I will explain myself 1 time publicly because it has taken too long because people who are not guilty because of me have a bad name and I will explain myself for them:
On November 21, 2023, 2 Turkish members of je daii server were racist against me and my family was cursed and threatened. I had been cursed at a lot before, but I didn't pay any attention.
On November 21, 2023, awsouki found my friend and my ip address on their servers and threatened us
You might say that finding a rope is useless. But in Turkey, things are not like that, where we live, our personal information, our photos, everything can be revealed. Because the data in Turkey has been leaked
After this incident, the Turkish je daii members told the Turkish je daii owner about the incident against me and they banned me from their tournaments.
I was patient until then, I was patient with everything, the curses against my family, the threats against me.
I was just playing this game for fun, to kill my free time and to improve, and tournaments were my only source of entertainment.
I told it to kerajan, a member of je dai, and he agreed with me.
then he said he would take care of it, but then he tricked me and banned me from server again. as a result of my extreme anger I attacked their servers as a warning and they moved themselves to OVH
until this time I had no connection with the sentinel clan awsouki was just the one who taught me the game and then valkyrie reached out to me and said I shouldn't have done it and she explained it very well and I listened to her so my attacks stopped for 1.5 months during
this period they constantly vilified me, manipulated me against people and gave me a bad name, I didn't care about. it
2 days ago I entered their server, I hung out and played and someone told me who I was and I told him that I was amateurz and he said to me jokingly that he didn't go swat to my house and I said no one can find me I live in the mountains. Then I looked at the rope to find out where I live. "The mountains of Istanbul," he said. I said if you ban me, your server goes away then I wrote a joke for now
After a while milked and kerajan came and tried to make fun of me. and then they lied about me they said I attacked their servers and failed (propaganda to discredit me, but I stopped it myself for other people)
Then I told him about the kerajan disease and he asked me if I was a boy or a girl as if he was mocking me. and he kept throwing lame even though it is forbidden on their servers so I told him that he was autistic because he really was and that I could help him if he wanted. and then they banned me from their servers so I warned them to unban me from the tournament or I will attack, they didn't unban me, they made fun of me and I started attacking again.
- In short, awsouki or someone else is not to blame, I will continue my attacks as long as they do not unban me from tournaments and apologise, if they unban me from tournaments and apologise, I will apologise to them and end the issue.
- If you approve of what was done to me and condemn me for attacking their servers, I will be concerned about your IQ level and think that you lack empathy because no community would normally be silent about what was done to me.
All proof about i am lazy for transtle to turkish: