Amateurz’s & Awsouki’s lovemade child, DDOS

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Hey this is my first thread that I write here, I am Je’daii YubNub. Good sir Amateurz is such a fan of Je’daii that he just simply can’t get over us and he feels like he has to DDOS our servers and get cheesy with us. If I’m not mistaken there has been a thread about it before, yet no actions were taken as long as I know.
I’m just requesting justice and please take me serious till I am talking respectfully.


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Infraction: Illegal Content - "Advocating for attacks (e.g. DDoS) on community servers."
Hey this is my first thread that I write here, I am Je’daii YubNub. Good sir Amateurz is such a fan of Je’daii that he just simply can’t get over us and he feels like he has to DDOS our servers and get cheesy with us. If I’m not mistaken there has been a thread about it before, yet no actions were taken as long as I know.
I’m just requesting justice and please take me serious till I am talking respectfully.

I will explain myself 1 time publicly because it has taken too long because people who are not guilty because of me have a bad name and I will explain myself for them:

On November 21, 2023, 2 Turkish members of je daii server were racist against me and my family was cursed and threatened. I had been cursed at a lot before, but I didn't pay any attention.

On November 21, 2023, awsouki found my friend and my ip address on their servers and threatened us
You might say that finding a rope is useless. But in Turkey, things are not like that, where we live, our personal information, our photos, everything can be revealed. Because the data in Turkey has been leaked
After this incident, the Turkish je daii members told the Turkish je daii owner about the incident against me and they banned me from their tournaments.
I was patient until then, I was patient with everything, the curses against my family, the threats against me.

I was just playing this game for fun, to kill my free time and to improve, and tournaments were my only source of entertainment.

I told it to kerajan, a member of je dai, and he agreed with me.
then he said he would take care of it, but then he tricked me and banned me from server again. as a result of my extreme anger I attacked their servers as a warning and they moved themselves to OVH

until this time I had no connection with the sentinel clan awsouki was just the one who taught me the game and then valkyrie reached out to me and said I shouldn't have done it and she explained it very well and I listened to her so my attacks stopped for 1.5 months during

this period they constantly vilified me, manipulated me against people and gave me a bad name, I didn't care about. it


2 days ago I entered their server, I hung out and played and someone told me who I was and I told him that I was amateurz and he said to me jokingly that he didn't go swat to my house and I said no one can find me I live in the mountains. Then I looked at the rope to find out where I live. "The mountains of Istanbul," he said. I said if you ban me, your server goes away then I wrote a joke for now

After a while milked and kerajan came and tried to make fun of me. and then they lied about me they said I attacked their servers and failed (propaganda to discredit me, but I stopped it myself for other people)

Then I told him about the kerajan disease and he asked me if I was a boy or a girl as if he was mocking me. and he kept throwing lame even though it is forbidden on their servers so I told him that he was autistic because he really was and that I could help him if he wanted. and then they banned me from their servers so I warned them to unban me from the tournament or I will attack, they didn't unban me, they made fun of me and I started attacking again.
  1. In short, awsouki or someone else is not to blame, I will continue my attacks as long as they do not unban me from tournaments and apologise, if they unban me from tournaments and apologise, I will apologise to them and end the issue.

  2. If you approve of what was done to me and condemn me for attacking their servers, I will be concerned about your IQ level and think that you lack empathy because no community would normally be silent about what was done to me.

    All proof about i am lazy for transtle to turkish:










you read everything like a good boy cause you're a little kid and you know I'm right, anyway, you don't have to answer, you are not someone I care about.

Message by miaf :
I will explain myself 1 time publicly because it has taken too long because people who are not guilty because of me have a bad name and I will explain myself for them:

On November 21, 2023, 2 Turkish members of je daii server were racist against me and my family was cursed and threatened. I had been cursed at a lot before, but I didn't pay any attention.

On November 21, 2023, awsouki found my friend and my ip address on their servers and threatened us
You might say that finding a rope is useless. But in Turkey, things are not like that, where we live, our personal information, our photos, everything can be revealed. Because the data in Turkey has been leaked
After this incident, the Turkish je daii members told the Turkish je daii owner about the incident against me and they banned me from their tournaments.
I was patient until then, I was patient with everything, the curses against my family, the threats against me.

I was just playing this game for fun, to kill my free time and to improve, and tournaments were my only source of entertainment.

I told it to kerajan, a member of je dai, and he agreed with me.
then he said he would take care of it, but then he tricked me and banned me from server again. as a result of my extreme anger I attacked their servers as a warning and they moved themselves to OVH

until this time I had no connection with the sentinel clan awsouki was just the one who taught me the game and then valkyrie reached out to me and said I shouldn't have done it and she explained it very well and I listened to her so my attacks stopped for 1.5 months during

this period they constantly vilified me, manipulated me against people and gave me a bad name, I didn't care about. it


2 days ago I entered their server, I hung out and played and someone told me who I was and I told him that I was amateurz and he said to me jokingly that he didn't go swat to my house and I said no one can find me I live in the mountains. Then I looked at the rope to find out where I live. "The mountains of Istanbul," he said. I said if you ban me, your server goes away then I wrote a joke for now

After a while milked and kerajan came and tried to make fun of me. and then they lied about me they said I attacked their servers and failed (propaganda to discredit me, but I stopped it myself for other people)

Then I told him about the kerajan disease and he asked me if I was a boy or a girl as if he was mocking me. and he kept throwing lame even though it is forbidden on their servers so I told him that he was autistic because he really was and that I could help him if he wanted. and then they banned me from their servers so I warned them to unban me from the tournament or I will attack, they didn't unban me, they made fun of me and I started attacking again.
  1. In short, awsouki or someone else is not to blame, I will continue my attacks as long as they do not unban me from tournaments and apologise, if they unban me from tournaments and apologise, I will apologise to them and end the issue.

  2. If you approve of what was done to me and condemn me for attacking their servers, I will be concerned about your IQ level and think that you lack empathy because no community would normally be silent about what was done to me.

    All proof about i am lazy for transtle to turkish:










Alright so since you are degrading my IQ level I’m just going to get on your level.
Who made that tournament? JE’DAII! Who decides if someone can take part? JE’DAII!
Is it legal to have your own rules in your own tournament? YES!
Is it legal to DDOS other’s server? NO!
You really must be living on a goddamn island, I read your letter, maybe I will just look at your screenshots later, I saw you speak too many times already I clearly see that you are always the victim, you have a narcistic personality. Do you know how many times I have been mistreated in ANY game?? How many times my family or myself was threatened? I was counting but at some point I could not keep up. You are a childing man, probably an adult already and here you are complaining about someone talking shit to you online, man get used to it, be a man and grow a thicker skin. Obviously if it ever happened. The fact that I saw you on a locked server with Awsouki or Garth for literally 6 hours straight speaks for itself. Guess what, I have been mistreated by your beloved Valkyrie and Awsouki, Valkyrie kicked me from the Sentinel discord because I am a Je’daii member, did I DDOS them? No man, they have every right to do so, Awsouki banned me for 99 rounds after calling my mother names, see this for what it is. Wake up from your delusional little dream.
You want us to let you back on the tournaments? I dont think that is going to happen buddy. You want us to say sorry? FOR WHAT. The only one that owes someone an apology is you, join our discord and you can apologize right there and all this is going to be the past.
you read everything like a good boy cause you're a little kid and you know I'm right, anyway, you don't have to answer, you are not someone I care about.

Message by miaf :
Look at you again. You say he is a little kid and you are trashtalking him? Talking shit to a little kid? Man you really should search up a psychiatrist..
Alright so since you are degrading my IQ level I’m just going to get on your level.
Who made that tournament? JE’DAII! Who decides if someone can take part? JE’DAII!
Is it legal to have your own rules in your own tournament? YES!
Is it legal to DDOS other’s server? NO!
You really must be living on a goddamn island, I read your letter, maybe I will just look at your screenshots later, I saw you speak too many times already I clearly see that you are always the victim, you have a narcistic personality. Do you know how many times I have been mistreated in ANY game?? How many times my family or myself was threatened? I was counting but at some point I could not keep up. You are a childing man, probably an adult already and here you are complaining about someone talking shit to you online, man get used to it, be a man and grow a thicker skin. Obviously if it ever happened. The fact that I saw you on a locked server with Awsouki or Garth for literally 6 hours straight speaks for itself. Guess what, I have been mistreated by your beloved Valkyrie and Awsouki, Valkyrie kicked me from the Sentinel discord because I am a Je’daii member, did I DDOS them? No man, they have every right to do so, Awsouki banned me for 99 rounds after calling my mother names, see this for what it is. Wake up from your delusional little dream.
You want us to let you back on the tournaments? I dont think that is going to happen buddy. You want us to say sorry? FOR WHAT. The only one that owes someone an apology is you, join our discord and you can apologize right there and all this is going to be the past.
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if the je daii does what it wants and establishes its own rules, violating the community rules, then I will do what I want as well.

that's what you mean
Show me where we violated the community rules. Show me that your family has been threatened. I will wait but if you can’t prove it I don’t want to hear from you ever again.
And as I said, grow a thicker skin, you are doing and admitting illegal actions, I am here to end this whole idiotic madness you created. You either disappear and we never contact again or I will get into actions aswell, believe me. I really have better things to do but you already done enough.
Check pictures fp
Do you think I know Turkish? Mi lenne ha én is a saját nyelvemen kezdenék beszélni? Egyáltalán nem értesz ebből semmit? Na, akkor legyen annyi faszod hogy lefordítod a kibaszott gecis képeidet.
We can use our native langauges but it’s going to be hard to understand eachother… Oh wait, it would be just the same as now because you are not capable of understanding my point, I do understand what your problem, you do not understand anything I’m telling you.
-> You don’t want to solve the problem, you are here for the drama


Internal Beta Team
View attachment 7776
if the je daii does what it wants and establishes its own rules, violating the community rules, then I will do what I want as well.

that's what you mean
bro really said that clan can't decide on their own event who can participate because it "breaks community rules" so he decides to ddos AXHAXHAXHAXHAXHxhAxhAHAHAh.
However, don't bother with "Ama6nen" honestly, still not worth anybodys time and the discussions are more like you explaining stuff to a 6 year old that will keep yapping about how hes the one that is correct.
Do you think I know Turkish? Mi lenne ha én is a saját nyelvemen kezdenék beszélni? Egyáltalán nem értesz ebből semmit? Na, akkor legyen annyi faszod hogy lefordítod a kibaszott gecis képeidet.
We can use our native langauges but it’s going to be hard to understand eachother… Oh wait, it would be just the same as now because you are not capable of understanding my point, I do understand what your problem, you do not understand anything I’m telling you.
-> You don’t want to solve the problem, you are here for the drama
your friend kerajan can explain it to you
If I don't want a solution, do you think I would make an offer?
I will ignore you

bro really said that clan can't decide on their own event who can participate because it "breaks community rules" so he decides to ddos AXHAXHAXHAXHAXHxhAxhAHAHAh.
However, don't bother with "Ama6nen" honestly, still not worth anybodys time and the discussions are more like you explaining stuff to a 6 year old that will keep yapping about how hes the one that is correct.
After this, the irony is that you will read everything I write as if I were a little child
your friend kerajan can explain it to you
If I don't want a solution, do you think I would make an offer?
I will ignore you

View attachment 7780
Your memory must be short, maybe it’s not my IQ that is not enough huh? This is the last message I write to you tonight, we don’t have to unban you because it is our thing to decide. You can not decide to DDOS because it is actually not your thing to decide. For example, I could hit you once and your head would fly out to space and yet I don’t do it because it is not something a civilized man does. Get off the mountain and socialize.
Buddy. What you need to understand is that we're in the right because we've just done something that isn't illegal because we can do what we want in our community. DDOS, however, is illegal and you're being very immature. I could compare you to my 15 year old classmates who act like 9 year olds. You have just been called immature by a 15 year old (granted I am one of the most mature 15 year olds I know) but besides that point. We have stayed doing legal shit, and your dumb ass has done something not so legal. So guess what. We are right, you are wrong. Real shocker am I right? :0
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