Playing Jedi Academy in 2025

Feedback Thread: Open Beta (after V1.4.9) - Drop 2

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Project Leader
Movie Battles II Team
Code Leader
This is for community feedback from the Open Beta currently running on the Official Open Beta Servers.

Details are here: The next steps forward

You can also join our Discord discussion: Discord - Free voice and text chat for gamers

Previous feedback thread: Feedback Thread: Open Beta (after V1.4.9) - Drop 1

Please limit feedback and discussion to the gameplay changes only.

This change log is changes from the 1.4.9 Official Release not from the last open beta drop unless the changes are listed in the "Open Beta" section.
Change Log

Open Beta
  • Fix: Knockback changes are now included in the build.
  • Fix: 15% global shot velocity increase now correctly applies to rockets
  • Removed: Being shot within 200ms of already being shot lowers FP drains by 50% until the timer runs out (does not refresh while already active). Reduction only applies to blocking saberists.
  • arcs/clones can now toggle stamina off with special 1 (comes with a 500ms timer cooldown between inputs to prevent accidentally turning it off when activating)
    • Walk no longer deactivates sprint
    • Stamina is always drained whilst moving with sprint active
    • Can now be activate whilst holding an unloaded PLX
  • Holding use no longer drains resources while doing the short jump

Gunner changelog:
  • Saber vs Gunner changes
  • FP Debuff removed
  • Flinch removed
  • FP Regen normalized to always be 1.0x regardless of blocking, walking, or saber state.
  • FP drain is now only capped in two circumstances.
    • If block is held down, FP drains can't exceed more than 50 FP.
    • If a shot comes from outside IDR (long range) and would have drained more than 40 FP, it's capped at draining 40 FP.
  • Blocking FP drain multiplier changed from 0.50x to 0.85x
  • Running FP drain multiplier changed from 1.2x to 0.95x
  • Adjustments to knockback to make it more consistent/effective against saberists.
  • Universal damage reduction removed from saberists. Force-only (as in, does not have a saber whatsoever; not just stowed away) Jedi/Sith still retain 20% innate damage reduction. Poison adjusted to still apply damage at the same rate it did regardless.
  • Jedi/Sith (saber or not) have a 20% damage reduction multiplier while in rolling getup animations.
  • Jedi/Sith (saber or not) have a 20% damage reduction multiplier from friendly fire.
Further gameplay changes
  • Clone Rifle
    • Blob velocity reduced by 15%.
    • Blob base damage reduced from 20 to 5.
  • Poison Dart
    • Dosage count reduced from 10 to 1 (3 less damage in total)
    • Poison force regeneration reduction changed to 50% down from 100%
  • Grenades
    • FP drain removed (20 from frags, 10 from sonics)
  • Pistol
    • Charge scaling adjustment
      • Minimum base damage of charged shots increased from 26 to 28
      • Maximum base damage increased from 60 to 75
      • Damage increase per charge tick increased from 6.8 to 9.4
      • FP drain multiplier for charged shots increased from 1.1x to 1.5x
  • Bowcaster
    • charge scaling adjustment
      • No longer hits full charge damage (90 base damage) in 1 second of charging
      • Charge ticks changed from 200ms to 250ms
      • Max total charge ticks increased from 5 to 20
      • Damage increases 6 per charge tick with a cap of 150 base damage.
  • T21
    • FP drain multiplier for alt fire raised from 1.15x to 1.25x
    • Base damage lowered from 28 to 26
  • TK System
    • forgiving someone applies no TK points
  • SBD
    • base damage changed from 18 + (battery / 10) to a flat 26 damage at all times
  • Projectile Rifle
    • Ammo adjusted from 7/15/24 to 8/10/15
  • Dodge
    • Duration for each level reduced
      • Level 1 - 0.66 Seconds
      • Level 2 - 1.33 Seconds
      • Level 3 - 2 Seconds
  • Scoped Weapons
    • Will now descope if damage is taken whilst scoped.
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pew pew
Movie Battles II Team
1. The "0.85x" description of blocking drains is uhh misleading since they have some other factors applied to them that mean that they're actually significantly lower than running drains, although still significantly higher than last patch's blocking drains.
2. Flamethrower causes significant, rather hilarious knockback on Jedi/Sith.
3. Stamina walking is still acting reprehensibly strange (jerky motion)
4. Dodge is still dumb pls fix
5. I saw two people reporting that their FP had entirely stopped regenerating. Not sure how to trigger this.
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pew pew
Movie Battles II Team
sweet, although i know the version of dodge you put in next patch will probably still be full-auto matrix-dodging, just with reduced durations

3'd be fixed by just removing the ability of walk to end stamina/sprint

just saiyan

edit: nvm you just told me you already have that (stamina walk) fixed, cool rad sick


Gameplay Design
Movie Battles II Team
For 3:
  • Sprint is only deactivated with class special 1 to avoid weird interactions with crouch/walk + sprint (also more intuitive to just have stamina be on/off with 1 input)
  • Sprint will always drain stamina while it's active (to make it so combining it with crouching/walking isn't free movement speed increase for no downside) except for when stationary (will regen in this case)
  • Sprint is now able to be used in conjunction with PLX while it's unloaded
Yay new stuff.


pew pew
Movie Battles II Team
Cool beans, hot beans, sick beans.

Question I just realized I have about the changelog: does that change to pistol charge shot only apply to level 3 regular pistol? As in: not to level 2 pistol, and not to westars?


Gameplay Design
Movie Battles II Team
It's the regular pistol. Westars already start at a base of 28 for charging and have their own scaling (although maybe pistols should have the same scaling for charged shots for consistency, idk).


pew pew
Movie Battles II Team
OK but, does it apply to P3 AND P2? I thought P3 and P2 had different figures for charge shot.

edit: in particular, I thought p3 charged to a higher level, charged faster, and could hold a full charge for a while, but P2 basically fired as soon as a full charge was achieved.


Level Designer
Movie Battles II Team
(although maybe pistols should have the same scaling for charged shots for consistency, idk).

There is no need for consistency there. It would just be consistency for the sake of it, and take away variance in some of the weapons. Westars in general are likely more high quality than the average blaster. Therefore can charge slightly faster or whatever it is for example.


Gameplay Design
Movie Battles II Team
OK but, does it apply to P3 AND P2? I thought P3 and P2 had different figures for charge shot.

edit: in particular, I thought p3 charged to a higher level, charged faster, and could hold a full charge for a while, but P2 basically fired as soon as a full charge was achieved.
The base increase is only for level 3. They do have different figures.
Pistol 3: damage = 28 + (charge tick count * 9.4) + 0.5)
Pistol 2: damage = 26 + (charge tick count * 4.4) + 0.5)

Charge ticks for Pistol 3 are 500ms while Pistol 2's are 1000ms.
I think wook might be too strong. It takes 3 punches to kill saberists now and p1 is a lot better at knockback than it was at flinch.
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Movie Battles II Team Retired
And a saberist can kill a wook in 1 or 2 hit with greater range. 3 punch is plenty of time to get hit by a crouching jedi.

In my experience, it has been significantly easier for people to land a punch without getting sabered than to land a saber blow without getting punched; given the fact that melee Wookiees can also move with much greater freedom than their Sith counterparts, I find Kanigan's claims to be plausible at the very least.


Internal Beta Team
In my experience, it has been significantly easier for people to land a punch without getting sabered than to land a saber blow without getting punched; given the fact that melee Wookiees can also move with much greater freedom than their Sith counterparts, I find Kanigan's claims to be plausible at the very least.

Pretty much. You can quite easily demolish half a team as a rage wook if they are clustered together. It's kinda overpowered, especially because it doesn't really require much skill to get rage and just press a button to insta win. I'd much rather we go back to the days where wookiee's were gunners and not 1 shotting hairy melee gods. Strength is fine to keep as a wooks forceblock, but I wouldn't mind seeing rage removed as it is a pretty skill-less mechanic esp coupled with the uber chargeslap.

I guess the other option is to increase the base hp damage of lightsabers. It's never made sense to me that a blue lightsaber swing and a red lightsaber swing deal different amounts of HP damage, only for arbitrary balancing reasons. Perhaps the heavier styles could work to penetrate cortosis armor and shields? It would require alot of balance considerations and some number tweaks, but you could also potentially add cortosis armor to things like mando and arc so that they could tank 1 normal lightsaber swing from a non heavy style and live with low hp. Just throwing some ideas out there though, nothing I thought through too deeply.

But honestly though, I think wooks should be more of a gunner class and less of a melee class. It would be alot of fun if wookiee bowcasters could bounce around when charged up like in ye olde base game. I'd rather have that as a feature than give wook a melee insta win button. Besides, charged bouncing bowcaster shots are alot cooler than retarded rage carpets. Could also give wook another unique weapon instead of pistol, since pistol is a pretty shitty and boring weapon for wooks.

EDIT: I didn't see this was the new thread for adjusted open beta, lul.
Loving this new version. Jedi feel like a glass cannon. They die easy but also kill easy. Encounters are now much more intense for jedi and gunners alike. My only complaint is jedi seem a tad frail. Just a small buff in some way and I think this is the best build ever.


Project Leader
Movie Battles II Team
Code Leader
We've updated the beta build to fix the force drain bug and remove the ridiculous flame thrower knocked back. A couple more minor gameplay tweaks have been added and the change log has been updated.
Good changes. While we are still on the nerf train, can we have lightning looked at? I don't like how all the gunner crutches get nerfed, but not the force powers.
Oh and EE-3, I suppose.


pew pew
Movie Battles II Team
was lightning knockback also fixed? Kanigan reported that on Discord earlier and you didn't specifically say it was fixed.

Also it'd be better if your fixes were listed up at the top of the changelog in the "Fix/Removed" section, for visibility

also the changelog still says poison dart doses were changed from 10 to 1

p.s. despite my pedantic corrections i'm grateful that the beta is proceeding so quickly


Gameplay Design
Movie Battles II Team
All erroneous knockback things should be ironed out now. Overall, I'm really curious to see if the extra knockback is even going to be needed with the removal of damage reduction actually providing knockback against saberists again.

Merging stuff broke a few things..a cleaned up version of the function that sorts the damage logic was put in instead of the current one. This had a misplaced bracket with Cortosis allowing it to be applied to everything (only on part of its logic though!) as well as causing crashes when damaging non-client entities (like the Lunarbase cameras) due to bad scope for class modifiers. Fun times with code.
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