Your 5 changes to sabering

If you could make 5 changes to sabering what would they be and why?

Here are mine:

1. Bring styles closer together in speed. Make red a bit faster. Purple is probably fine because of yaw. Yellow is fine. Cyan is probably borderline okay too. Blue a bit slower.

2. Make running less OP
. Flat high BP drain on swings whilst running so that people don't play like a pussy/pbing is actually used instead of dodging. Atm you might as well dodge because the chance of you dodging = higher than you pbing, resulting in duels which don't fit up to the name 'Moviebattles'. One person runs in does a combo and runs out, then the other person does it, its like Runescape combat.

3. Bring back semi pb
. Would make parry spamming less effective etc.

4. Make swingblock less difficult.
This would nullify the power slap -> 4 hit -> repeat has. At the minute its very easy to get mblocked/slapped because your opponent can mblock/slap before your swingblock registers/you can input it quick enough. Make a safe zone just before/after a swing of maybe 0.5 seconds so that swingblocking is more manageable.

5. Make yellow the baseline style. This is a big one, but basically balance everything out to fit with yellow and they should fit with eachother decently too:
Blue halfswinging is broken because of the interrupts it causes, damage is too high and the perk is pretty strong too.
Cyan is very easily spammable, random perfect parries are irritating, hard to pb and mb because of its speed so damage should be lower.
Purple's perk is OP, especially with how valuable ACM, removing/nerfing its perk would make it balance well.
Staff animations are hard to see, very effective at meaningless spam because of its speed. Speed + power + unclear animations = too strong.
Yellow v yellow combat is and has been the most fun for a long time so yellow is fine.
Dualies are fine imo, at least against yellow they balance well.
Red balances nicely with yellow, a slight speed increase would make it perfect.

I know this is another thread talking about sabering but I kind of want to see if I share the same ideas as other people in the community/whether theres a majority who want something or whether we're split.
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{Δ} Achilles

i give up arguing with you, you're so convinced that you're one of the best duelists the world has ever seen that you deny things based on the premise that other people aren't at your level and therefore can't have possibly witnessed the extremely top tier duels that you so frequently get into

I know what I've seen, if you haven't seen it, then I'm sorry. I have found a certain point, just before the highest tier of duelists, where the 4 hit swingblock meta thrives. Also, it is incredibly difficult to slap some of these people. Some of them yaw in ways that screw over your slap timing, some of them crouch their startups, which doesn't really cause enough negative effect to deter them from doing it.

i'm not sitting here saying i'm top EU or anything but dueling people like Shilling, SK5, Kael who definitely are top players this is the kind of meta that occurs in both duels I have with them and duels they have with eachother

And I have played all of them, Kael even taught me, as did some of the greater EU players like Sekundus/Exodus.

I mean ok footwork comes into it, and because of the halfswing/Acm war its a lot about good timing and well placed hits/well timed slaps but yawing? It's not like its really hard to be good at yaw, and people rarely lose duels because the other person has better yaw than them

Kael taught me a very interesting use for yawing that not many people know or use. I can appreciate its use due to my old Chivalry days. Yawing can very much so win duels by mastering it more so than the opponent.

Slap will work, just slap them after their first hit like I just said and don't waste your slap

Ah yes, gee, I wonder why I didn't think of that.

if you're so high up in dueling ability why can't you slap 4 hit spammers

I can. I just can't hit 4 hit spammers that know what they're doing and avoid slaps with swingblock/crouch. Against those people I have to yaw and shadow swing extremely well to avoid the trade fests.

also: don't you play cyan?

Yes, I mained Cyan since 1.3. However I also learned every style in the game since then, and I currently use yellow more than anything. Most trashy players complain about cyan, so I get tired of hearing complaints.

edit: I've just noticed above you said people crouch 4 hits to stop getting slapped, yh thats annoying tbf but the lower damage makes it less of a problem than people make out imo, i do agree that its annoying playstyle which takes a lot less skill than remaining standing however

I don't even think the lower damage affects people who only crouch during the startup. Regardless, they win the ACM/damage trade from counter-swinging.

Do you even understand or have the slightest idea of what a cancerous meta this would create? Please..

I know what it would prevent. I personally don't swingblock my combos unless my opponent does the same. Neither does Kael, actually. We use mind games to bait out slaps, and then use unswingblocked yawed combos to punish them. People that think swingblock preventing continued combos would cause some nightmare scape that it all turns to spam simply have relied on swingblock for so long they can't imagine not doing it constantly.
Looks like i have to explain then. If you couldn't swingblock combos I understand how the duel would play out and it makes sense if you ignore the rest of the mechanics however if you duel good players you would experience that swingblocking isn't only to prevent being slapped. Try dueling anyone who is half decent and bait their slap then flail with cyan like Kael taught you and you will be mblocked instantly.. then you will be mugged, munted, raped and pillaged.

{Δ} Achilles

Looks like i have to explain then. If you couldn't swingblock combos I understand how the duel would play out and it makes sense if you ignore the rest of the mechanics however if you duel good players you would experience that swingblocking isn't only to prevent being slapped. Try dueling anyone who is half decent and bait their slap then flail with cyan like Kael taught you and you will be mblocked instantly.. then you will be mugged, munted, raped and pillaged.

1) There are ways to avoid being mblocked without swingblocking.

2) Mblock counter is stupid, and if it didn't exist most mblocks would not be lethal regardless.

3) I have fought far better players than you, Shilling. Without cyan, even.
1) Is this by dueling players who don't know how to mblock? Maybe it could be by spamming cyan so quickly that no one can react quick enough to mblock. However I'd like you to prove this in game, against me.

2) Why do you think it's stupid you flail with cyan so it shouldn't happen to you that much anyway?

3) I demand that you deliver these imaginary players to my server so i can stomp on them. I could mug you here big time, but i don't like talking to shit tiers.

{Δ} Achilles

1) Is this by dueling players who don't know how to mblock? Maybe it could be by spamming cyan so quickly that no one can react quick enough to mblock. However I'd like you to prove this in game, against me.

2) Why do you think it's stupid you flail with cyan so it shouldn't happen to you that much anyway?

3) I demand that you deliver these imaginary players to my server so i can stomp on them. I could mug you here big time, but i don't like talking to shit tiers.

Okay, come to a US server and I'll gladly fight you yellow v yellow. I can't really fight on EU like Kael can, since I'm in central US and get over 200 ping regularly on EU.
Current (I think? correct me if i am wrong)

Meme Battles 2 Limited Edition
1) Is this by dueling players who don't know how to mblock? Maybe it could be by spamming cyan so quickly that no one can react quick enough to mblock. However I'd like you to prove this in game, against me.

2) Why do you think it's stupid you flail with cyan so it shouldn't happen to you that much anyway?

3) I demand that you deliver these imaginary players to my server so i can stomp on them. I could mug you here big time, but i don't like talking to shit tiers.
Also imagine the hitting and running if you couldn't swingblock combos, it'd literally turn into base jka combat lol

{Δ} Achilles

Also imagine the hitting and running if you couldn't swingblock combos, it'd literally turn into base jka combat lol

But that isn't how I or Kael fight. I don't know why you think swingblocking full combos should be a necessity. Like your reasoning is nonsensical, that isn't the case, although I do personally want shadow swinging to be nerfed a bit in terms of chase mechanic/jumping height reduction.
But that isn't how I or Kael fight
Honestly, provide some demos, please. If you wish to be taken seriously, ofc.

It's too difficult to adequately perceive your ideas. Because:
a) Your ideas seem a little bit off. Possibly indicating lack of experience?
See, most of us EU-bots have no clue about NA-bots because of ping issues (with exception of Kael, maybe). Competitive dueling between NA and EU is not really possible -> means large portion of dueling community have no way to judge your skill level.
Demos can help get rid of some misunderstandings.

b) You don't seem to have any prior game design knowledge.
Also, your manifesto is a mess.

Listen, it all comes down to responsibility.
Let's say, for example, your vision will turn out to be not so good, leading to devastating playerbase drop and inevitable death of mb2? What will you do?

Saying "Nah, it won't happen" is not an answer. Answering such questions is an actual job, which takes time and effort.

Feel free to educate yourself.

* Impact analysis. At least try to understand how it works.
* Learn how to write design documentation
* Start with UML. Martin Fowler is cool.
* You don't need overcomplicated tools. yEd graph editor, Trello, Google docs are just fine.
Honestly, provide some demos, please. If you wish to be taken seriously, ofc.

It's too difficult to adequately perceive your ideas. Because:
a) Your ideas seem a little bit off. Possibly indicating lack of experience?
See, most of us EU-bots have no clue about NA-bots because of ping issues (with exception of Kael, maybe). Competitive dueling between NA and EU is not really possible -> means large portion of dueling community have no way to judge your skill level.
Demos can help get rid of some misunderstandings.

b) You don't seem to have any prior game design knowledge.
Also, your manifesto is a mess.

Listen, it all comes down to responsibility.
Let's say, for example, your vision will turn out to be not so good, leading to devastating playerbase drop and inevitable death of mb2? What will you do?

Saying "Nah, it won't happen" is not an answer. Answering such questions is an actual job, which takes time and effort.

Feel free to educate yourself.

* Impact analysis. At least try to understand how it works.
* Learn how to write design documentation
* Start with UML. Martin Fowler is cool.
* You don't need overcomplicated tools. yEd graph editor, Trello, Google docs are just fine.

If my word is good enough evidence i can tell you, from the only time we've dueled ever (so it's unfair to judge his skill but he judged mine so it's OK), It was on an NA server so i had 180 ping and cyan was banned because it was a tourny so, of course, he resorted to staff and I'm sure he used his mighty footwork skills from his mastery of cyan (thanks to kael and his wise teachings) to spam staff 4 hits like no one's ever seen before. It was truly a sickening sight. But nonetheless, I've fought (and beaten) FAR better players than you, Achilles. Without cyan/blue/staff/duals and of course Kaels mighty teachings.

{Δ} Achilles

If my word is good enough evidence i can tell you, from the only time we've dueled ever (so it's unfair to judge his skill but he judged mine so it's OK), It was on an NA server so i had 180 ping and cyan was banned because it was a tourny so, of course, he resorted to staff and I'm sure he used his mighty footwork skills from his mastery of cyan (thanks to kael and his wise teachings) to spam staff 4 hits like no one's ever seen before. It was truly a sickening sight. But nonetheless, I've fought (and beaten) FAR better players than you, Achilles. Without cyan/blue/staff/duals and of course Kaels mighty teachings.

Yup, I used staff because I knew that no one in EU knew how to beat it. Same reason I would use Cyan. They'd rather complain about things than learn how to beat them. Though, I didn't use Staff to be fair, I used it to eliminate you.

Though I will state that since the tourney, I've actually improved my yellow considerably to bring it up to Takuta's level for personal fun duels.