Avroth! The main point of this was to buff up purple i now realise the other styles need something else, but i disagree with the staff being strong compared to the other styles seeing its weaknesses. regardless thanks for your response!
saberists really don't need buffs, they're already incredibly easy to play with almost guaranteed free kills on gunners in 1v1 and with a competent player behind them are able to win 1vX consistently too.

i'd recommend some more practice, learning to play open is more satisfying and better for balance than buffing saberists because you want to run forwards and swing mindlessly without getting punished for your misplays.
Honestly I think anything other than yellow atm needs to be reworked, especially strong styles since they are very underrated.
If every style had the level of complexity yellow had, the meta would be quite diverse.