sv_fps should be number that can be divided cleanly by 4. But I also doubt it is cause of your problem. IF server upload quota isn't saturated already, touching sv_maxRate "25000" wouldn't help.
There is easy way to test if it is bluefang's fault - ask Viserys for BG config (minus passwords), change name/ports (if applicable) *only*, and look out for issues. If they're still happening, bluefang is lying - might want to also do exact copy of BG's directories to double check before bringing it to them. Otherwise, something is wrong with your settings - try doing
binary search by changing half of them to BG ones, and checking if it helped. Otherwise, proceed further with binary searching (revert last changes, change another half - if it helped, revert half of the last half, check again... etc.).
Don't forget to drop in and tell us what the issue was after fixing it!
/Cat Lady