Playing Jedi Academy in 2025

Feedback Thread: Open Beta (after V1.4.9) - Drop 2

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pew pew
Movie Battles II Team
That's not a bug, crouching or walking with sprint toggled increases your movement speed slightly
No no, I said "crouching in place." As in, sitting still. Crouching in place and standing in place should both regenerate your stamina, because you're not going anywhere. Right now standing regenerates your stamina and crouching (in place) drains it.
gadget mando is really fun now

its easier to land wristlaser shots with the increased speeds and its nice being able 2shot jedi without headshotting them.

I just wish wristlaser aimed like a regular pistol shot, so you can reliably knockback and drain fp too, instead of the wonky mess it is sometimes

if wristlaser aim is changed (and its ammo, before implosion, increased), I think the mandalorian class would become a lot more viable at close-range with the sacrifice of ee3 lvl 3 (may be with some cost tweaks), cause then you can get a fuel 3, westars lvl3/ee3 lvl2, wristlaser, flame build, and reliably fp-drain + knockback a jedi's jump swings (wrist laser does more dmg than p3 so increased knockback), and plenty of flame to dmg a jedi when they're at a distance or when you've dodged their jump swing and they're midfall.
I really like this idea. I remember awhile ago I had a thought along similar lines, namely "what if jedi were able to purchase armour aswell." Just another random thought, anyway the increased HP idea has merit for sure. I like the design direction of a glass cannon style jedi that can survive skillfully for a long time if no mistakes are made. The problem right now is that things that deal raw hp damage to jedi, utterly rape them and no matter how balanced FP drains are, there needs to be some sort of middle ground between HP damaging conc nades and wook melee, for example, vs FP drains for killing a jedi.

Btw, something I brought up in the beta that I think is still relevant. Make jedi be able to block blaster bolts while on the ground/rolling etc, same as with sabers. Why the hell can they block lightsaber strikes and not blaster bolts? Even if they have to have increased FP drains (similar to rundrains maybe), I would like to see this rather than damage reduction on knockdowns. It is a more consistent solution and also alleviates the utter retardation of blobs and 2ndary nades + sniper cheese to an extent.

To sum up some possible considerations to make.

*Jedi 125-150 HP

*Able to block blasters in all circumstances whilst holding block, in some cases more FP is required to block so you can still capitalize on knockdowns to win but it's less instagibby and iffy and kµrwa cheese.

*Give jedi/sith a heal. Even if sith also just get the standard heal force power, it doesn't rly not make sense. I think it's fine to slap it on there. It was originally taken out in like b18 and the logic for removing heal was that it dragged the games on. In the current interation of MB2 this excuse no longer holds up as even with full hp you can rape a jedi/sith quite quickly (or should be able to), under the right circumstances. And au contraire a low HP jedi/sith can also survive for a long time in public and even in beta, esp if the opponent doesn't know the jedi/sith has low hp.


It may sound like the above suggestions will make jedi overpowered, but that is not the case. They would only be overpowered if the FP drains aren't properly balanced. In addition to the above changes, if Drain Range was removed from the game it would make gunners capable of draining saber users from afar, making positioning more important and emphasizing the difference between a GUNNER class and a MELEE class. Having the additional option of purchasing utility is good, but the utility (blobs, conc etc) should not be insta win vs jedis/sith. Need to seek a reasonable balance while still keeping the feeling of volatility and being able to end engagements swiftly.
What if instead of the force heal from the base game, it works like hero's heal? I think being to regenerate fully to 100 HP sounds overpowered.


Movie Battles II Team Retired
Good changes. While we are still on the nerf train, can we have lightning looked at?
I'm looking at my past gameplay experiences and it feels like Lightning is mostly fine, but the risk/reward ratio feels off especially now that the FP debuff is no longer a thing. Increasing activation FP cost slightly ought to do wonders. I'll wait on this until later though. Let's not change absolutely everything at once :D
I'm looking at my past gameplay experiences and it feels like Lightning is mostly fine, but the risk/reward ratio feels off especially now that the FP debuff is no longer a thing. Increasing activation FP cost slightly ought to do wonders. I'll wait on this until later though. Let's not change absolutely everything at once :D
Your opinions are so politely and respectfully stated I almost feel guilty arguing against you.
I'm looking at my past gameplay experiences and it feels like Lightning is mostly fine, but the risk/reward ratio feels off especially now that the FP debuff is no longer a thing. Increasing activation FP cost slightly ought to do wonders. I'll wait on this until later though. Let's not change absolutely everything at once :D
Well, it's not the FP cost, it's the fact that it makes you completely defenseless and is almost uncounterable by some classes (sold; ET; clone to some extent).
Well, it's not the FP cost, it's the fact that it makes you completely defenseless and is almost uncounterable by some classes (sold; ET; clone to some extent).
And in the meantime push and pull leave you vulnerable for quite some time, even more for mindtrick and speed but the sith powers still allow you to maintain defences and still negate at least one player.


Movie Battles II Team Retired
Well, it's not the FP cost, it's the fact that it makes you completely defenseless and is almost uncounterable by some classes (sold; ET; clone to some extent).
Sucking up all the power from abilities isn't fun in my book. I'd rather see the cost of the ability match its power so it's an equal trade. You can often juke the first and even second try, but the third tends to be pushing it.
Sucking up all the power from abilities isn't fun in my book. I'd rather see the cost of the ability match its power so it's an equal trade. You can often juke the first and even second try, but the third tends to be pushing it.
Neither is it fun getting killed by some amazing sith who learned the combination of jump+lightning+A/D swing. The only risk they are taking is the possibility of getting shot by someone else. I can always go hard counter with a str3 wookiee, but that's no fun.

I'd like to have a counterplay to lightning. Because as it stands right now, you can't shoot back and you can't run away. If you are in range - you are finished.


Level Designer
Movie Battles II Team
I'd like to have a counterplay to lightning. Because as it stands right now, you can't shoot back and you can't run away. If you are in range - you are finished.

Personally, I would like it so that if you are firing at the time they stun/shock you, you continue firing (electricity forcing your muscles to stay in position kinda logic). This has both advantages and disadvantages for the lightning user as well as the gunner. Draining ammo maybe even entirely, gives the gunner a chance to kill an ambusher who didn't time their attack properly, forces the jedi to choose better attack angles that make it harder to do it when literally straight in front of a gunners view just because they used third person corner camps so the gunner just watches themselves die, etc. Has some other consequences and benefits, but just my opinion.


pew pew
Movie Battles II Team
Personally, I would like it so that if you are firing at the time they stun/shock you, you continue firing (electricity forcing your muscles to stay in position kinda logic). This has both advantages and disadvantages for the lightning user as well as the gunner. Draining ammo maybe even entirely, gives the gunner a chance to kill an ambusher who didn't time their attack properly, forces the jedi to choose better attack angles that make it harder to do it when literally straight in front of a gunners view just because they used third person corner camps so the gunner just watches themselves die, etc. Has some other consequences and benefits, but just my opinion.
Hell yeah let's try it
I think that the changes with knockback, FP drain, and flinch will make a huge difference. I'm starting to think that 1.5 might be a little more balanced for jedi v gunner :^)


Gameplay Design
Movie Battles II Team
The continuing to fire thing is an interesting idea for Lightning. I had already thought about making it so that it just severely reduces your rate of fire, rather than completely negate it (at least for < 3 level).


pew pew
Movie Battles II Team
The continuing to fire thing is an interesting idea for Lightning. I had already thought about making it so that it just severely reduces your rate of fire, rather than completely negate it (at least for < 3 level).
Combine the two ideas and make it so attempting to fire has randomized delay between shots like you're spazzing out :p

(Please don't do this.)
Combine the two ideas and make it so attempting to fire has randomized delay between shots like you're spazzing out :p

(Please don't do this.)
Just make the gun explode like a TD and everyone would win. ( I mean, how safe are those gun power supply anyway).
@Tempest @GoodOl'Ben Don't know which one of you is in charge of this, but I think that Damage reduction should apply to all jedi with saber defense, not just those without a saber. As defenseless jedi in general need a buff, not just force whores.
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