Mando Love


Internal Beta Team
We all know the Mando needs a bit of love. While I am aware they are getting some form of love soon I've just had this idea for a while.

Jetpack Fuel Rework
All Mandos now spawn in with a full tank of fuel by default. The difference here is the tank is now smaller and can only support one full length flight.(What I mean by that is flying until the auto shut off) The Jetpack Fuel points now determine the speed at which fuel is regenerated. I imagine it a bit like Stamina, but much slower. No points in Fuel have either extremely slow or no regeneration. Increasing levels speeds up the process. No clue on exact numbers but maybe something like at level 3 it regens at 150% of the time it takes for a complete flight. In my eyes this could encourage more airborne stunts by players and let them be less conservative with the precious guzzoline. It also opens up new avenues for builds by making Fuel 3 not so essential.

Sniper EE-3 Change
Have the Sniper upgrade for the EE-3 use separate ammo than the main gun. Either that or make it not use as much per shot while still requiring reload.

Wrist Laser Change
Shorten, not remove, that god awful delay before firing so it is a viable choice over the flame thrower.

Upgradeable Gauntlet
Maybe add some points that let the wrist gauntlet perform wall clings. Think of Jango's spikes on Kamino.

Those were my ideas but I read some others, can't remember by whom, that I really liked.
Jetpack activation when knocked down as a fast getup. You even see Jango do it on Kamino. Would have to be like a burst though and not controllable, subject to cooldowns.
Whipcord on wrist gauntlet. Used probably like Grip but no damage?

Put in dark saber as a melee weapon. Not really though. Pre Viszla was a douche.
Dual EE-3's
EE-3 + concussion + ion + pulse grenade launcher(cause why not)
+ unlimited fuel + lightsaber mode

on a serious note rechargeable fuel would be a terrible idea because mandos can already manage to run across the whole map from that last jedi, now they just wait on a roof for regen while potshotting at the jedi and then continue running away until time win or lose on a second note it might work better if it operated similar to force jump or kind of like a burst that would get you up to a higher place without using as much fuel as jetpacking up there(similar to arc jump but with way more range)


Internal Beta Team
Just turn the jetpack burn into dual miniguns firing for propulsion.

All jokes aside.. let's see these super commandos be true to their name, right?
Just turn the jetpack burn into dual miniguns firing for propulsion.

All jokes aside.. let's see these super commandos be true to their name, right?
I wanted combat knives for classes, but noooooo..
Apparently butter knives will break the game.


Internal Beta Team
Why dont mandis get swords :( same with arcs me likey
I don't think melee weapons would really work in open mode. That's why we never see them... Although wouldn't it be cool to see some like jetpack sword lancing?
let's see these super commandos be true to their name,
super mando droid confirmed next patch
but i have to admit mando weapons are really bland and really the only reason i dont play mando much, that and i keep flying into walls everytime i use my jetpack and just get wedged there while a jedi waits under me to jaws me with his saber when my jetpack disables itself


I don't think melee weapons would really work in open mode. That's why we never see them... Although wouldn't it be cool to see some like jetpack sword lancing?
Well there is lightsabets.. and wookie fists
Although wouldn't it be cool to see some like jetpack sword lancing?
what if flamethrower could be used in conjunction with jetpack to do increased damage and pushback kind of like flamethrower lancing, but it would use 2x fuel and put you at as much risk as you're putting your target
maybe it can even knock down


what if flamethrower could be used in conjunction with jetpack to do increased damage and pushback kind of like flamethrower lancing, but it would use 2x fuel and put you at as much risk as you're putting your target
maybe it can even knock down


Internal Beta Team
EE-3 + concussion + ion + pulse grenade launcher(cause why not)
+ unlimited fuel + lightsaber mode

on a serious note rechargeable fuel would be a terrible idea because mandos can already manage to run across the whole map from that last jedi, now they just wait on a roof for regen while potshotting at the jedi and then continue running away until time win or lose on a second note it might work better if it operated similar to force jump or kind of like a burst that would get you up to a higher place without using as much fuel as jetpacking up there(similar to arc jump but with way more range)
Oh dude... your idea and my idea could be combined for a new type of jetpack. A burst jetpack with rechargeable fuel, as opposed to the normal flight jetpack with static fuel. Make it the JT-12 model. Sonichu's rocket idea could be applied to this as well.
God if we only had the tech to make skills into objects added to models.
Because I want the crusader mandalorian models from the soldier and cmdr class onto the mando class.

And if we did add swords to the mandalorians, I would swap jetpacks for melee.
And remove the rocket launcher options. And have a melee build and a range build separate, instead of being able to do both. I don't think being able to fly and having a sword is a good idea as hype as it sounds.

Butter knife (can't block small reach)- short sword (small reach can block)- long sword (long reach can block).
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Oh dude... your idea and my idea could be combined for a new type of jetpack. A burst jetpack with rechargeable fuel, as opposed to the normal flight jetpack with static fuel. Make it the JT-12 model. Sonichu's rocket idea could be applied to this as well.

This is a good idea, it would made the mand more interesting if the burst is not too short and regent not too slow. Maybe like darktrooper's jetpack in Battlefront 2.
However if we do that do we have to change every mand model to get a new jetpack skin, or the jetpack is a separate file which can be edited without touching mand model ?
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Mandalorian is in a good position; the wrist laser is shite though, needs scrapping or reworking. I don't really get this talk about the guns being bland. You just point and click with them.

Suppose it is bland, however. The pistol has a charge option, there's some mechanic inherent to that in charging/popping out. The EE3 has the diminishing accuracy, there's some mechanic in learning to 3/4 tap or at least racking up enough hours to guestimate where the next shot will be, and placing your crosshair on say their hip to score a headshot. That's certainly more lively that the type-writer shooter gameplay of E11, or the shift+lmb gameplay of the a280, etc.
I don't like giving mandos melee weapons personally, but I would like them to be able to purchase a small wrist rocket.

The Wrist Rocket would basically act like a secondary frag nade, but with a bit more damage and knockback high enough so most classes could getup in midair. It would be more of a stunner/escape method, than a killing weapon. But just to be fair, it should have some kind of warmup time, or require the mando to stand still to fire it.

EE3 needs some kind of revamp IMO, not sure how, but it's...boring to use. And level 1 is useless. Would be nice if mandos could perhaps get a new gun, but revamping ee3 should be good enough.

I also like the burst jetpack idea.
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Comics are the only thing that really went into detail about mandalorian weapons, equipment and ect.
Unless there are people on staff that can recreate them, or willing to re-texture kotor imports so they don't look like ass.

We are kinda boned on getting new weapons for that class.
Like is there a list or anything in the FA models that feature manda weapons, I would scrub through that.
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Internal Beta Team
I was thinking about the jetpacks more and what wookieepedia said. It said that the Z-6 jetpack (current style) uses 3 seconds bursts to propel up to 100 meters horizontally or 70 vertically. This would be the perfect burst pack. Give it the normal big rocket and regenerating fuel. Now the other JT-12 jetpack is the flight pack, with still regenerating fuel, allowing better maneuvers but has the smaller rocket with a smaller explosion, but it flies faster and has a shorter launch time.

Like I really like the idea of a burst pack. I still like wall clings from wrist gauntlets. Imagine blasting high in the air and grabbing the wall for a surprise ambush attack.

More gadgets are good too, but kind of hard to do especially if you need to go melee and swap over and over. Big Boss' idea for the Wrist Laser to be an actual weapon would be awesome, whip that puppy out and click to shoot then hit special 2 for your flamer, whipcord, or wrist rocket.

Technically that rocket Boba has can be swapped out for a grappling hook, too.......
Jetpack...jetpack...why was jetpack changed eons ago?
Originally you could turn them off or on at will. There were no cooldowns or cutouts. You could hover in the air until your fuel ran out. Good times.:):)

But some people complained about chasing them and cooldowns and cutouts were enacted to stop the mando bursting in and out of jp technique. They also initially had disruptor sniper:)

I propose - no more cutouts! You could then fly as long as you have fuel. The con being the longer you fly - the longer the cooldown to reactivate.
I suggest this because I miss Rodar Farseer's playstyle. Just flying around and bring death from the skies.

The brief window of time just doesn't cut it for ultimate satisfaction.


Venom Big Boss Coder
Movie Battles II Team Retired
Would make jetpack OP. jetpack is balanced as it is now.
Burst jetpack would be neat if we gave it to mandos as an alternate type of jetpack (so can use only one or the other), but I'd rather not give jetpack to a non-mando class as it kind of ruins the uniqueness
Op? I've played enough altered fas to see otherwise. It can work. Think Som did it best. Or was it that 3rd one? The one with the half-sized rancor tank class.

Though I might prefer regenerating fuel. Except not full regeneration. Think Hero heal mechanics. You could regenerate up to a certain point if used sparingly. Take too much and the regen caps out at the next level below it.

Ew, flashbangs. We have that in some fas. I can see that working in open too. But probably not for mando. I'd assume it'd be more appropriate for a heavy trooper or specialized class.

Mando Grapple - not the funky looking line that shoots out and lets you quasi-swing like spiderman... Think long range melee grapple! It fires a line that wraps around your target that you can hold them(stun them) preventing shooting and limited movement. Bad idea to keep it indefinite so give it a so give a 3 5 second time limit. Teamwork applications - locational control, etc.

Mando Coldflame Thrower/Carbon Freeze? - Subzero Ninja:) from um_pirvsnin has this nifty ability. Basically its flamethrower replaced with cold - instead of setting the guy on fire it instead freezes the target momentarily. Yes, freezes. Try it out. It's fun.

Upgraded Jetpack - consumes less fuel, faster, more maneuverable, can shift from forward to back momentum, or side to side with ease. The maneuvers would of course consume more fuel but general gliding, flying forward would use less.

Helmet Decoy - ever see those movies where the guy puts his helmet on a stick to test for snipers and such? Or to provide a distraction. Mando removes helmet and jetpack, places helmet on jetpack, controls it remotely.:):):)

Actually, now I'm on a remote kick.
Mando can remove his jetpack and flamethrow and place them wherever he wants and then remotely activate it, creating a kind of trap or explosive device he can shoot to detonate:)

Advanced melee - melee moves have increased dmg coming from a mando.

Wrist Blaster - I feel the self-destruct is more of a gimmick at this point and its generally the least used weapon/ability in open. I really can't think of another that comes close in to dis-use. I personally dislike using it for the delay and the animation. Remove the delay or change it to Helmet Blaster. You're helmet is a gun now. Do it.

Jetpack physics - flying mando that barrels into someone should do knockdown and dmg. To one or both, whatever. Yeah, you can kick em but...actually, mando flying kick in jp should be finishing move:)

ee-3 is pretty much a shotgun if you don't control ur rate of fire or have no choice but to spray it in some bad situations. So why not just give mandos a shotgun:) Alternate close range weapon. Primary flechette!