I think what would happen would be that CR as a whole would have relatively low shot speeds, making it entirely a "bullet hell" gun (lots of shots, but slow-ish and evadeable).
And what sense does it make?
Beside, I’d rather have 2 lifes and a more reliable C2 which work at longer engagements, keeping me relatively more safe, then a poor CQC Slow C3 that expose me to enemies shots and sniper twice as often, with 1 life.
Hmmm. Quite an hard choice...
Edit: just saw I miss read ur post, but if they do that, the issue become even more large and senseless.
I stick by my thoughts, give everyone same advantage, or It’s just gonna favor certain class over others... again.
From gameplay perspective it doesn’t make much sense to give some class quick blaster bolts and others slow ass ones, it’s a core mechanic, shared by 6 class per side, which need symmetry and fluidity.
You need to bind your gameplay together, no separate it with questionable barriers.