Fair and balanced teams

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20 players cap make it happen! Ultimately it means more populated servers, doesn't matter if it's still gonna be dotf 24/7, and ofc better experience for the players.
I think you are basing your opinion on a few experiences... clans are communities in which players can have fun together -- if managed correctly that is. A clan that focuses on power and political drama is not a clan, but a community full of anarchists..

I am basing it on experience from age 13 to age now.
The good clans I have seen are ones that disbanded because life has taken priority.
The best ones I have seen and experienced usually came from mmo based games, age of empires, and starcraft.

But when you mix clans with super competitive games, especially on games where players keep it alive.
It gets toxic as fuck yo. I know good exists out there, but the ones I have seen on here are not giving me that vibe. The BG group is like the only well behaved one ive seen so far from the movie battles scene.

And that is because the BG clan engages with the community and participates in discussions.
Not hide in their personal hugbox forum like most clans do. I was actually able to settle a dispute here on the forum with one of their representatives, and it was a very civil discussion that had results.
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pew pew
Movie Battles II Team
sure, but that's an observation of what clans tend to do, not a description of what clans necessarily are. There's nothing about the inherent nature of clans, even in a competitive environment, that makes them all toxic. Even if it's the case that every single clan in MB2 is toxic (...theoretically), I still say that it's reckless to encourage a broader stigma against clans.

Largely because I'm currently trying to form a good clan. It's debatable whether it counts as a clan, given that I don't care if the members wear clan tags or alias, I just care that they agree with the overall clan values of taking things seriously (for the fun of seriousness). It's a clan for the sake of specific values, and for the sake of the fun of coordination, but not for the glory of being some kind of public elite class.
sure, but that's an observation of what clans tend to do, not a description of what clans necessarily are. There's nothing about the inherent nature of clans, even in a competitive environment, that makes them all toxic. Even if it's the case that every single clan in MB2 is toxic (...theoretically), I still say that it's reckless to encourage a broader stigma against clans.

Largely because I'm currently trying to form a good clan. It's debatable whether it counts as a clan, given that I don't care if the members wear clan tags or alias, I just care that they agree with the overall clan values of taking things seriously (for the fun of seriousness). It's a clan for the sake of specific values, and for the sake of the fun of coordination, but not for the glory of being some kind of public elite class.

You don't need a clan to make a create friendly environment, just make a steam group and invite people who are genuinely nice people and schedule play sessions and events. Use a discord to organize if you need too.

Don't invite me tho, I am salty as fuck and not a good person at all.
I just like to bitch and moan about things, and try to be that moral rational person that tries to educate people on ethical and non ethical behavior.
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pew pew
Movie Battles II Team
@BigBossBigTeef I call it a clan because it's so ideologically... loaded. It's not just, like, "a group for nice people to have nice friendly events," it's not just for socialization. It's supposed to be a haven for people who really love taking the game seriously and are suppressed by the aggressively toxic cynical jackass attitude of the vocal in-game community.

(slightly more on-topic: re-doubling the prayer for hard-coded 20-player limit, and fuck the haters.)
@BigBossBigTeef I call it a clan because it's so ideologically... loaded. It's not just, like, "a group for nice people to have nice friendly events," it's not just for socialization. It's supposed to be a haven for people who really love taking the game seriously and are suppressed by the aggressively toxic cynical jackass attitude of the vocal in-game community.

(slightly more on-topic: re-doubling the prayer for hard-coded 20-player limit, and F**k the haters.)

There is no peace without a passion to create. Ideals look good on paper and only paper. Don't make them your focus.
Focus on the people, the human condition, understand what it means to be selfish and what it means to be generous.

Understand what a human is, and then you will create something that can inspire and awe.
Never follow an ideology. Be an ideology.

On topic.
Death star with 32 players is a fucking bitch to play on, but that is like the only map I can think of that is actively cancer to play on with high player caps. Maybe Hoth and Com tower as well but they are not as bad as death star. That map is probably best suited for like FA or competitive 6 on 6.
On topic.
Death star with 32 players is a fucking bitch to play on, but that is like the only map I can think of that is actively cancer to play on with high player caps. Maybe Hoth and Com tower as well but they are not as bad as death star. That map is probably best suited for like FA or competitive 6 on 6.

How about Smuggler with over 20 people on? Have you ever had the delightful experience of playing that? Pretty much every map feels like a retarded clusterfuck of madness to play on with over 20 players on, if not even something like 14-16. It all comes down to chaotic fucking bullshit like with an unstoppable rebel team pushing the main corridor on DotF with rockets, nades, melee wooks and impenetrable jedi spam forcing you to retreat only to get squashed later on in T-junc/Hall. Gameplay designs like rock-paper-scissor balancing NO LONGER work at this point anymore. Individual skill stops being even remotely important. It's just literally fucking hell. The game clearly hasn't been designed to be played this way, however if people like this style of games I can recommend them to gtfo to BF3 Metro with 64 players. Shame it doesn't have the oh-so-loved jedi spam but it least it has the 0 brain clusterfuck gameplay.
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How about Smuggler with over 20 people on? Have you ever had the delightful experience of playing that? Pretty much every map feels like a retarded clusterfuck of madness to play on with over 20 players on, if not even something like 14-16.
I never got to play smuggler, its never on any server.
16v16 on smuggler is probably the best meme experience of my life. There's so much going on at all corners that it's impossible to have fun unless you're much of a stuck up hardass.


Model Fixer Dude
Movie Battles II Team
If we get a lower player cap, rip ultimate showdown and other fa maps that have slots meant for over 20 players.
Who gives a shit?
(I know you are kidding)

Stacks are a symptom of Clan behavior. Clans has always brought out the worst in communities. They should not have monopolies on players bases because their interests are only themselves, not those around them. If clans cared about the communities they are apart of they would have active engagement with it and trying to work with people. Not firewall and shit talk.

Why I bring this up so much? Because these are the only servers that are active a majority of the time. Then we come here and bitch and moan about it. Devs can't fix this, they own and host the officials. They have no say on private servers. If this shit happened on the officials, they could actually do something about it.

Clans force you to go to another website and "play" a game of he said, she said on a forum they host and pay for when frankly you come here to play movie battles. Not participate in meta political bullshit. You go to their servers because they are active, if you had a choice you would play on the officials but you don't. Because nobody plays on them. Nobody here really cares about these servers except the people who own and pay for them. We just go there because they are active.

No way should they have a say in the development process of anything because that creates a bias and implicates an agenda to benefit their people. They are players like us, and their opinions should be treated as equally as ours. They should not have a single say in anything in terms of balance, future plans, and features.

Remember, we are all people here. This is not a business, there is no regulations, laws, human resources. We are a bunch of fucking nerds who like starwars and happen to play video-games. Frankly we are children, every single one of us. So yeah this drama bullshit will always be a thing because children are petty. Stacking, unbalanced teams, and people participating in the hivemind. Clans will never acknowledge how much of a problem stacking is, because it would make them hypocrites.

Clans will never admin servers on skill stacking, or stacks in general. Maybe numbers but that is as far as they will go. Because if skill stacks were enforced, they wouldn't be able to all join one team and coordinate against randoms on a discord. Which is disgusting to be frank, it kills servers and people loose interest in the game because why should they tolerate this? It's unfair and nobody will do anything about it, so why stick around for it?
Sort of agree. Only in the fact that stacking kills servers and ultimately suppresses the ability for new players to have fun, which means people rage quit and don't ever play again.


Level Designer
Movie Battles II Team
Hey, it's not our fault DOTF is a great map.

It really is only an okay map... there are tons of problems with it... throne camp, gen camp, catwalk camp, claustrophobic rebel side of main, lack of true cover in main allowing for pop sniping, bad respawns. Need I go on? It isn't a bad map, just definitely not a great one.
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