What do/don't you like about MB2?

I think making a post which people can just tell their honest opinion what they do/don't like about mb2 can be great for feedback!

I'm curious what the community thinks of things like sabering, gunner system, snipers, droidekas, and the new beta.

I know they're posts for feedback and discussion, but I want this one to be a place where you can express EVERYTHING you don't or do agree on.
I'll start:
I think mandalorians need a serious fix. They are not necessarily overpowered, but they have way too much power in their arsenal that get too many easy kills. I think the breaking point of mandos is the fact that they can kill any gunner by just rocketing and shooting a few times.

It's frustrating when you face a mando, and before he dies he just rockets you in half a second and the duel is over.

I also think that MT is extremely situational in a bad way. If you're a gunner facing an MT Jedi, they are extremely easy if you have a sith with you, but on a 1v1 scenario, MT jerks can be extremely overpowered.

MT combined with push is almost unstoppable because once an MT Jedi uses it, you can either run and get pushed over, or you can walk and get hit from any side within half a second.

The best way to fix MT IN MY opinion, is to not allow any force powers to be used while mt is in effect.
I really don't like how the game has gone through 20 different sabering changes in the past few years instead of making any real strides. I get excited whenever I see the new "big update," just to find out that it's an ephemeral tweaking update where no significant new content has been added and sabering or shooting is just a little different.

I'd like to see more options added for gunners to actually change the gameplay, and less focus on making the sabering code an even bigger pile of spaghetti. Adding additional functionalities to the E-11 in the form of weapon attachments, like how the ARC Westar gun works, would be very significant. Just 2-3 new options for how to use the E-11 would shake up the gameplay drastically more than more than jedi updates and keep interest for longer, since almost every gunner uses the E-11.
I really don't like how the game has gone through 20 different sabering changes in the past few years instead of making any real strides. I get excited whenever I see the new "big update," just to find out that it's an ephemeral tweaking update where no significant new content has been added and sabering or shooting is just a little different
I agree completely. I purposefully avoid sabering because why get good at something that will change in a few weeks or months?
I think that you can still get good at saber info even when it changes but the problem is that I don't play a game or MB2 to spend hours upon hours trying to learn how to saber. With the amount of work it would take to get good and even learn sabering, you probably could learn how to repair an air conditioner instead.
I really don't like how the game has gone through 20 different sabering changes in the past few years instead of making any real strides. I get excited whenever I see the new "big update," just to find out that it's an ephemeral tweaking update where no significant new content has been added and sabering or shooting is just a little different.

I'd like to see more options added for gunners to actually change the gameplay, and less focus on making the sabering code an even bigger pile of spaghetti. Adding additional functionalities to the E-11 in the form of weapon attachments, like how the ARC Westar gun works, would be very significant. Just 2-3 new options for how to use the E-11 would shake up the gameplay drastically more than more than jedi updates and keep interest for longer, since almost every gunner uses the E-11.
I would also like to point out that adding more stuff doesn't make a game more interesting. If you take Counterstrike for example, it's a game with very few guns, and very few maps. What makes this game the most successful competitive multiplayer game of all time, is the simplicity. There isn't 65 different weapons, and hundreds of attachments to put onto the guns, it's just a few weapons, few maps, and All strategy. I personally think keeping mb2 very minimal in its classes and weapons is what will keep it alive. If you start adding all these attachments and things for guns, it just turns into call of duty, because then there's no skill in countering classes, just whoever has the biggest attachment wins.
do like:
open mode
funny skill- and tactic-based gameplay

don't like:
current saber combat state
high ping impact


Internal Beta Team
I don't like how gunning has essentially stayed the same while saberist has become easier over the years. Used to be only very skilled players could use saberist effectively, now it's just as good for moderate skill levels. This has caused gunners to be scarce in games because of the high skill floor needed to be relevant versus the glowstick rave. I liked the other way around, felt more authentic, and teams had variety instead of just sabers 'n' snipers.
do like:
class based, skill defined gameplay
star wars aesthetics
good map variety with unique ideas and fairly balanced designs

don't like:
SBD being basically invincible unless i sacrifice 10pts for EMP
all snipers and sniping mechanics
grip is too weak/situational
lightning is far too strong/op
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KotOR Mapper & Cultist
Movie Battles II Team
Do like:

Don't like :

the time it takes for a soldier to get up after being force pushed
grip is hard to focus as a forcewhore on open mode
No switch inside lunarbase box
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I don't like how gunning has essentially stayed the same while saberist has become easier over the years. Used to be only very skilled players could use saberist effectively, now it's just as good for moderate skill levels. This has caused gunners to be scarce in games because of the high skill floor needed to be relevant versus the glowstick rave. I liked the other way around, felt more authentic, and teams had variety instead of just sabers 'n' snipers.
I think I'm the complete opposite. Why change gunners? There's absolutely nothing wrong to change.

Also, I think sabers NEED to be easier. Sabering should not be limited to the people who can play 8 hours a day and master it, that's just unfair and no fun. 90% of Star Wars combat is sabers, and if you want that to be hard because you think people need to be better, that I'll be the death of this game.

I also don't know what you mean that gunners have been scarce, I mean sure, there's twice as more Jedi and Sith than gunners, but they're not SCARCE.

Also, one last point, from the past 3 weeks of playing, every SINGLE TIME I look at the scoreboard, gunners have always been at the top. So gunners are not having a hard time.


Also, I think sabers NEED to be easier.


Developers are working on interactive tutorials to make getting familiar with mechanics easier instead.
I overheard one of the Developers mention making PBing easier not sure if that's for certain. There is also a lot of changes to sabering in the works to improve the balance and make games faster.


pew pew
Movie Battles II Team
90% of Star Wars combat is sabers
I also don't know what you mean that gunners have been scarce, I mean sure, there's twice as more Jedi and Sith than gunners


edit: explanation. Jedi and Sith are an extremely tiny minority in the Star Wars universe. They're the focal characters of the stories, but in the context of actual battles (which this game is about), you might see two or three Jedi/Sith in a battle at most, aside from the Battle of Geonosis. 90% of Star Wars combat is those guys in the background shooting at each other. Battle droids and clone troopers. Rebels and stormtroopers. Super Battle Droids. Droidekas. ARCs.

And it's insane to think gunners aren't under-represented in MB2 if, as you said, 2/3 of players are saberists and 1/3 are gunners. Given the standard set by the movies, gunners ought to be the clear majority of each team, although out of respect for saberist players I'd settle for it being 50/50. :p
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I would also like to point out that adding more stuff doesn't make a game more interesting. If you take Counterstrike for example, it's a game with very few guns, and very few maps. What makes this game the most successful competitive multiplayer game of all time, is the simplicity. There isn't 65 different weapons, and hundreds of attachments to put onto the guns, it's just a few weapons, few maps, and All strategy. I personally think keeping mb2 very minimal in its classes and weapons is what will keep it alive. If you start adding all these attachments and things for guns, it just turns into call of duty, because then there's no skill in countering classes, just whoever has the biggest attachment wins.

I probably should have said "weapon modifications" instead of attachments, because that's what I meant in my head. A weapon attachment just adds something to the existing gun, whereas a weapon mod makes the gun into something very different.

For example, there might be a "rapid fire E-11" mod that removes the default secondary fire and replaces it with an SMG-like quick burst of fire that cannot be aimed while walking/crouching, has a wide spread, slightly lower damage and FP drains, and drains ammo quickly. You'd completely change how the gun plays doing this, making it excel as a close-range weapon at the expense of its mid-range abilities. You could cap it for soldiers and commanders to make it a risky investment, while denying it to BHs and Heroes. Something like this would certainly make playing soldiers and commanders more appealing to play, while also adding interesting new elements to the game.


Slayed dreamer


pew pew
Movie Battles II Team
But what if we count screentime that saberists and gunners got in the movies? :rolleyes:
That only explains why newbies gravitate towards saber, though. I suppose it's a debate between "should MB2 give people the saber fantasy they showed up wishing for" or "should MB2 accurately depict a Star Wars battle." The saber battles that happen in the movies are all mb2_duel maps anyway, not Open battles. :p

Still, this argument only holds up for the duel_ maps :p

All the maps that people actually play... model scenes that are mostly gunners.

But yeah this is basically an argument between "MB2 as emulation of the most characteristic parts of Star Wars" vs "MB2 as emulation of Star Wars battles." Lightsabers are characteristic. The movies focus on the few lightsaber wielders in the galaxy. Lightsaber duels are usually the pivotal fights in the Star Wars stories. But in the context of the events of the Star Wars universe, and in the context of really any combat that's larger than a "duel"... it's all gonna be blasters. Star Wars battles contain lots of blasters and a few sabers.

But yes, the sabers get lots of screen-time, 'cuz the story is about saberists.

People coming to MB2 from watching a Star Wars movie are most likely going to be going "I wanna lightsaber," but I like MB2 because it feels like actual Star Wars combat, not because it's a great lightsaber fantasy. Although it IS a great lightsaber fantasy. I like being a guy with a blaster.

Hell, in the original trilogy, you've got Luke the saberist and his friends Han the gunner, Chewbacca the gunner, Leia the... gunner (more or less), and Lando the.. gunner. They're up against Vader the saberist, Palpy the whore, and... a massive army of, you guessed it, gunners.
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But what if we count screentime that saberists and gunners got in the movies? :rolleyes:

Even in the prequels the screentime revolved around the Jedi mowing down armies of hopeless battledroids (soldiers.) If everyone on the opposing team picks Sith, then they'd be extremely over-representing themselves compared to how much screentime they had!

Therefore, the only solution is to let there be as many Jedi as you want while hard-capping sith to only two at a time. That's what going by screentime would tell us :D
Even in the prequels the screentime revolved around the Jedi mowing down armies of hopeless battledroids (soldiers.) If everyone on the opposing team picks Sith, then they'd be extremely over-representing themselves compared to how much screentime they had!

Therefore, the only solution is to let there be as many Jedi as you want while hard-capping sith to only two at a time. That's what going by screentime would tell us :D
... You know Full-Authentic exists for that exact reason.