smod commands

  1. Bully

    Future fix SMOD commands mute, unmute, settk, marktk and unmarktk aren't properly logged

    After searching the logs for some SMOD actions the other day it occured to me that settk wasn't logged properly. I did some investigating and it seems that the commands mute, unmute, settk, marktk and unmarktk don't follow the same logging convention as the other commands. The commands say and...
  2. Bully

    Fixed smod mute unfairly mutes players after map switch

    What went wrong Muting a player causes them to be re-muted for a large duration after a map switch. Even if the mute has ran out. What should have happened Players should only be muted for the duration of the mute. How to reproduce Player A is an smod user Player B is a foul mouth meanie...
  3. Jvne

    Hosting Server SMOD Calculator?

    Is there a calculator out there that can help me set up admin privileges? If not, a list of the privileges and a formula for combining them would be just as nice. Thanks in advance!
  4. KaiErieh

    Hosting Server SMOD Guide

    Since this is nowhere to be found, I post a SMOD set-up guide. What you see in the cfg is: seta g_smodAdminPassword_1 "YourPasswordHere" // Main Smod - full access seta g_smodConfig_1 "65535" But what does the value mean? How do give certain admins certain roles? You need the following list...