1.4.5 Official Feedback Thread

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ex team lead
Movie Battles II Team Retired
Please use this thread to give us some official feedback on V1.4.5 release

Saberist vs saberist and saberist vs gunner feedback will be especially helpful for the next release (@Tempest, I summon you!)

Please ensure you use bullet point format and not write long paragraphs, for example:

  • Cyan swings are too fast, it's hard to PB them. Make Cyan more slow
  • I love the removal of nudge, dueling feels much better now!
  • Love the new models, but Jyn looks a bit too sad

Any unhelpful posts will be deleted.
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Solid update, especially considering the time you guys had to put this together. Shitty that it had to happen like this - hopefully a replacement for JAMME can be found at some point.

I'll always hold those who desperately pushed the GPL issue until something had to (legally) be done responsible if we never see that kind of advanced movie making tool for MB2 again. Bunch of tossers.

Other than that, pulse nade cost decrease when? sick of paying 10pts to be able to fight an SBD on relatively even terms.


Internal Beta Team
The patch isn't a failure, it was actually successful and a major improvement over 1.4.4, the meta state that it was put into was a failure, despite the fact that I've been explaining the exact cause and effects of a combo-meta for the last 6 months. I'm making noise more or less for the future patch, than this one. I fully understand why it happened, but I'm hoping by stating all the issues and disappointment, we can make sure the next patches will address these issues (That I was warning about for months).

Go make an achilles saber revamp thread wherein you post your suggestions and 'discuss' the future direction of sabering in MBII, instead of clogging up the feedback thread with unnecessary garbage. It's a feedback thread supposed to be in bullet point form, not a thread where you derail and spam about 'current build shit/gud but not best, 1.3 best' btw I am always right listen to me, I have been saying this for 9 million years. If only ppl would listen to my amazing guidance MBII dueling would be the best shit ever, but unfortunately you feebleminded idiots refuse to listen to guidance from the golden one and thus are sheep without a shepherd'

Stop this shit and go away. Make your own thread where you can navel gaze all you want, but leave bullet point feedback in this one for tempest to use in the future if you actually want to be useful for a change.


Movie Battles II Team
So the only issue I have is that the Jedi/Sith icons were reduced in size but the others weren't? Just keep it all scaled down


Most of peneke skins are...

Unless You referee to exact skins / show them to us with screenshots It is very unlikely to be "improved". There are various contributors too You know...

The difference in quality of some skins might be caused by their... age. Some old stuff got dug up and some were made from a scratch just recently. I like Starkiller models, Tipla very much I do not have any issues with specific skins not being to my linking. People behind this all they have made a great job over this short time and GPL assholry. It is easy to bash without giving any details just for sake of speaking bad of something.

Point out some issues with gameplay while you are at it (attach these screenshots).
Surely You can do better.
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Reposting from the other thread because i'm a bumbling retard and posted in the wrong one.
Either i'm gay or red is terribly TERRIBLY underpowered. There's no point picking it. It's been worse than the other styles for a long while now, and this is a nail in it's coffin. I begin to think it's a special new player filter. You know, a new player will see it labeled as strong and will probably pick it. This way you can distinguish him from actual good players. Like these yellow hats/jackets kids at kindergartens wear so they don't get lost when they're on an excursion.

Running around holding LMB on Cyan is a viable fucking tactic now and i've seen people get ego scores with it, what is this, baseJKA?
Things that I like!
-Clicking for individual swings is back which inadvertently increases the skill gap between new and veteran players thus making 1 vs 3 possible again.
-Purple and blue are good again
-New models.
-Nerf's to lightning and changes in grip giving gunners a more fair advantage against sith.

Things that need to be changed.
-Red is usable but needs a buff.
-Cyan is a little too powerful
As someone who mains Soldier and care reasonably about my ego score, I feel the running death count for reinforcement classes ruins a lot of the fun. I feel constricted to taking chances because I know that even though I have more lives, this will count against me in the long run. I even hesitated to kill myself to defend the objective, which should be an encouraged tactic.

Kudos to the Devs to get this patch out!
So like, this is great and all, but can we stop making small little changes to the saber system with every mini-update and like address the gunner vs forcer balance again? To be honest, everything got messed up in that regard when flinch was introduced in 1.4. Flinch is not a reliable solution for gunners because it is highly inconsistent and buggy. However, jedi/sith got a counter to that that isn't buggy at all but instead has made them more OP than they were in 1.3 to be honest: damage reductions. I read somewhere in the changelog for from 1.3 to 1.4 that jedi/sith got a damage reduction bonus to act as a counter to flinch. But to be honest, that has made them too strong. I can even rocket a jedi/sith right at their feet, and they won't even die, they can tank to a ridiculous degree now.

Also, it would be nice if the weapon switch between guns and melee didn't take so long, because at the moment it gives jedi/sith so much time to just slice you when you try to do like a surprise dragon kick or whatever. Flying kick can also be buggy at times as it can visually touch the jedi, but glitch-slide right off of them. Or, if that's not an option, then make the jedi/sith susceptible to staggering while they are walking from a kick, because if they get kicked while walking, they don't get knocked down, staggered, or anything, and the gunner just gets slashed. Blasting is not an option either because of the ridiculously low damage that guns seem to do on force energy now.

Just saying, some of the bigger issues are not being addressed and instead this little glowstick system just keeps getting messed and messed and messed around with. How about a little bit of love for the trigger-finger-itch'n half of the community?

Also, as a preemptive response to anyone who just comes on here and says "lol u dumb gunners are so OP" or "jedi and sith are not OP lol u mad," just think for a second why so many people spam jedi/sith now on the servers. They ain't doing it because it's harder, folks. They're doing it for two reasons: 1) it's easier to use well because ridiculously noob-friendly. 2) roleplayers.
  • blue seems way more OP against yellow because it can start its next combo before yellow can even land their slow-ass pblock counter (make a pb counter a bit faster than a normal counter?)
  • pblock counters are now only helpful if its the last swing of the combo, because you'll just get interrupted otherwise
  • i feel the bp drain is a wee bit to high, (just barely, you could lower it by a few tics and i'll be okay)
  • purple doesnt seem all that good anymore cause pblocks are hella hard to get, and the counters are slower than a normal swing
  • halfswings are way too slow for yellow
  • Really impressed with the speed in which this update was rolled out with all the dilemmas and drama running rampant this month.
I'll preface my saber commentary with this: I dueled for like 4 hours yesterday and 2 hours today and that's all the sabering I've done in like 4 years....
  • Nudge seemed to me the best way to ensure up close high damage in fights
  • It's removal leaves me feeling as if close quarters fighting (model bumping) is just a spam fest with random ass bp loss.
  • Pls less Jedi models, us gun-mummies need more model love in the soldier/commander department.
  • If we have to have new jedi models let's add some sweet new Shaak Ti from TFU.
  • Damage reduction is still in the game :(
Bug report:

Falling to your death on Death Star makes your screen permablack, during both spectator mode and the following round.
Most of the new character models have broken normals, with some additional texture and rigging problems at some places. Since I watched over the very same process on JKHub before, I'm not surprised the community is also celebrating the new, "good quality" models (this also happened on JKHub), but I'm kinda disappointed that certain leading devs checked and approved these models in their current state.
From another point of view, the community is celebrating the buggy models, and I got a bunch of new character slots to replace, so its still a win-win for everyone, even if the quality just dropped (without most players noticing it).


pew pew
Movie Battles II Team
The black wook (and maybe others, I didn't test) makes the "very low health" pain sound EVERY time you shoot him, which is extremely misleading.
Ah. This is a decent update, but for as long as MB2 Exists we will never get ARC's Pistols fixed. Seriously you have to micromanage the fuck out of your running animation so it doesn't have arthritis and make miss all your shots. After that is fixed the shots are still a good four centimeters below where they should be.
First off, thank you to the Movie Battles team and @Tempest for their continued hard work and effort to support this very long-running mod. It's still my go to game after all these years.

  • The new models are great! I hadn't ever downloaded the peneke pack but I love the new models. The Serra Keto model is more accurate. My only complaint is the Aayla Secura model doesn't look very good. The old one was better.
  • First off, I can't duel very well. Or at least I am used to dueling in older builds. This build I seem to be doing better at dueling. Cyan is still great to use, as is blue. Yellow seems good too. I haven't tried purple or red.
  • I used to combo 3 times, usually once in one direction and then twice in another direction. This is no longer the case. Now I have to do 3 different directions to combo 3 times and it took some getting used to. However, it is much better that way. The opponent is more likely to pblock at least one swing out of two in the same direction. So it is actually a benefit that it requires 3 different directions for 3 swings.
  • BP regen is great, although it can seem to make duels last a little longer. However, older builds had longer duels too sometime and again, that is what I was most used to.
  • I had mentioned to Tempest before about yellow half-swing (at least the old half-swing) and I would love to see it implemented in the future.
Thanks again to the mods for a great build!


Internal Beta Team
EU Official Server Admin
-I think spam can easily be fixed without introducing any gimmicks back like pb combo stop.

Simply make consecutive attacks do way less damage.

I believe the current modifier is something like 1.0 -> 0.5 -> 0.25 -> 0.25 (might be wrong)

So either lower the multipliers of those last hits even more or just lower the damage values of those last 2 hits.

I think this is the best solution to making spam not useful until you have acm, which i think is when you are supposed to focus on longer combos.

-Pb seems a little bit harder to achieve, might just need time to adapt.

-Cyan and blue are still very strong, simply because of their speed, what i could think of to fix them is to lower the chained swing speed.

-Regarding open, red is pretty much useless without nudge and because flinch didnt get nerfed i think its a pretty big nerf for jedi.

Anyway thanks devs for the patch and i think this is definetly a step in the right direction.
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I quite like how this patch has affected gunner Jedi Balance, the combination of no nudge, reducing instaswings on gunners and the nerf to force powers puts gunner jedi balance back into a reasonable place. Cort SBD is strong now that a jedi will struggle to get a quick nudge swing combo even more so with the same swing combo restriction. I think Gunner Jedi would be in a perfect place with a slight buff to wookie to make them comparably as strong as cort sbd and thats about it. Jedi and Sith on this patch cannot rambo against a coordinated team, and must actually play the game as a team member.
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