Why did you guys remove another clan's group of servers off the master list?

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Nah hes just a beta tester with an ego. if youre cool and dont act like an egotistical asshole in game you arent targeted by trolls and the white knights dont really care
Well, how come with his kind of attitude, has he not been banned yet?

I'm pretty certain almost all forums frown upon behavior like this.
This game is 14 years old and on the brink of dying. The devs or whomever did this need to just pull the server owners aside and address the situation. This thread is pointless and just needs to be closed honestly; all it is causing are people who hate tR and people who support tR/like playing on tR to fight with no conclusion.
Whatever your opinion of tR, or its members, how the devs have gone about this is dead wrong.
That is exactly our standpoint. Mandos and tR dont particularly get along, but this is still the wrong path to take.
It doesnt matter what clan it is, a group being persecuted because of a couple people doing something stupid is stupid, and cowardly, and if it was pertaining to IRL concepts like housing, or employment, you guys would be imprisoned for doing this.

Mandos was on the receiving end of this sort of thing(mass-removal due to 1 or 2 peoples actions) throughout Lugormod history and ALL it accomplished was various communities dying off and weakening the community as a whole, and most of us know how that ended. now certain members of the mb2 team want to repeat those same types of mistakes. That is the reason im speaking out against whichever admin decided to do this, and i reiterate: they wont even show themself and explain their reason, so what does that say about their reasoning?
That is exactly our standpoint. Mandos and tR dont particularly get along, but this is still the wrong path to take.
It doesnt matter what clan it is, a group being persecuted because of a couple people doing something stupid is stupid, and cowardly, and if it was pertaining to IRL concepts like housing, or employment, you guys would be imprisoned for doing this.

Mandos was on the receiving end of this sort of thing(mass-removal due to 1 or 2 peoples actions) throughout Lugormod history and ALL it accomplished was various communities dying off and weakening the community as a whole, and most of us know how that ended. now certain members of the mb2 team want to repeat those same types of mistakes. That is the reason im speaking out against whichever admin decided to do this, and i reiterate: they wont even show themself and explain their reason, so what does that say about their reasoning?
I admire the integrity.
To be honest, there are way too many light weights in this community. You seriously consider what people like tR do trolling? I've seen a lot worse trolling in Lugormod. Regardless, it's a video game, seriously, why react so childishly to words? Are you really that insecure?

On top of that, why do the administrators and the dev team cater to these hurt feelings? Seriously, that's the kind of stuff that will be the death of this game, because eventually, people are going to become so restricted in what they do that the game isn't even going to be fun anymore. Why? Because you're going to dwindle down to there being no trollish, competitive communication even allowed, and at that point is when the game will lose a lot of its appeal.

That's just kind of a personal rant about my general opinion of the whole of the community.

As far as this whole situation, I don't care how cancerous people think tR is, or whether it's true, it's still a very dumb, irrational, childish, cowardly move. Removing a popular clan's servers from the master list because of some reason that you apparently can't share? That sounds like nothing more than a cover up. Like Kyton said earlier, you ought to have the balls to give a reason if you're going to have the balls to make a move like this.

I really don't understand why people think that it's such a good thing tR got removed. Seriously, tR was very popular, I would pop on every now and then and see it constantly have a good number of people. If what the clan did is so grave of an act, why is it being hidden? Why does it seem to be shamefully hidden? Why are the devs silent when asked the question? Are you really so blind as to not see the kind of response these actions you've taken would have?

I am no friend of tR, nor am I really an enemy. I'm apathetic when it comes to what they do, but when I hear of any clan getting removed from the master list, ESPECIALLY when it is a popular clan, and there is no apparent reason for the action to have been taken, then honestly, that pisses me off. I do not agree at all with this decision. I'm sure this is an irrational, childish decision that was made in the midst of an emotional snowball, especially considering the fact that most of the objections against tR coming from devs and/or administrators in some way makes reference to tR being a bunch of trolls that apparently "promotes flaming." So what? Are we really so soft skinned that we can't even handle trash talk in a 14 year old video game? Seriously? Come on. We were raised better than this.

To those of tR, I'm sorry this has happened to you. As I said, I'm no friend of yours nor an enemy. However, I reiterate Kyton's invitation to you for a home-away-from-home in-game while this garbage is going on.


Master of Whispers
I was also reading a bit into your guys' forums, and I ended up running into a post that may be relevant.

Since When Were Victims Banned?
I find it unwise to throw yourself into this drama. Just wait for a resolution, and also welcome to the MB2 forums.

Also to the arguments going on here, given there's no evidence posted thus far, all of these assumptions and accusations are pretty meaningless. Not taking sides here, but all this arguing is getting nowhere, just wait for an answer.
Is this to distract us from the fact that the new patch isnt ever coming out?

On a more serious note, I find it pretty fucked up that a dev team thats acknowledging that they are losing devs, as well as players, would go to the lengths of removing any server, regardless how polluting it is.

And like Chicknman said, no one told people to play there. They went there because it was an escape. Thanks, dumbasses. Another good decision from the brilliant movie battles 2 development team!!!
long time lurker. i just wrote a wall of text but it got fucked up so i'll keep it short and to the point.

this actually compelled me to register after years when i couldnt' find the server and joined some other one and people were talking about it.

no matter what devs should not have power to pick and choose what server is on the list. its a sick and clear overreach/power grab. the community can stand on its own without interference and despite what some of you are saying people chose and enjoyed playing on the tr server. there is shady stuff going on from the devs and its really sad they are acting like totalitarian dicks and if this stands it really hurts the mod and i will legitimately question whether to keep playing or not because i can't stand being on aod...
I find it unwise to throw yourself into this drama. Just wait for a resolution, and also welcome to the MB2 forums.

Also to the arguments going on here, given there's no evidence posted thus far, all of these assumptions and accusations are pretty meaningless. Not taking sides here, but all this arguing is getting nowhere, just wait for an answer.
I find great enjoyment in Schadenfreude.
You're either one of tR's surrogates, or have no idea who the people in tR actually are, to have made such an ignorant statement. You have no idea the history that the Uppercuts have with MB2, and how long this has been in the making.

Bitch, who the fuck do you think you are? The uppercuts aren't at the heart of tR, and if you think they are, you're quite obviously the ignorant one. At best, one real uppercut remains in this pathetic excuse for a community, certainly not enough to justify removing AN ENTIRE GROUP OF SERVERS.

Take the fucking stick out of your ass, whoever you are. Get rid of your god complex, set your ego aside, and grow the fuck up. The oogie boogie spooky uppercuts must have really done a number on your fragile emotions if mere WHISPERS of their names sends you into such a panic that you launch the nuke removing 3 popular servers from the community.

I've been back for what, a week? Two weeks? I haven't seen ANY admin abuse on tR servers, I haven't seen anything other than mild trolling and the occasional TKing of tR members between themselves.

Guess what, bitch? I'm one of the actual uppercuts. I'm telling you, you're a fucking retard. Grow up, let your balls drop, show some evidence, or stop fucking with people's money.

The literal worst thing you can do for this dead shithole of a game is to remove one of the only active servers aside from AoD. CB? That clan server is an actual joke. Get your feelings hurt because you agreed to a scrim, didn't take it even remotely seriously, and then backed out last minute because your members got sick and tired of your pathetic ego and lack of intellect.

And please, "Achilles," let me know when you have anything other than war-torn memories of the horrendous uppercuts and your own personal grudge against the people who made you sob yourself to sleep years ago.

This game was shit years ago, and judging from this festering shithole of drama, it's only been getting worse in my absence. Enjoy your dead community, my dude.
Want to help tR get unbanned? The above post is an example of what not to do.

Yes paradines mind control powers caused and ordered an ancient vet to chew out a man who wrote 5 pages of toxic flames. Look either present your real evidence, your fake evidence, your meme justification or apologize and put the servers back up. Either way this has already drug the name of mb2 through the mud.


Level Designer
Movie Battles II Team
Did a tR member post it? No. Point invalidated.

Did I say he was? No? Point invalidated.

I said it was an example of what not to do. Your level of reading comprehension is really telling about your supposed law profession.
Did I say he was? No? Point invalidated.

I said it was an example of what not to do. Your level of reading comprehension is really telling about your supposed law profession.

Okay, Mace, I'm sorry, but you clearly have no concept of logic. First of all, Radiance's whole focus was to convey how bad of a decision this was and criticizing the drama that happens in MB2 right now. Your comment: "Want to help get tR unbanned? The above post is an example of what not to do," doesn't even follow at all. Radiance accurately described how wrong this situation was, and commented that the MB2 community is absolutely rooted in drama. Also, he is coming to tR's "defense" from a point of view on what is useful and beneficial to the community as a whole, pointing out the flaw of getting rid of one of the most popular servers in such a dead community, and not even caring about it being tR. You're literally shooting yourselves in the foot by getting rid of tR's servers, and you, dev team, will be the ones that drive this mod down into its grave if you keep making such childish, arrogant, irrational decisions such as this.

Mace, you then continued to demonstrate your clear lacking of the art of logic when you simply tried too hard to give a clever response to Deadlined: "Did I say he was? No? Point invalidated." Awww, you tried using the cute trick of turning someone's words back on him! The only problem is that you absolutely failed in applying. By inductive reasoning, the very fact that you responded the way you did to Radiance's post would imply that you took him as a tR member or a sympathizer. If there is one thing I can't stand, it's when people act like they're smart when they don't know what the hell they're talking about. Seriously, think before you just say something, and maybe, just maybe, someone will take it seriously.
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