Feedback Thread: Open Beta (after V1.4.9) - Drop 4

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Please help me,

without damage reduction SBD it's shredding the Jedi. In PUBLIC version SBD kills bad Jedi in one Slap in BETA it kills with one slap but ANY Jedi, there is no point in trying to get up Super Battle Droid must be awful to allow you to get up after it successfully slaps you. This droid needs to have the Cortosis made more expensive and/or it's effectivity reduced by 1-2 swings. Good Jedi can land 3-4 hits on SBD then get slapped and 1 hit because of no damage reduction and super high damage from wrist blaster which is firing insanely fast that makes trying to get up totally pointless. I think SBD's fire rate is too high so tweak it a little? WE NEED LESS NOT MORE SBD CORNER CAMPERS.
Please help me,

without damage reduction SBD it's shredding the Jedi. In PUBLIC version SBD kills bad Jedi in one Slap in BETA it kills with one slap but ANY Jedi, there is no point in trying to get up Super Battle Droid must be awful to allow you to get up after it successfully slaps you. This droid needs to have the Cortosis made more expensive and/or it's effectivity reduced by 1-2 swings. Good Jedi can land 3-4 hits on SBD then get slapped and 1 hit because of no damage reduction and super high damage from wrist blaster which is firing insanely fast that makes trying to get up totally pointless. I think SBD's fire rate is too high so tweak it a little? WE NEED LESS NOT MORE SBD CORNER CAMPERS.

Interesting, I would agree with you but I haven't seen SBD in beta yet. I bet they SHRED jedi.

I personally haven't had any problem with SBD because I play gunner, and every time I come across one they are extremely easy to kill. I think if you nerfed SBD it should be toward jedi exclusively (like only having a damage nerf toward jedi). SBD have almost no chance against other gunners.

Also, if you're tired of getting knocked down, just crouch lol. If you get tired of SBD corner campers, learn to counter it, like baiting them if you think they're there. Once you see a corner-camping sbd in one round, it's very easy to play the rest of the rounds with that information.


Gameplay Design
Movie Battles II Team
Blazer said:
Second, I don't notice the difference in the projectile rifle. I see that there's a second delay for it's accuracy, but playing the beta I encountered no innacuracy changes.
This wasn't ever implemented (not in the changelog either). It was just an idea that was thrown around.

Some things for next rollout:
- FP drains are fixed. (I think P3 was doing like 7-10 FP vs blocking sabers before, probably like 12 or 13 to 16 vs running; guesstimating... vs a blocking saber it is now dealing 10 FP drain from far away up to 13 or 14 at close range)
- Some adjustments to alt-frag to make it a little less silly.
- Trying out one of two ideas for ironing out some of the remaining outliers with saber v gunner fights. This will be a much more fine tuned version of the increased knockback stuff I tried before.

Looking at this as the final version of Sprint/Stamina stuff (I think I actually had this as one incarnation in this drop):
- Drains only while running
- Regens while walking/stationary
- Gets toggled off by crouching/walking

Sound good?
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Clone stuff seems fine but that's just me.

Yeah p3 felt like god mode lately was wondering why lol


pew pew
Movie Battles II Team
- Drains only while running
- Regens while walking/stationary
- Gets toggled off by crouching/walking
nnnnnnngggg I dislike this. I personally (as a heavy ARC/Clone player) strongly prefer walk/crouch to NOT turn off Stamina, because this allows the fastest possible transition between walking and sprinting, keeps Stamina's ruleset simple, and keeps Stamina's usage simple (turn it on and then you can almost just forget about it.)

The only argument given so far for allowing walk/crouch to disable stamina is that "it's what people are used to." From what I can tell, there don't seem to be any theoretical merits to it aside from that.

And in light of that, the only thing I personally would.. agree to, really, would be if there was a cvar enabling/disabling the walk/crouch stamina cancel.

(edit: for anyone wondering, further discussion in Discord suggested that there WILL eventually be such a cvar, and that this was Tempest's original plan.)
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It'd be nice to have the stamina toggle as an option so you can either have it turn off with only the class special key or by walking, crouching and the stamina key, that'd allow it to cater to everyone. But I definitely prefer walking/crouching to disable stamina sprint as it is what I'm used to, and there genuinely aren't very many reasons to change it other than to make it more consistent.
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Mando sniper shots still cause ARCs to auto-roll with dex 2/3 - this is not the case for any other snipers only the mando EE-3. Makes follow up shots vs ARC w/ EE-3 really, really easy to achieve. Something to be fixed? - I've mentioned it on my ARC thread a while ago so hopefully this patch ^^.
Please help me,

without damage reduction SBD it's shredding the Jedi. In PUBLIC version SBD kills bad Jedi in one Slap in BETA it kills with one slap but ANY Jedi, there is no point in trying to get up Super Battle Droid must be awful to allow you to get up after it successfully slaps you. This droid needs to have the Cortosis made more expensive and/or it's effectivity reduced by 1-2 swings. Good Jedi can land 3-4 hits on SBD then get slapped and 1 hit because of no damage reduction and super high damage from wrist blaster which is firing insanely fast that makes trying to get up totally pointless. I think SBD's fire rate is too high so tweak it a little? WE NEED LESS NOT MORE SBD CORNER CAMPERS.
You need to consider that SBD is a anti jedi class and the player paid extra for cortosis. I think SBD having a advantage over jedi is why people say it's OP. If people would stop spamming jedi they would realize a SBD has 2 huge flaws. Sniper can hit them easy because they are big and slow. Arcs can also get them with rockets or cripple them with pulse nades.
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You need to consider that SBD is a anti jedi class and the player paid extra for cortosis. I think SBD having a advantage over jedi is why people say it's OP. If people would stop spamming jedi they would realize a SBD has 2 huge flaws. Sniper can hit them easy because they are big and slow. Arcs can also get them with rockets are cripple them with pulse nades.

It's just SBD is take and go class that can hard counter most of classes with no effort.
Possibility is not equal the experience which I find really wrong.
It's just SBD is take and go class that can hard counter most of classes with no effort.
Possibility is not equal the experience which I find really wrong.
Well I've never had a problem with SBD personally. Usually they get demolished by gunners.
Even competent Jedi can easily kill them. Usually the SBD gets into the action and before he knows it, he's surrounded by two Jedi, and he's dead. Usually when it comes down to a 1v1 or 2v2s is when SBD can really shine. It also depends on the maps.

SBD is extremely powerful on Death Star, where he can hide behind hundreds of walls, boxes, and corners. But an SBD on DOTF is almost completely different.


Internal Beta Team
I like most of these changes but I feel alt grenade nerf and damage reduction on getup for Jedi is unnecessary. The coinflip is already so fast only 1 or 2 shots get in anyway. The nerf to poison feels like it would be much less useful considering the cost and amount you get. If that stays maybe make 2 darts per level.

One thing I never see mentioned but feel needs to be changed, Hero/BH E-11 ammo count. It's just too low. Same problem ARC had with M5 before.

It's just SBD is take and go class that can hard counter most of classes with no effort.
Possibility is not equal the experience which I find really wrong.
I think you meant to say "Jedi" instead of "SBD". Jedi is take and go class with hard counter to most classes with no effort.

To Kill an SBD: Stay out of close range, hit them with sniper or faster ROF weapons. Drains battery for higher damage to SBD. A280 burst works very well. That or just pulse grenade them and watch them shrivel. As for Jedi, crouch to avoid slap and you win or don't take them head on and surprise.

How to not Kill SBD: Push spam and jump swing like all other classes get melted by.
crouch to avoid slap
catch flinch and then die.

jump swing
u know sbd can slap u when u in air?

good sbd > good jedi.

and why sbd is op.
cuz u don't even need any armors exept corto.
u can take it and 200 hp and u good to go.

problem is sbd can change walk direction too quickly.
u can go back and in 0.0001 sec start rushing and ez slap jedi.

also how much damage jedi make with 1 hit (without combo). like 1\10 of sbd's hp?

rip Tunngle btw.
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catch flinch and then die.

u know sbd can slap u when u in air?

good sbd > good jedi.

and why sbd is op.
cuz u don't even need any armors exept corto.
u can take it and 200 hp and u good to go.

problem is sbd can change walk direction too quickly.
u can go back and in 0.0001 sec start rushing and ez slap jedi.

also how much damage jedi make with 1 hit (without combo). like 1\10 of sbd's hp?

rip Tunngle btw.
you should have played when sbd slap did 20 damage and they hard cortosis 2. If you cant 1v1 a sbd now with all the damage reduction... also nobody ever plays sbd anyways since its even more boring than clone.
They are far from being op.

The more hits you do with saber, the more hp the SBD loses. If you only hit once it does very little but you can still kill an sbd with a good quick combo

*edit* okay didnt realize this was the open beta thread. ehm yes they are very stronk against jedi now but still not good against gunners. So still not op imo
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im playing for 9 years.
back then mb2 had no flinch
That makes it even more suprising, you should know then that sbd really only has a few choices in how you wanna play.
Either go anti gunner or anti jedi. If you go either one you get hard countered by the other


Internal Beta Team
So I haven't been keeping up with the thread and the changes fully, so excuse any ignorance on how things are in beta etc.

First of all, blobs. I think crouching should mitigate them and put you in the stagger, not just walking. Making it dependant on crouch improves the skill aspect of dodging blobs, but still allows clone blobbing to shine, you just have a clear counter to it that requires skill. Walking to counter blobs hardly requires any skill.

Could consider making ions act more like lobbing slow blobs at the enemy and give them a larger radius of impact. That way they are more pushable and makes them different from blobs and pulse nades.

Conc grenades still deal too much damage, right? They shouldn't deal that much damage, merely be knockdown tools. Max 30 hp damage I would say, though leaning towards 25 or 20.

Secondary grenades are retarded the way they are in the beta. They should act more like they do in public. Just make them have like 250ms to half a second after draw where you can't throw them, so insta draw secondaries aren't as powerful. Then add in jedis being able to block blasters whilst knocked down in a roll at maybe 1.4x or 1.6x or 2.0x cost. I think 1.4x may be enough (that's like defense 1 fp drains, right?). You'll still get raped when knocked down, but its survivable sometimes but snipers still destroy you with those drains.

I am not sure how the drains and regen is atm, but if you reverted to public style slower fp regen then shame on you. Just reinterating that you need a decent fp regen + decently draining shots... not glacially slow regen and slowly draining shots.

The thing about IDR and shot gun proj:
Remove IDR and make blaster bolts drain a uniform amount possibly in-between IDR and out of DR, not sure exactly how the balance is. But the idea is to have it so gunners taking engagements where they start close range vs a full fp jedi would be at a disadvantage, but the more range they have and can shoot from the better. Uniform drains without DR shit also allows for someone to assist with precision from long range, and makes suppressive fire more valuable in long corridors. I think it's stupid that just because it comes from far away, a blaster bolt doesn't drain shit. Having said that, I also think shotgun proj should make a return and that the other snipers FP drain should be tuned down to make proj the exclusive homie when it comes to shotgunning, since it's too easy to shotgun with things like EE3 and arc sniper.

One note on DR: Maybe it's okay to have it as long as the difference isn't too large for most weapons. Otherwise I guess proj would deal too much fp damage from far away.

Also, SBD slap should deal 1 damage. Just do it.
And make sure melee wookiees don't instagib sith retardedly like they did at one point during the beta.

Those are my thoughts for now. Haven't read thread or played much beta at all, but I think it's still valid.
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im playing for 9 years.
back then mb2 had no flinch
You should be able to kill an SBD by now. They really aren't that hard.
In beta they may shred Jedi but SBDs are still very easy to kill. I can demolish SBD by sniping them twice and p3 them.
@SeV Im confused. People talk about this thing where Jedi can block blaster fire while on the ground, what is that all about?

Also I personally think alt nades do not need a DELAY to throw them, that would be extremely annoying. I think making alt nades the way they are except none of the knock back or immense damage would be fair.

  • So basically alt Andes only blow up on impact of two walls, or a player.
  • 10 damage
  • No knock back, just knocks down Jedi.


Level Designer
Movie Battles II Team
MB2 without IDR goes one of two ways:
1) Too high far range drains to the point Jedi/Sith cannot advance even in the slightest especially with increased projectile speeds because close range drains have to be high enough for a gunner to even have a chance and not rely entirely on openings. People in this thread have complained about the need to rely on cover so much as a Jedi/Sith already and removing IDR would make that worse.
2) Too low close range drains in order to compensate for the problem above. This is probably the worst of the two because it leads back into the same problems 1.3 had which made jedi vs gunner complete shite and why we removed jedi vs gunner perks in the first place.

IDR solved the problems with both allowing gunners to have two options in close range (Direct hits, FP drain) rather than one, as well as giving Jedi/Sith the possiblity of even advancing at all and simultaneously allowing them to tank shots for their team and not rely on guerrilla warfare cover hopping. Gunners are already at a disadvantage with a close range Jedi with high FP. Don't make it worse and return us closer to the garbage that was 1.3 saber vs gunner. I do not want to see anything close to that ever again.

The math for removing IDR simply does not add up at all. And please do not base the removal on IDR on the failures of flinch (making it a mechanic gunners rely on resulting in E-11 sec requiring 22.63 shots at 100% accuracy outside of IDR while blocking which basically makes it pointless to drain from a distance and like 16 shots from close range E-11 secondary within IDR at say 45% accuracy (more in the realm of possibility)). The scaling needs to be fixed back to somewhat before all this nonsense happened. That is all.
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