Questionnaire regarding Jedi/Sith

Buddy I am sure you can get your point across without resorting to that snide nickname.

Discussion can exist without the banter.
All your doing is promoting aggression when you resort to that and I am assuming the counter-pointer is mature enough to ignore that remark.

And state his case in a cohesive manner.
Well, I can provide some feedback myself. Playing as a BH, it's almost always death for me. I might have good aim and shoot a jedi in the chest 3 times lowering him to around 27 hp, but he still gets me in the slash. Not very rewarding IMO.

Not to mention that it's far easier for a jedi to chase me down and kill me than for me to chase him down.
I just really fucking hate force push, which is why I play wookie and SBD to counter light sticks.
They are more than capable enough to kill me without the bullshit cheese, why resort to it constantly and rely on it as a crutch?

Fuck sakes, The sword one hit kills everything as it is and then you got a style is a guarantee one shot (red style). Why spam force push so goddamn much. It just tells me you don't like challenges and prefer the easy way out.
(yes I know you hold shift, it doesn't change the fact the moment you let go of the button you are across the room.)

Not if the sbd can somewhat aim. One hs and the jedi is dead before he gets 2 swings off.
Or crouch, that cheese shit stopped working on me after I practiced crouch slaps on sbd.
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Movie Battles II Team Retired
Thanks to everyone who has filled the survey so far! It's given some interesting insights :)

Keep answerin'! I'll be sure to share the results with ya'll.


Alright, so personally I don't really see any problem atm with Jedi vs Gunner. I honestly think it's easier for a gunner to take out a Jedi/Sith. Like a lot easier. Just have decent aim and spray them with an E11 till their fp drains out. Or P3 them decently and they are dead. Or blob, or proj them, or t21 primary them. There are lots of counters to Jedi and I don't see how people think they are op against gunners. I do agree that they are easier to play but if you are a decent gunner Jedi are not that difficult to kill. Only exception being multiple Jedi/Sith against one gunner, there I do see them being difficult to kill. More so than 1 Jedi vs 2 gunners.


Nice Survey man ;) Great idea.
As a main gunner, I can say with no doubts that we need a little change on this point.
Saberist is OP but not that much, and it has to be a little bit OP anyway because it's epic support class & because force & because Star Wars.
I won't talk about lightsabers guys tanking more than armor3 guys, or extendo/randomhitbox that's not subject :oops:
Mb2 just needs to have more rewarding very close ranges shots on saberists, a little more knockback is legit.
Only exception being multiple Jedi/Sith against one gunner, there I do see them being difficult to kill. More so than 1 Jedi vs 2 gunners.

That is the problem, in open mode there is always atleast 8 of them on any team and always gang up on one gunner.
All the time, it always happens. This is why I like FA mode the most, depending on the map.
One or two light sticks a team and the rest are gunners. You can argue some maps are unbalanced, and yes they are.
But the core balance is saved when only one person is a Jedi/Sith.
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What I hate the most is that teamplay from jedi/sith is exceptional. They ignore everyone, don't try to save gunners from enemy saberists, don't guard against flanks.

There is a lot of time when the full team is jedi/sith except for me. Then I have no chance to play. If I meet the enemy, I am always alone.
Even if I try to stick with one of my mates, they are faster and can jump where I can't follow them. If I still manage to then I am just ignored and killed by the first enemy jedi/sith, because they don't care.
That is actually just people being assholes, not so much gameplay.
There is nothing you can really do about that, other then try playing with some friends to form your own little squad. Or play Wookie or SBD, they can handle one on one's pretty well against light sticks.
Caratosis armor with max hull and or a maxed bow caster with max health and you are good to go.
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Level Designer
Movie Battles II Team
That is actually just people being assholes, not so much gameplay..

It is partially gameplay, there's no incentive for them to act otherwise. Jedi are supposed to be support classes but they're used way to offensively and tankey than they should be.
It is partially gameplay, there's no incentive for them to act otherwise. Jedi are supposed to be support classes but they're used way to offensively and tankey than they should be.

But that is the persons personality though. We can't really do anything about somebody being an asshole and just rushing the enemy for kills.
There will always be that guy that believes he can kill the whole enemy team.

I was going to suggest a joke, about gunners putting leashes on jedi. Where the jedi get benefits for sticking to the gunners. In-fact, here is an idea. Give the Commander/ET a universal aoe to all team members similar to what the soldier gets when he spawns on them.

What is that buff the soldier gets, is it a small health buff and speed? I don't play soldier a lot.
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That is the problem, in open mode there is always atleast 8 of them on any team and always gang up on one gunner.
All the time, it always happens. This is why I like FA mode the most, depending on the map.
One or two light sticks a team and the rest are gunners. You can argue some maps are unbalanced, and yes they are.
But the core balance is saved when only one person is a Jedi/Sith.
Take the jedi/sith out one at a time and let them swing at eachother because they are all kill hungry and they cant hit you. Only problem with lots of jedi against a gunner is they can push spam you. But you are fine if you go in and out of crouch and just shoot the ones trying to spam push you. And if you are ever against 8 jedi or sith versus 1 gunner, I think theres a slight skill stack on rebs or imps ;)
But that is the persons personality though. We can't really do anything about somebody being an asshole and just rushing the enemy for kills.
There will always be that guy that believes he can kill the whole enemy team.

I was going to suggest a joke, about gunners putting leashes on jedi. Where the jedi get benefits for sticking to the gunners. In-fact, here is an idea. Give the Commander/ET a universal aoe to all team members similar to what the soldier gets when he spawns on them.

What is that buff the soldier gets, is it a small health buff and speed? I don't play soldier a lot.

Rushing for kills doesn't automatically make anyone an asshole. The great thing about this game is the flexibility in some of our class choices. It is a good thing that Jedi even have the option, or ability to do either in the first place. Support Jedi is something an individual wants to do though, and it's not something you can force anyone into. Support Jedi requires considerable amounts of game knowledge and experience to pull off instead of simply attacking the enemy team on your own. Protecting your team from all angles, enemies, projectiles, and explosives is a challenge that few are willing to take on. Making a bad push on a grenade, missing a push/pull, letting Sith through to the gunners, and getting teamkilled are all turnoffs that sometimes sway people away from helping teammates.

I personally love the role of support Jedi and encourage others to try it. As a new player it is difficult to learn so if you try it out and it's not working don't become discouraged. A support will need to learn push angles for grenades and rockets, peeling off Sith, map knowledge, and managing force points to properly act as a support Jedi. At the minimum just be there to push grenades and enemies, and use force sense to snuff out the bad guys and you are doing a lot to help the team. To me it's not a problem that some people play Jedi only as an offensive weapon because it creates variety.

There was an instance yesterday, while on Bespin the AOD rotation server.
Where I played sith and went left, while as a SBD to watch the flank. And AOD Gleko was there on the left hiding behind a pillar, while I was suppressing the door. A wookie bum rushes me as I walk backwards while shooting him, got stuck on that long vertical console. And Gleko is just watching me struggling trying to kill this wookie. He waits for me to die then trys to kill the wookie with his saber. Then actually does and runs away.

It's shit like this that leaves new players with a bad taste in their mouths full knowing that teammates mostly experienced jedi/sith will sacrifice their teammates to get an easy kill. If he would of just assisted me, we could of counter flanked them and won the round. Maybe you have a different definition of what makes a person an asshole, but mine is putting yourself above the team. And frankly, its always the jedi/sith players that have this mentality.
The best thing you can try to do is promote stronger support play in-game without anger or being coarse. Also, inspiring others by your own play can have a lasting effect on new players. When I started playing MBII I had found inspiration early by spectating players who excelled at my favorite classes.
If promoting new players to spectate is the way to teach them how to teamwork, I just hope they spectate the right people instead of the wrong ones.
Don't spectate me though, im fucking terrible at this game.
If promoting new players to spectate is the way to teach them how to teamwork...

I did not intend to suggest staying in spectator, but utilize it as a learning tool. After dying, or just taking a break from playing you can watch experienced players. It shouldn't be too difficult to locate those who are good.


Internal Beta Team
Can't wait for the results of this one. We should maybe do more surveys of this kind?
I did not intend to suggest staying in spectator, but utilize it as a learning tool. After dying, or just taking a break from playing you can watch experienced players. It shouldn't be too difficult to locate those who are good.

But what if I mentioned before up there that there are good players who pull that kind of selfish shit?
What then? The only thing I see the spec tool being used for is to ghost the enemy team. Or looking at how much health left the person who killed you has.

The only thing I learned from watching other people on my team is them pulling these kind of stunts confirming my bias that most saber users are dicks.
And that you can't rely on any of them or expect them to help you when you need it.
Oh and a group of sabers doing punch spam combos on a lone gunner, prolonging the match instead of ending it with one swing.
That is heart breaking to see happen on new players. I always kill myself in these situations than being publicly humiliated like that.

Palpatien the exclusive anakin player, now he is good support player. He is actually good in a fight and protects gunners, he would be my role model in this game if I did such things.
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