1.4 Open Beta General Feedback

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Guys, I like that some of your are passionate but can we keep the back and forth to a minimum in this thread and leave it for the raw feedback? It makes it much easier to sort through for us than having to go through pages of people debating certain things back and forth until they reach a conclusion.
If people don't like changes, they will debate them.
I am not sure what you want here.

Be it with people who made the change or people advocating the change.


Movie Battles II Team
Everyone just has to create their own feedback thread instead of posting everything here.
I'd make a temporal subforum.


Level Designer
Movie Battles II Team
If people don't like changes, they will debate them.
I am not sure what you want here.

Be it with people who made the change or people advocating the change.

Let the devs filter the feedback in this case. Not the community. If we feel someones impression or opinion on something is valid we will change it. We don't need the community validating/invalidating others OPINIONS. Let us do what we need to do rather than adding clutter. If someone posts something before that you disagree with, make a note of it in a single post, dont go back and forth for pages because it makes it SO HARD to sort through.

If something is big enough, make its own thread for it tbh. like ent mentioned.

I don't want to sort through 50 seeing/perk/whatever posts just to find 2 map stuff.


Movie Battles II Team Retired
Would be great to have a feedback based on actual in-game experience... not just by reading change log.


Movie Battles II Team
New echobase plays extremely well on open mode. I enjoy it a lot, very focused on main and even rebels pushing into the hangar and making that a core area.
Unable to start beta due to error:
"ERROR: Vehicle extensions (*.veh) are too large"

This isn't an issue in non-beta. Is there any pk3 I can delete that has vehicle data I don't need?
No idea what's causing it but downloading the open beta client reset most of my mouse & crosshair settings as well as has a ridiculously high menu sensitivity. Also, something's been done to the dynamic crosshair, no idea what but it's jumping around like crazy and making close range fights almost impossible now.


Level Designer
Movie Battles II Team
No idea what's causing it but downloading the open beta client reset most of my mouse & crosshair settings as well as has a ridiculously high menu sensitivity. Also, something's been done to the dynamic crosshair, no idea what but it's jumping around like crazy and making close range fights almost impossible now.

Version 1.4 Open Beta | Movie Battles II Community

Did you follow the installation instructions here, which included copying over the needed configuration file? (jampconfig.cfg / openjk.cfg)
I'm so confused about how to run this Beta. I followed the instructions to run it through Steam and when I open it, it opens JA instead of the MBII menu. I ignored this and opened the server list and saw all the 1.3.2 servers I normally play on. Am I doing something wrong?

Edit: Nvm I seem to be able to open the beta directly by clicking play in the Beta launcher rather than through Steam like the instructions said.
The addition of "mb2republiccruiser.str" is very welcome as i ve been working on a hungarian translation.

I hope this continues for other maps and areas like the Class Configuration screen, which now requires editing the "ui/jamp/mb_ingame_jedisetup.menu" ..etc files which are probably changing every major release.

I'm sure the russians are also translating. We must be first. :)
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Movie Battles II Team Retired
Nah, it was me translating like 1,5 years ago but I gave up after I've lost all my progress. Unfortunately, really, had 50% of library + all class description stuff translated and lost. Maybe someone is translating, though.
Version 1.4 Open Beta | Movie Battles II Community

Did you follow the installation instructions here, which included copying over the needed configuration file? (jampconfig.cfg / openjk.cfg)

No, the install instructions say only to copy files over manually if the batch file failed to work, the batch worked fine for me.

EDIT: Copied over the config files from my backup, no change, sensitivity in menu is still crazy high, crosshair is still iffy as all hell.
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Stop being a smartass. It isn't useful.
No, with chaos on break I need to fill in.
Because being a smart ass is better than being a dumbass.

So here is my thoughts on the beta after playing it for two hours.

The flinching system is a great welcome change, no longer can they swing spam at me without consequences and gunning is now viable at cqc ranges against multiple sabers. However I will bitch about push until the end of time itself.
I don't even care about the SBD nerf now because of the flinching system in place. After playing your republic cruiser map for 2 map rotations, the random events are a great stage hazard that I have been looking for in a map.

The blocking animations agianst shots are pretty cool because there is like a loop animation for blaster bolt blocks now instead of jedi having seizures when surrounded by bolts. Another thing, im not sure if its just me but everyone feels faster. Like all the classes feel like they move and run a lot faster, it was noticble when I did clone sprinting on how even faster I was while sprinting.

There is a bug with the cut-scene on lunar base, spaghetti was there when it happened so I won't go into details about that. Don't fix it though, please its so much funnier with it broken. The UI seems a bit squished but ingame everything is fixed for widescreen portions, so that doesn't bug me. However I still cant alt-tab like I used too before that hotfix.

I haven't tested my issue with the droidka class bug, I will probably do it later to see if I still crash to desktop on those maps I mentioned.
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Level Designer
Movie Battles II Team
The addition of "mb2republiccruiser.str" is very welcome as i ve been working on a hungarian translation.

You're welcome. If I can get a few people to verify accuracy when done I would be willing to officially include it. However there is one issue to resolve at the moment (Icarus based string prints don't display properly) which no one seems to have reported yet but was known before this beta went live. Should hopefully be fixed and I will convert all the RC based maps over to string, and attempt to convert some of the maps that are being updated before release. No guarantees though.

No, with chaos on break I need to fill in.
Because being a smart ass is better than being a dumbass.

But I yell at him too and tell him to knock it off when hes being excessive too :mad:

After playing your republic cruiser map for 2 map rotations, the random events are a great stage hazard that I have been looking for in a map.

Those have been in since RC was released :eek:

The UI seems a bit squished but ingame everything is fixed for widescreen portions, so that doesn't bug me.

You're just used to it being stretched. :D

There probably will be a UI update in the future to make everything full widescreen. Till then this is a little better.
Those have been in since RC was released :eek:
Yeah but they never worked, the intercom would say they would happen but nothing changed in the map.
I saw them on your youtube channel, but never in game. I even played that map in FA mode.
I assumed you were still working on the map and so I never bothered to report it.
You're just used to it being stretched. :D

I guess so, I wish I could alt tab though.
Never had a problem with that on vanilla.

Overall though, I am very happy with this update. I thought I was going to have a bad time by seeing my favorite class loosing its most prominent feature. But I don't even care about that anymore, because I can play other gunner classes now and be viable against saber spam.

I am very picky and hard to please when it comes to video games but you got it the first try on this update and I am very pleased to look forward to additional content in the future, Thank you for listening to the very minor fraction of the community that is dedicated to gunning.
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