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Dual Pistols improvement: full gun control


pew pew
Movie Battles II Team
Really straightforward idea:

The "just use one gun" firing mode of dual pistols is almost completely redundant. You're not firing more accurately, you're just firing more slowly by not using one of your guns. (Edit: Alright, I realized why this isn't true, but my idea still replaces/improves on this mode.) It ought to be replaced with a mode where:

Left click fires your left gun.
Right click fires your right gun.

This would give you much more intuitive control of where you place your shots. It would barely increase the gun's actual capabilities: it would give a slight buff by allowing you to fire two shots simultaneously at a regular rate creating a sort of "very wide projectile", but more importantly, it would make it considerably more intuitive to use dual pistols at close range, because you're consciously choosing when to fire each shot from each gun.

Charge/bounce shot could remain as the alt fire of the regular automatic-alternation main mode.

And, on that note, something else: dual pistols are still broken in first person, for me. And this happens across two very different computers: when I fire the left hand pistol, there is no muzzle flare, and the game lags or glitches slightly. If I fire nonstop, the glitches "build up" and eventually the sound cuts out. It's not terribly important, since first person is mostly unnecessary, but sometimes I like using it, so this is annoying.

and, of course, I do wish that duals had a true double crosshair rather than just having a crosshair attached to the right gun that's shaped to work decently as a crosshair for the left gun in most contexts.

i imagine that both of these ideas (and possibly the first-person fire bug) are probably kind of "fundamental" from a coding perspective, and therefore: very annoying to implement. But you do have the source code, right? So it's not outright impossible?

edit: bonus thought: Dual sabers with this mechanic would be kind of neat but probably absurdly janky-looking, much more difficult to code, and a mess to balance.
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I definitely like this idea, is this even possible to implement on the quake3 engine? It would be cool if I could fire the left pistol, then the right pistol shortly after, and just hold the two mouse buttons, so it would be like shooting a 2 shot burst. I could see a lot of uses this.


Master of Whispers
I very much like this idea. Could reward timing & practice with the weapon.


There's a game I know that has a feature similar to this, even some Garrysmod SWEPs have this ability
I'm fairly confident it'd be possible to do this and personally think it'd be a better alternative to how it works currently.
[Captain Rex intensifies]
I'm curious how charging pistols would work. Would you have to press weapon switch each time to charge?


pew pew
Movie Battles II Team
Yeah. There'd be the regular "automatic weapon with an annoying deadzone" mode we already have, and the alt fire on that would be the charge/bounce shot. At least, that's my idea of it.

If everybody had Roccat Tyon mice like I do, and the controls in this game could be set on a per-class basis, I'd have a cooler idea, but that's not the case.

(per-class controls are still an idea I'm a big fan of, either way, though.)

edit: Hmm... you could also have it so the regular mode is manual control with full-auto, and the secondary mode is manual control with charge shots. Man, actually, that would be super badass, because you could hold a strong charge shot on one gun while firing weak/quick "charge shots" with the other gun.

Bonus points if they also changed the cooldown on charge shot so weak charge shots fire about as quickly as regular shots, but all those changes together would be a considerable buff to both dual pistol classes. It would actually feel like "damn, this guy has TWO guns", and that would be so cool.

For instance, an ARC could fairly easily time a bouncing back-shot with a shot to the front to make an unblockable pincer. And a Mando could charge a big deadly shot with one gun while still threatening with the other. Against Jedi, that would mean you could chip away at their FP while holding a big blast to punish them if they swing. It would also mean that if you're placing all your shots slowly and carefully, you could charge each gun while you take aim.

would definitely add a lot of skill and potential for badassery to both classes

but again, it would take some rebalancing to get right. An ARC ought not to be able to fire full-rate single-bounce charge shots, for instance, but i would like if he could fire with one gun at full speed while charging another gun. This could be solved by requiring a little bit of charge to get one bounce, rather than uncharged shots having one bounce by default.

(it also gets me thinking that it's a shame that it's so completely unfeasible for us to have individual aiming control over each pistol. Maybe a decade from now, Eridan Crisis will have super deep support for VR and VR controllers and dual-wielding pistols with VR while controlling your movement with... fuck, I dunno, a ton of buttons and joysticks and shit attached to your vr controllers.)

another little tweak footnote: I'd love if there was a little beep when you're charging a gun, to indicate when you've reached max charge, or, with ARCs, to indicate each time you pass a +1-bounce threshold.

and as always i'd love if there was a beep to indicate when the Wrist Blaster reloads a shot, and when it fires its second-to-last shot. This kind of audio feedback is much more than polish; you can focus and act way more smoothly if you're not diverting attention to try to keep track of ambiguous stuff.
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pew pew
Movie Battles II Team
@SneakDissing being a boring asshole is par for the course in-game, but can you keep it off the forums? You're not even "sneak dissing" at all.

@President Bossk thanks, i never actually beat Earthbound but i like its attitude, which the Mr. Saturns kinda embody


pew pew
Movie Battles II Team
i don't recall claiming that i was sneak dissing i use it for my username you racist, sexual ass hat. fucking triggered.
ok i was gonna call you boring again because this kind of bullshitting is boring as hell to me, but, i like "sexual ass hat." More like SneakCompliments if you ask me.
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