Feedback Thread: Open Beta (after V1.4.9) - Drop 2

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Just nerf melee wook into oblivion where it belongs, that means nerf to rage and not normal melee
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pew pew
Movie Battles II Team
How we supposed to test things if EU beta server is empty 2 days in a row.
populate the server? It's not like anyone is responsible for populating the server. You, yes you, have to join the server and wait for someone else to join.
populate the server? It's not like anyone is responsible for populating the server. You, yes you, have to join the server and wait for someone else to join.
There was someone on EU servers who crashed and ddosed it into oblivion. With no admin around the game is extremely painful


pew pew
Movie Battles II Team
There was someone on EU servers who crashed and ddosed it into oblivion. With no admin around the game is extremely painful
I think the most recent open beta patch is just super duper easy to crash because of a missing bracket in some code, don't bother trying to play it until the next hotfix comes. And the next hotfix comes when Defiant logs back on, cuz Tempest probably already made the fixes but he can't put them on the server until Defiant's back. I think. :p


Movie Battles II Team Retired
populate the server? It's not like anyone is responsible for populating the server. You, yes you, have to join the server and wait for someone else to join.
smart, fortunately i have better things to do in my spare time.
That said, some time in the following days, we are going to set up an open beta for testing the adjustments to saber v gunner. This will likely involve reconfiguring one of the official servers with the new changes (no messing with files for anyone who wants to try them out!), having a channel on the official discord dedicated to discussions, as well as scheduled times for when devs/beta testers will be around to observe/gather feedback firsthand during gameplay.

Happened to meet Manyo on EU beta server. So this is a feedback from 1 vs 1 situation which is kinda poor source of feedback.
1. Beta is broken (you should be already aware of this). First saber hit is not registered. In fact in order to deal damage to gunner you have to land 2 consecutive hits (any style), otherwise neither of your hits will deal damage.
2. Knockback is way too strong.
3. FP drains seems alright... for a 1 vs 1 situation.
4. If you get Deflect - just blocking (without using deflect) makes any blaster shot deflect in a random direction. This will lead to unwanted friendly fire. Remove please. In past Deflect revamp were made because of lack of control.
1. Beta is broken (you should be already aware of this). First saber hit is not registered. In fact in order to deal damage to gunner you have to land 2 consecutive hits (any style), otherwise neither of your hits will deal damage.

What's going on here is that everything has cortosis. Everything.


pew pew
Movie Battles II Team
smart, fortunately i have better things to do in my spare time.
then don't complain when the server's empty lol

(obviously you can idle on the server while doing something else, or you can go to another server or to the discord and invite people to join you. Obviously. :D)


Internal Beta Team
Too many bugs and crashes i had to stop playing but heres what i think so far,
-melee wookie should have to purchase pistol (or all classes)
-add DR to all jedi/sith getups not just A D rolls (or just include it to quick getups not too sure),
-give jedi FW's some kind of force power that does hp damage because they cant even touch dekas or maybe just make dekas susceptible to force repulse,
-I don't like charged shots there's no visual to show when they are fully charged, remove them and add a stun function to pistol 2,3 that paralyzes (would be nice counter against melee wookie),
-reduce speed of rockets they are impossible to hear from long distance you have no chance of reacting unless you see them coming,
-make lightning so it depletes the jedi's force before it does damage to their health
-make flamethrower so it does less damage at first and continually grows in length and damage(I think flamethrower does instant and constant damage so it can be pretty unavoidable in open mode fights) and make it so jedi on fire lose force points as well as hp.


Movie Battles II Team Retired
Regarding damage reduction. It's a vague and invisible mechanic that applies to the state you're currently in (jumping, blocking, knocked down etc.) which you can change multiple times in a few seconds, so the damages done to you are always differ.

There is much better and much visible way to make jedi less glasscannony - additional health.
No DR at all, only HP.

I'd start from 150 hp for open beta.


Project Leader
Movie Battles II Team
Code Leader
There was someone on EU servers who crashed and ddosed it into oblivion. With no admin around the game is extremely painful

If this happens hop on discord and grab any dev or any official eu server admin. Anyone who has admin on the official EU open server has admin on beta.

I will shortly announce times when the dev and beta teams will be on both the EU and US servers.


pew pew
Movie Battles II Team
since it doesn't seem to have been announced here yet:

The Beta got hotfixed to fix the totally gamebreaking errors that it had after the last hotfix, so the Beta now seems basically completely stable, from what I could see from several hours of playing it.
Essentially making Jedi stronger than before.

The old global 20% damage reduction essentially amounts to Jedi having 125 HP. I'd start off there.
Crazy idea here:
What if all organic classes had some sort of static heal, just set a cvar and scale for each category of class (soldier, ET/Com, arc/man,clones,heroes/bh,jedi/sith,wook). Over the whole this would amount to 100% of the life but could get 25 to 50 hp (hero would still have heal).

Edit: deka already have super heal for their shields so why not give a little to others.


Internal Beta Team
Regarding damage reduction. It's a vague and invisible mechanic that applies to the state you're currently in (jumping, blocking, knocked down etc.) which you can change multiple times in a few seconds, so the damages done to you are always differ.

There is much better and much visible way to make jedi less glasscannony - additional health.
No DR at all, only HP.

I'd start from 150 hp for open beta.

I really like this idea. I remember awhile ago I had a thought along similar lines, namely "what if jedi were able to purchase armour aswell." Just another random thought, anyway the increased HP idea has merit for sure. I like the design direction of a glass cannon style jedi that can survive skillfully for a long time if no mistakes are made. The problem right now is that things that deal raw hp damage to jedi, utterly rape them and no matter how balanced FP drains are, there needs to be some sort of middle ground between HP damaging conc nades and wook melee, for example, vs FP drains for killing a jedi.

Btw, something I brought up in the beta that I think is still relevant. Make jedi be able to block blaster bolts while on the ground/rolling etc, same as with sabers. Why the hell can they block lightsaber strikes and not blaster bolts? Even if they have to have increased FP drains (similar to rundrains maybe), I would like to see this rather than damage reduction on knockdowns. It is a more consistent solution and also alleviates the utter retardation of blobs and 2ndary nades + sniper cheese to an extent.

To sum up some possible considerations to make.

*Jedi 125-150 HP

*Able to block blasters in all circumstances whilst holding block, in some cases more FP is required to block so you can still capitalize on knockdowns to win but it's less instagibby and iffy and kµrwa cheese.

*Give jedi/sith a heal. Even if sith also just get the standard heal force power, it doesn't rly not make sense. I think it's fine to slap it on there. It was originally taken out in like b18 and the logic for removing heal was that it dragged the games on. In the current interation of MB2 this excuse no longer holds up as even with full hp you can rape a jedi/sith quite quickly (or should be able to), under the right circumstances. And au contraire a low HP jedi/sith can also survive for a long time in public and even in beta, esp if the opponent doesn't know the jedi/sith has low hp.


It may sound like the above suggestions will make jedi overpowered, but that is not the case. They would only be overpowered if the FP drains aren't properly balanced. In addition to the above changes, if Drain Range was removed from the game it would make gunners capable of draining saber users from afar, making positioning more important and emphasizing the difference between a GUNNER class and a MELEE class. Having the additional option of purchasing utility is good, but the utility (blobs, conc etc) should not be insta win vs jedis/sith. Need to seek a reasonable balance while still keeping the feeling of volatility and being able to end engagements swiftly.
There is much better and much visible way to make jedi less glasscannony - additional health.
No DR at all, only HP.

Exactly! What is the point of these hidden abilities when you can do the same thing with a more simple and transparent approach?
It may sound like the above suggestions will make jedi overpowered, but that is not the case. They would only be overpowered if the FP drains aren't properly balanced. In addition to the above changes, if Drain Range was removed from the game it would make gunners capable of draining saber users from afar, making positioning more important and emphasizing the difference between a GUNNER class and a MELEE class. Having the additional option of purchasing utility is good, but the utility (blobs, conc etc) should not be insta win vs jedis/sith. Need to seek a reasonable balance while still keeping the feeling of volatility and being able to end engagements swiftly.
I mean, melee wook is a melee class in itself (other than for a pistol level 1). But they have no way to block any damage but have larger health pool and a temporary damage resist only if they inflicted damage. Most people hate rage but without rage and with the rush wooks can be dealt with easily as opposed to a jedi that can resist pretty much anything other than knockdowns.


pew pew
Movie Battles II Team
Bug report: Crouching in place with stamina active drains stamina.
- Regeneration issues for force users,
- People can jump without FP endlessly

Saber Defense I is very reliable now. Lack of flinch is fine. I like the changes a lot, but drains on saber hit should take from the target much more (it would improve the flow of every fight for me.) No balancing for SBD?
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