AOD Pandemonium ban for no reason

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AOD Pandemonium
Unkown time about 9 o'clock? New Zealand time
Unknown Admin

I do not have a clear reason why i have been banned i think it may be some weird glitch? The first day i download MBII the first server i joined froze the game half way through loading, (i had to use task manager to exit) as i re-opened the game and attempted to join the same server it said i have been banned? i honestly have no idea why i should and can provide no better explanation it just happened, if you could help me out with this problem it would be great as this is one of the busiest servers on MBII with just a decent enough ping for lightsaber battles.


Deleted member 2572


AOD Pandemonium
Unkown time about 9 o'clock? New Zealand time
Unknown Admin

I do not have a clear reason why i have been banned i think it may be some weird glitch? The first day i download MBII the first server i joined froze the game half way through loading, (i had to use task manager to exit) as i re-opened the game and attempted to join the same server it said i have been banned? i honestly have no idea why i should and can provide no better explanation it just happened, if you could help me out with this problem it would be great as this is one of the busiest servers on MBII with just a decent enough ping for lightsaber battles.

'I do not have a clear reason why i have been banned' lmao
What were you doing on AOD?
That will explain why you are banned

AOD Pandemonium
Unkown time about 9 o'clock? New Zealand time
Unknown Admin

I do not have a clear reason why i have been banned i think it may be some weird glitch? The first day i download MBII the first server i joined froze the game half way through loading, (i had to use task manager to exit) as i re-opened the game and attempted to join the same server it said i have been banned? i honestly have no idea why i should and can provide no better explanation it just happened, if you could help me out with this problem it would be great as this is one of the busiest servers on MBII with just a decent enough ping for lightsaber battles.

Well prepare a lot for getting banned on AOD most people have been banned once or twice or more. All their admins are 10 year olds you rage ban when they die (speaking from experience)


pew pew
Movie Battles II Team
Why the F**k would you even join an AoD server? there's better servers with better ping for yanks and EU players.
You're probably acting hyperbolic to make some kind of point or at least vent some kind of feeling, but, just in case, I'll say that the main reason why someone would join an AOD server is because they usually have the most people in them. And it's not uncommon for them to be the only YANKS server with people in em.

And they have good ping for YANKS.

We YANKS sometimes just wanna get into a game rather than taking some kind of political stand against the dirty AODs by heading off to populate dead servers.

That being said, AOD servers are pretty often SO popular that the player count is just too high for my preference so then I just go populate some other server.


tR wont ban you unless you are a known tker ;), everything else is free game. We aren't super PC and rage-driven like those aod guys
You're probably acting hyperbolic to make some kind of point or at least vent some kind of feeling, but, just in case, I'll say that the main reason why someone would join an AOD server is because they usually have the most people in them. And it's not uncommon for them to be the only YANKS server with people in em.

And they have good ping for YANKS.

We YANKS sometimes just wanna get into a game rather than taking some kind of political stand against the dirty AODs by heading off to populate dead servers.

That being said, AOD servers are pretty often SO popular that the player count is just too high for my preference so then I just go populate some other server.

Get a few friends and populate the less cancerous servers and you'll never have to waste any time on a trash AOD server again. Shit clan from over a decade ago full of spastics.

PS. It should be 'YANK' server, YANKS is plural.


pew pew
Movie Battles II Team
@CC-1119 "Appo' "get a few friends and-" see, no, that's already more work than just joining their server.

You're giving really impractical advice, by which I mean, you're asking other people to act on your own vendetta, without giving realistic incentives to. AOD isn't great but it's not hard to avoid the consequences of their not-greatness most of the time. Stop ranting as if you're actually saying something! Aaaa!

What you meant to say is "I don't like AOD and I can't help you."

In other news, OP's from New Zealand. There's actually a single server in Australia, The People's MB2 Server. When are the AUS/NZ players gonna spontaneously merge together into a single amorphous blob and collectively decide to regularly play on that server? I keep seeing AUS/NZ players drift by, all mournful-like. One of them needs to buckle down and start collecting the rest of them into a Steam group or something. It would take a while. They're hard to pin down. And I imagine some of the ones I've seen drift by have already gotten sick of the high ping and drifted off to some other game, so maybe there aren't even very many active players in that region at all.

Some I've seen:
this Joseph Whitehorn guy on Youtube.
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tR wont ban you unless you are a known tker ;), everything else is free game. We aren't super PC and rage-driven like those aod guys
No, you will just stack teams and team kill people when you get called out on it.
Looking at you star.

Officials or bust


This thread is like EA games, you complain and keep buying the products (joining). I do love wasting time banning the same vpns over and over, makes my day productive when I see comments like this so I can enhale the memes

Dealt with unban, close if you want to should be locked already since it aint even official


pew pew
Movie Battles II Team
tR wont ban you unless you are a known tker ;), everything else is free game. We aren't super PC and rage-driven like those aod guys
Pretty dubious about this. Yesterday, from my limited vantage point on the opposite team, I saw a guy named "Cunt" TK his teammates and then get his TK points reset to 0, on [tR]Deathstar. I suppose the TKs may have been all between admins/members in good fun, but it's a bad look. And people in the server were calling for him to be kicked.


Slayed dreamer
One more time:
  1. This section is only about official servers
  2. Local moderators don't like any talks about non-official servers
  3. AOD servers aren't official
  4. This thread is going to be closed

Here is what you should read in case of ban on AOD server:
If you have been kicked/banned from our server
Since When Were Victims Banned?
Can someone explain why I've been banned on AOD?
Technical Issue - Banned from a Server ?
Boycott ''€24/7 EU DOTF!''
MBII EU duel, banned for kek D:
MBII EU Duel admins
Lol, AOD kicked me for saying they are oppressive for kicking others
should be locked already since it aint even official
I cannot lock threads in any section other than Support
But suddenly I realized that I can move it Support, lock, and then kick it to some more appropriate section

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