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Hosting Server SMOD Guide


Movie Battles II Team
Since this is nowhere to be found, I post a SMOD set-up guide.

What you see in the cfg is:

seta g_smodAdminPassword_1 "YourPasswordHere" // Main Smod - full access
seta g_smodConfig_1 "65535"

But what does the value mean? How do give certain admins certain roles? You need the following list:

  • 0 - Say (Automatic) Talk to server as Admin:
  • 0 - Smsay (Automatic) Talk to other logged in admins.
  • 0 - Status (Automatic) See teh server status, IDs, who is on the server, IPs etc.
  • 0 - Who (Automatic) see Who else is logged into Smod.
  • 1 - Kick - [smod kick <name/ID>] kicks player from server
  • 2 - Nextmap - Changes to nextmap (not sure how exactly this works nowadays)
  • 4 - Map - [map <map name>] - immediately changes the map to selected one
  • 8 - Maprestart / Newround - [smod maprestart] - restarts the map including stats. [smod newround] - restarts the round, stats stay
  • 16 - Gametype - Do not use this!
  • 32 - MBMode - [smod mbmode 0 or 1 or 2]
  • 64 - Ban - [smod ban <name/ID>] - issues a permanent ban to player.
  • 128 - Tempban, Tempbanlist, Removetempban [smod tempban <name/ID> <x>] where x stands for number of rounds. [smod tempbanlist] to see current tempbans and IDs of banned players and [smod removetempban <ID>] to lift the ban.
  • 256 - Forceteam - [smod forceteam <name/ID> red / blue / spec] - Forces a palyer to change a team or puts them to spectator mode.
  • 512 - VSTR - [smod vstr <name of vstr (can be number)>] executes specially set server rules specified in the server.cfg (eg. map rotations, classes etc.)
  • 1024 - Campaign, Campaign file - I am not sure on this one
  • 2048 - Poll - [smod poll <poll question>] starts a poll.
  • 4096 - RemoveBan - [smod removeban <ip/mask>] lifts a banned IP.
  • 8192 - Shuffle - shuffles the teams in the next round.
  • 16384 - Mute/Unmute - [smod mute <player name /ID> x] where x stands for number of minutes. Mutes the player from global and teamchat.
  • 32768 - SetTK - [smod settk <player name / ID> <x>] where x stands for amount of TK points you wish to set for chosen player.
Now all you need to do is to add the values of your desired commands for each admin account. So let's say you want your Admin 1 to have Kick, Map, Mute and Poll. You need to add those values together so it goes like this 1 (kick) + 4 (map) + 16384 (mute/unmute) + 2048 (poll) = 18437.

seta g_smodAdminPassword_2 "PasswordHere" // Padawan - Kick, Map, Mute, Poll
seta g_smodConfig_2 "18437"

And then you want other admin to be only able to change map and forceteam players so you add these: 4 (map) + 256 (forceteam) = 260

seta g_smodAdminPassword_3 "PasswordHere" // LordVader420 - Map, Forceteam
seta g_smodConfig_3 "260"

Commands "Say", "SMSay", "Status" and "Who" come automatically with every Smod.

Hope this helps, see you.