Stop being a smartass. It isn't useful.
No, with chaos on break I need to fill in.
Because being a smart ass is better than being a dumbass.
So here is my thoughts on the beta after playing it for two hours.
The flinching system is a great welcome change, no longer can they swing spam at me without consequences and gunning is now viable at cqc ranges against multiple sabers. However I will bitch about push until the end of time itself.
I don't even care about the SBD nerf now because of the flinching system in place. After playing your republic cruiser map for 2 map rotations, the random events are a great stage hazard that I have been looking for in a map.
The blocking animations agianst shots are pretty cool because there is like a loop animation for blaster bolt blocks now instead of jedi having seizures when surrounded by bolts. Another thing, im not sure if its just me but everyone feels faster. Like all the classes feel like they move and run a lot faster, it was noticble when I did clone sprinting on how even faster I was while sprinting.
There is a bug with the cut-scene on lunar base, spaghetti was there when it happened so I won't go into details about that. Don't fix it though, please its so much funnier with it broken. The UI seems a bit squished but ingame everything is fixed for widescreen portions, so that doesn't bug me. However I still cant alt-tab like I used too before that hotfix.
I haven't tested my issue with the droidka class bug, I will probably do it later to see if I still crash to desktop on those maps I mentioned.