Playing Jedi Academy in 2025

1.4 Open Beta General Feedback

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Open mode got a cool bug
Been on server with a friend, and it was empty no body could join it was 1vs1 and the game remained us in spec.


Movie Battles II Team Retired
What's the mechanics of flinch, if the jedi isn't swinging? Am I misreading it that there's something more? Saber melee moves during flinch?

Meh, read it again, makes less sense. Flinches are from when pressing attack. So how can you block/saber melee moves if you weren't attacking because you wouldnt be flinching? Wut?
During a usual stagger, you can't block blasterfire, you can't PB or semi-PB, you can't even use slap or saber-out melee moves. During a flinch (which is a short stagger), you can use slaps/saber-out melee moves, you can semi-PB, and if you are holding block you can block blasterfire and full-PB (all those will then interrupt the flinch, into a melee move if you did one, or into a blocking animation if you blocked something). Flinch is triggered when you are shot while attacking without swingblocking at very close range from a gunner; once it's triggered anything can happen, you can hold block/whatever (if you keep on holding attack alone you won't be able to block blasterfire though).
I haven't noticed too much buggy in this release. The lunarbase cutscene from what I saw, involved the Rebel ship flying through a wall.... (You done fucked that up XD in a good way). The flinch has really made gunner lives less bullshit, Jedi fags seem to complain they can't get their mandatory cheap kills now. However you made the wrist laser in effect almost useless, with a longer recharge time, it is a cheap two shots of pistol, but with the wrist laser's cost outweighing its benefits, and for it's cost I could of changed my build for better fuel, it isn't worth the cost, it finds it places in few other than novelty builds. I might suggest replacing wrist lasers with wrist rockets that work like a rocket with an alt fire grenade explosion.

The crouching has made a difference, it stopped me from dying on Deathstar a few times, it makes a difference. We can also roll into walls now which is good, since sometimes you get caught on something, and try to make a sharp turn but you aren't rolling. SBD's slap is balanced, no bitch slapping people to death, and now the blast armor does something. My only quip is fixing hero's dash, I don't know how to do it, but the hero's dash can no longer be a blink, a teleport, it isn't right when you add flinch on top of it, and when I get flinched by my own team mates bumping into me, it is annoying.

Wrist Blaster - Hud bug - does not show the first shot you fire. It remains at 2. 2nd shot u fire depletes to 1. Etc.
Said it in-game so I'll say it here: Shoot twice, wait for it to reload once, shoot, wrist blaster vanishes without explosion.

Crosshair Shenanigans - are annoying as shit. Strafing in either direction moves the crosshair on its own a good amount, strafing side to side - moves too much either way. I'd like to know what cmds/settings were changed so I can keep whatever the defaults are at in the current mb version. I like my mouse to be in control over my crosshair and mitigate movement of the cross by the keyboard.

DeathStar - near the control room, the ledge closest to falcon and big hangar shield - no substance, you can just hide and shoot in the texture.

Was Pistol 3 blaster shot visual changed? Looked slightly different to me.

Models - old men and middle-aged men. Where's the women? More sexy Twi'leks please.

Quick questions:

First, does the shot need to be a body shot or just close enough for a flinch to occur?
Second, que to the first part.
Now I understand when a jedi is swinging, not swingblocking, gets shot, flinches...but whats the part that I highlighted in orange mean exactly?

What's the mechanics of flinch, if the jedi isn't swinging? Am I misreading it that there's something more? Saber melee moves during flinch?

Meh, read it again, makes less sense. Flinches are from when pressing attack. So how can you block/saber melee moves if you weren't attacking because you wouldnt be flinching? Wut?

Team Spectator Bug:

It's enabled, kind of annoying, but I broke through one round, don't know how. I couldn't replicate. I was sbd, changed my build a little when I was dead, and could spec everybody for that round alone.

Also everything in this post, you also messed with Ruptor scope, and the SBD battery bug is real.
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The crosshair shit is really annoying. I can't aim unless I stand perfectly still. Perfectly still - Death.

Also, about the Sbd Battery Bug where it doesn't show up. I did get a single bar of blue to show up a couple of times. Never at full charge but when it's less than full sometimes a single bar of blue will appear. Haven't figured out when and why it shows up. A combination of being shot and then recharging, shot while recharging, or something completely else.
Theoretically, is it possible to play around with a jedi/sith as a gunner for as long as you want via flinch?

Let's propose you only shoot once when he's about to swing at you.

Then flinch just happens.

Let's repeat that let's say 20 times (for the sake of my argument let's say it's an 1v1 on an open server with both teams relying on those 2 players left).

That would be humiliating as hell. Not killing the jedi/sith , just simply playing around against him as a cruel predator plays with his food.

Now the glowstick user has a second option apart from using melee during flinch or spamming attack just to get staggered again if the gunner had pro aim.

A swingblock. But as soon as the swing starts the gunner would just spray on the saber / model and with a certain amount of FP lost, the jedi's swingblock would get interrupted and he'd have to start all over again.

What do you think people, from now on should jedi/sith always wait for a chance to push/pull/lighting the gunner? Or feint swing then melee? Ah. And there's the suggestion to use nudge. Although from the beta game play I didn't feel as it it helped at all.

I firmly believe if flinch will be kept in the full release as it is, then more people will just leave open mode for duel servers. Which would be neat, but I fear the open servers would be filled with sith only with lighting lvl 2 at least, and Jedi would go extinct in a STAR WARS game.

I'm trying not to be pessimistic , but should flinch be kept, I don't think I'll bother to play on open servers anymore.

Of course, there are duel servers for people who enjoy the 1v1 saber vs saber aspect of the game, but I fucking love 1.3.2's open mode and I wish to play both on duel and open servers in the next release.

Peace out
It's not that bad. And the odds of being toyed with using flinch like that are slim imo. Doesn't last that long and a suddent shift in direction is all you need.
Or you can just swingblock.

But, its hard to tell. With the crosshair out of whack I feel at 50% power. Only flinched a few times, number one killer remain draining the jedi or from knocking them down, shooting them from back/sides.


Movie Battles II Team Retired
Playing echobase more, I'd like to see the T Junction not so easily cover-able from both Rebel routes.

So instead of shape [1] (the current shape) we use shape [2]:

[1] Easy Crossfire for rebel tunnels.

[2] Restricted Crossfire for rebel tunnels.

excuse the text, I am on my work pc.
You'd still have a crossfire issue with that, the crossfire point would just be moved back a bit to the new corner.

I can remove the large crate on that side. That will give defenders much less room.

OpenJK/MBII Client.

No change, mouse sensitivity in menu is still crazy fast, dynamic crosshair is iffy as all hell, jumps around like crazy in close combat and is almost unusable.
Also, don't know what this update has done but using the same configs I backed up prior to updating to the beta the sensitivity is now incredibly fast both ingame and in the menu on regular MBII as well so I assume something that came with the beta client has messed that up. No idea what it could be though.

EDIT: The problem is fixed however when in first person, I'm guessing it has something to do with the third person movement of the model and where the gun is pointing messing up with the dynamic crosshair? Whatever changes were done to anything like that need to be reverted ASAP in my opinion.
What happens if you use this? Extract to GameData and overwrite:


Internal Beta Team
The whole point of Red stance is to do more damage for more vulnerability. Adding damage reduction is counter intuitive to that point of the design.

That isn't even getting into how much it unbalanced saber vs gunner play on its own. I don't know how many times I would have seen a Jedi/Sith die vs normal gunners if they werent instantly switching to red stance to reduce damage. All of the Jedi vs Gunner perks were a horrible idea. The word that describes why: Consistency. Gunners already have to deal with ranges of engagement, fp drains of what weapons they have equipped, not getting pushed over. Now they have to deal with a perk on top of that too? No thanks. They added several no-skill ways of dealing with a gunner for jedi and gunners had to deal more or less with a layer of RNG. It was not at all equal.

Red will have limited use in open (again) due to the long windup for each attack, during which it is very easy to shoot the Jedi/Sith. I just think perks were a good idea in theory, and it seems the direction people want to go is rendering Jedi useless in open vs gunners.


Level Designer
Movie Battles II Team
Red will have limited use in open (again) due to the long windup for each attack, during which it is very easy to shoot the Jedi/Sith. I just think perks were a good idea in theory, and it seems the direction people want to go is rendering Jedi useless in open vs gunners.

A stance is not supposed to be viable in all situations.

They're far from useless now.... in 1.2-1.3 they were OP as hell.
A stance is not supposed to be viable in all situations.

They're far from useless now.... in 1.2-1.3 they were OP as hell.

Eh, you could make the argument that Yellow is viable in all situations (as it should be IMO.)

I think a good solution to Red's slow wind-up speed would be adding the weapon-switch toggle half-swing back in. 'Would also love to see its Luke NPC long jump re-implemented as well. On a side-note, it seems ridiculous to me that Cyan received a +BP modifier buff after having its OP dueling perk replaced with Red's old dueling perk, while Red received 5 nerf-bats and got nothing but a noob-friendly combo system.


Level Designer
Movie Battles II Team
Eh, you could make the argument that Yellow is viable in all situations (as it should be IMO.)

It is a jack of all trades, master of none kinda stance. Which in some cases (like dealing with a sbd or wookiee) could be detrimental.
Or you can just swingblock.
no u can't.
when u use swingblock u are not running anymore, gunner will flow away and kill u.

i asked this earlier, will ask again. where is insta swing on projectile deflect? it's not in game currently. is it a bug? u forgot to include it? or it will be only this useless nudge vs gunner?
-Trouble with crosshair
-dying way quicker as gunner in 1.4(was there a damage buff or is it the crosshair just making me terrible)
-Lightning COMPLETELY DECIMATING GUNNERS I was playing as a hero with ammo 3 and armor 3 and i was cornered and killed by it
-Swingblock detection seems a bit off sometimes the game decides that you didnt swingblock at all
-Flinch activated too early(some situations there isnt enough time to even start a swingblock before you're flinched)
-whenever i strafe not only my crosshair moves but my camera does too and its making me motion sick

These are some of my problems but to be honest i'm loving the beta and the only thing pushing me away from playing it all week is the crosshair the new dueling system is great and nudges are super useful once you get the hang of them you now have more control over the flow of a battle and the duels are much more movie realistic jedi/sith are now forced to be the support roles they were meant to be(they are scared for their lives when they see gunners lol) and will now help fellow gunners by using force powers because its the easiest way to beat enemy gunners all-in-all the balance in this build is great and every style is almost even(some styles will continue to be more effective then others but nothing extreme at this level)
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It's the crosshair.

Find a map with a corridor. Center your aim. Move left, then right without firing going in out of cover. Now start firing. Now imagine what you see there, or have another player run down the corridor, and you'll see how off it makes your aim.
The crosshair and camera trick your eye and you miscalculate when you shift directions while running. That's just one of the ways it messes with your aim.

In the beta it's best to disable the dynamic crosshair. The only problem is that all you're fire will now be below the crosshair so you need to shift it higher. problem is - we're all so used to it its hard to maintain the concentration to constantly keep it higher:)
In the beta it's best to disable the dynamic crosshair. The only problem is that all you're fire will now be below the crosshair so you need to shift it higher. problem is - we're all so used to it its hard to maintain the concentration to constantly keep it higher:)
yeah i've noticed that too but all my shots are nowhere near the crosshair which really irritates me either way disabling dynamic crosshair will have to be the temporary fix for the week
There's another solution. It requires scissors so be careful. This is not for kids!

Cut out a tiny crosshair out of scotch tape and put it in the center of your monitor.
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