Questionnaire regarding Jedi/Sith

I have a similar problem chaos has but its only focused in my hands which some believe is an early sign of Parkinsons.


I use this mouse, those buttons behind the mouse wheel are mouse sensitivity options and by pressing those it slows down my scroll speed or speeds up making it easier to play first person shooters. It really helped me play Red orchestra 2 because my hands shake a lot and hit boxes mean everything in shooters.
I think the balance is quite good mostly but jedi rely way too much on push 3, and not having it is kind of like a challenge mode these days against anything that can't aim decently. Coming from a person who mainly plays with medium speed stances.

Wookiees aren't that hard to deal with. It's mostly a mind battle and predicting when the wookiee will charge. It's quite easy to dodge if you can expect it.

Edit: After having my FP reduced from 100 to 0 in 4 seconds from droideka fire that glances me I'm calling bs on deka vs jedi balance.
"Go ARC and use EMPs"
Stop being a nepper and balancing your games with rock-paper-scissors philosophies.
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