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  1. SpeedDemosArch

    jedi collects an mp5

  2. SpeedDemosArch

    MovieBattles II V1.7.1.1 Released

    the idea that you can press a button after dying and have it give a unique result is completely unintuitive considering nothing has any effect post-death in this game
  3. SpeedDemosArch

    MovieBattles II V1.7.1 Released

    that's because giving up blobs on clone just means "ok u have stam now lol" because they literally have no other options available to them, not even grenades arc also has like one fucking gun going for it make the dc-15c it's own gun (cr1, which is currently a weak e11 with huge ammo...
  4. SpeedDemosArch

    MovieBattles II V1.7.1 Released

    clone rifle is great at spamming people with a lot of bullets and dying to people using the more powerful e11 or a280 to ez you to death. i'd rather just have a gun with actually good stats instead of one meant to inundate people to death with blue lazer pen0rs. clones have always been portrayed...
  5. SpeedDemosArch

    MovieBattles II V1.7.1 Released

    it's inaccurate as hell and gets shit on hard by people camping out because the few hits you land on them has a base damage of 20
  6. SpeedDemosArch

    MovieBattles II V1.7.1 Released

    give clone dc15 carbine specialized for blitzkrieging and close in fighting
  7. SpeedDemosArch

    MovieBattles II V1.7.1 Released

    sold is not a beginner class, sold is the class veterans use when they've learned the mechanics well enough to abuse a shit character that happens to be holding a good gun elite or clone would be far superior for new players due to their combat power being significantly higher while still...
  8. SpeedDemosArch

    MovieBattles II V1.7.1 Released

    make clone rifle 1 it's own weapon so i can stop being gimped by these shit stats
  9. SpeedDemosArch

    The current version of moviebattles is the worst balanced iteration since 2008

    That doesn't stop them from swinging because flinch is gone. What happens now is jedi will gladly take your 20 damage hp trade in exchange for killing you instantly. I have had multiple, MULTIPLE fucking encounters with retard jedi where I had to turn on sprint and fucking book it in full...
  10. SpeedDemosArch

    The current version of moviebattles is the worst balanced iteration since 2008

    everything cool or fun that could possibly be suggested as an addition to this game will eternally be filtered through the sieve that is "But what about JEDI?" as if it's perfectly fucking fine that one class has oppressed, minimum, five other classes pretty much as long as this game has been...
  11. SpeedDemosArch

    The current version of moviebattles is the worst balanced iteration since 2008

    We're literally looking at a post of a guy suggesting the arc get some dumb scouting shit because of a word that happens to be in the class name. Let me remind you, special 1 and 2 are already taken up by sprint and forward roll. So either people have to find a bind for special 3 which most...
  12. SpeedDemosArch

    Lack of "Playable" maps

    It's more like the jedi kind of just awkwardly walk down the hallway at eachother and try to duel while the snipers try their hardest to get some fragvideo footage. Not uncommon for the jedi to get their shit shot during this honestly. dotf's setup time is generous enough to allow for several...
  13. SpeedDemosArch

    Lack of "Playable" maps

    ok but i still believe dotf players need to be liberated from their self-imposed gulag
  14. SpeedDemosArch

    Lack of "Playable" maps

    you know lindsay is a frequent visitor of our deathstar server, right? they're shitposting actually deathstar is good for gunners too because there's more than enough cover and short hallways to cuck the shit out of snipers, which is why it's better than dotf i unironically think dotf players...
  15. SpeedDemosArch

    The current version of moviebattles is the worst balanced iteration since 2008

    that wasn't my point at all. my point is if you start shoving this weird "scouting" shit into arc then people are going to start insisting arc is "a scout, he isn't supposed to fight people because hE's a ScOuT because He'S rEcOn!!!!" the same way people insist jedi is SUPPOSED to be fucking...
  16. SpeedDemosArch

    Lack of "Playable" maps

    i played tr years ago and i'm playing it right now and i can't remember ever having legitimate issues with trolling the only cases of trolling i remember are people who would blatantly barge people as wook or rocket the entire team at shortroute door, but longroute is always better anyways and...
  17. SpeedDemosArch

    Lack of "Playable" maps

    dotf and deathstar attract two completely different kinds of players and i'll tell you right now the dotf audience is fucking insufferable
  18. SpeedDemosArch

    The current version of moviebattles is the worst balanced iteration since 2008

    the point of a speedrun is to go fast. that's it. you go fast. other categories exist because they're harder, more impressive, or extremely weird.
  19. SpeedDemosArch

    The current version of moviebattles is the worst balanced iteration since 2008

    You quoted a longroute speedrun and posted a short route video ??? Those are two different categories, what the fuck are you doing
  20. SpeedDemosArch

    The current version of moviebattles is the worst balanced iteration since 2008

    arc used to be able to match that speed and not blow his entire resource meter doing so lol