1.4 Open Beta General Feedback

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While I like it, there just isn't enough cover.
You are absolutely correct and i wouldn't mind if there was a corridor or something similar leading to main but right now i get shot before i even enter main
Confirmation of the SBD battery bug
NOTE: my battery is full but it is not showing at all
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Thing is the beta client has brought something into the game that has messed with camera damp and I'm not about to change my settings that I've gotten used to over the last year or so in order to account for a developer error, this should be fixed for the full release. Anyway I backed up my previous configs and re-applied them to the beta and it's still fucked.

Also the menu sensitivity is screwed in the regular MBII client after installing the open beta so it's gotta be something coming along with the beta, it also messes with M_YAW & M_PITCH as both options are not equivalent to the same values as regular MBII, 0.006 in yaw & pitch is equal to regular build 0.022 yaw & pitch.

EDIT: Reinstalled MBII, menu sensitivity is back down to normal levels.

EDIT 2: So I've been playing gunner vs saberist and... who decided that gunners should stagger saberists at close range? this has made almost all gunners op as shit, you evade a few hits at close range without running so you don't get pushed and you basically guaranteed win, sith & jedi had an advantage at close range before sure but christ, this is way too powerful a counter. jedi & sith are just going to be support classes at this rate.
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Internal Beta Team
I second what is being said about Cameratargetdamp. Something is wonky here. I noticed it first when playing in the beta but thought it was just the map's fault for messing with dynamic crosshair. After playing gunner on open I notice weird targetdamp clearly. Even with 1,1 values it moves bizzarely, model lagging behind crosshair/screen.

What is needed is to simply freeze the model and screen so u don't get seasick while playing an your crosshair is flying all over. I make it sound worse than it is, but it is in fact a crucial issue to fix.
I second what is being said about Cameratargetdamp. Something is wonky here. I noticed it first when playing in the beta but thought it was just the map's fault for messing with dynamic crosshair. After playing gunner on open I notice weird targetdamp clearly. Even with 1,1 values it moves bizzarely, model lagging behind crosshair/screen.

What is needed is to simply freeze the model and screen so u don't get seasick while playing an your crosshair is flying all over. I make it sound worse than it is, but it is in fact a crucial issue to fix.

All that needs to be done really is revert whatever was changed camera and sensitivity wise in the current version, I assume the devs are cautious enough that they have backups of previous versions & logs of what they changed between each iteration, I'd be seriously surprised if they don't.
- cg_thirdpersoncameradamp and cg_thirdpersontargetdamp no longer have an effect rendering the game unplayable
- sound quality is very bad for some reason
- ruptor scope change was completely unnecessary


- cg_thirdpersoncameradamp and cg_thirdpersontargetdamp no longer have an effect rendering the game unplayable
- sound quality is very bad for some reason
- ruptor scope change was completely unnecessary
^ why mess with ruptor?
I feel like with having nudge also work on gunners, there isn't much room for play for them if a jedi is using deflect 3. I could be wrong, but couldn't someone just deflect their way up to a gunner, nudge, and insta swing them?


Movie Battles II Team
Playing echobase more, I'd like to see the T Junction not so easily cover-able from both Rebel routes.

So instead of shape [1] (the current shape) we use shape [2]:

[1] Easy Crossfire for rebel tunnels.

[2] Restricted Crossfire for rebel tunnels.

excuse the text, I am on my work pc.


Internal Beta Team
I think the removal of saber perks in open should have been more thought over. As it stands now, you'll only use red to kill bad wooks/SBDs as - without the damage reduction component - it simply won't be worth using it in any other encounter. Meh.


I think the removal of saber perks in open should have been more thought over. As it stands now, you'll only use red to kill bad wooks/SBDs as - without the damage reduction component - it simply won't be worth using it in any other encounter. Meh.
I slightly agree, but honestly reds open perk was the only one that wasnt completely broken imo. So it would sorta feel unfair if only red got its perk back


Internal Beta Team
I like the ideas of saber styles having perks as it encouraged people to use X saber style for Y situation (e.g. purple and deflect 3 worked perfectly together, red allowed you to lead the charge and take more hits while having slower swings - which decent gunners could avoid).

I agree that some perks may have been a bit too ott, but this doesn't necessitate a complete removal of all perks. Feels monotonous to me now without the different flavours spicing up Jedi vs Gunner.


Level Designer
Movie Battles II Team
I think the removal of saber perks in open should have been more thought over. As it stands now, you'll only use red to kill bad wooks/SBDs as - without the damage reduction component - it simply won't be worth using it in any other encounter. Meh.

The whole point of Red stance is to do more damage for more vulnerability. Adding damage reduction is counter intuitive to that point of the design.

That isn't even getting into how much it unbalanced saber vs gunner play on its own. I don't know how many times I would have seen a Jedi/Sith die vs normal gunners if they werent instantly switching to red stance to reduce damage. All of the Jedi vs Gunner perks were a horrible idea. The word that describes why: Consistency. Gunners already have to deal with ranges of engagement, fp drains of what weapons they have equipped, not getting pushed over. Now they have to deal with a perk on top of that too? No thanks. They added several no-skill ways of dealing with a gunner for jedi and gunners had to deal more or less with a layer of RNG. It was not at all equal.
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Movie Battles II Team
At first i thought the wrist laser ammo nerf meant that it doesn't blow up anymore, but it is instant shot now. Imo with such huge ammo nerf, it shouldn't blow up either.

Some1 claimed that lighting does more dmg to hp now than before, I wonder if that is not intended since it isnt in the channel log? I gotta try it out later when I got time.

ps. Oh man I am so hyped for this flinch, it is gonna be so awesome learning smth new in mb2, try to hone the psychological warfare to the max!
ps. Oh man I am so hyped for this flinch, it is gonna be so awesome learning smth new in mb2, try to hone the psychological warfare to the max!
It made me happy, some people might consider that accomplishment. I really like the flinch system.
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Wrist Blaster - Hud bug - does not show the first shot you fire. It remains at 2. 2nd shot u fire depletes to 1. Etc.
Said it in-game so I'll say it here: Shoot twice, wait for it to reload once, shoot, wrist blaster vanishes without explosion.

Crosshair Shenanigans - are annoying as shit. Strafing in either direction moves the crosshair on its own a good amount, strafing side to side - moves too much either way. I'd like to know what cmds/settings were changed so I can keep whatever the defaults are at in the current mb version. I like my mouse to be in control over my crosshair and mitigate movement of the cross by the keyboard.

DeathStar - near the control room, the ledge closest to falcon and big hangar shield - no substance, you can just hide and shoot in the texture.

Was Pistol 3 blaster shot visual changed? Looked slightly different to me.

Models - old men and middle-aged men. Where's the women? More sexy Twi'leks please.
  • New: Flinch: Flinches are short directional staggers during which it is possible to use saber melee moves or block blaster fire if not pressing attack. Flinches now occur when a player who is not swing blocking gets shot by an opponent at very close range.

Quick questions:

First, does the shot need to be a body shot or just close enough for a flinch to occur?
Second, que to the first part.
Now I understand when a jedi is swinging, not swingblocking, gets shot, flinches...but whats the part that I highlighted in orange mean exactly?

What's the mechanics of flinch, if the jedi isn't swinging? Am I misreading it that there's something more? Saber melee moves during flinch?

Meh, read it again, makes less sense. Flinches are from when pressing attack. So how can you block/saber melee moves if you weren't attacking because you wouldnt be flinching? Wut?

Team Spectator Bug:

It's enabled, kind of annoying, but I broke through one round, don't know how. I couldn't replicate. I was sbd, changed my build a little when I was dead, and could spec everybody for that round alone.
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