Playing Jedi Academy in 2025

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  1. Punished Crab

    Technical Issue Controller still not working after steam overlay was added

    I'm not sure if I'm doing something wrong on my end, but it recognizes my controller and the steam layout I made when I boot up the game, but it just doesnt work. Tried cleaning and verifying the game, tried a different controller(which the one i was using is new so it shouldnt be that) and...
  2. Punished Crab

    Launcher Can no longer use Steam controller Support?

    So before the Launcher update, I set up some controller bindings through Jedi Academy on Steam so I could use a controller. Since the update to the launcher, it's no longer recognizing my controller when I boot up the game. My controller is definitely connected, it just doesn't register for this...
  3. Punished Crab

    Penekepack 2.4 // CLASSIC UI RESTORATION

    It kinda works as if the models from Peneke replace models in game, so they'd either appear as the vanilla models I'd imagine, or generic default models. It's why I never bothered with packs cause no one else can see them unless they downloaded them, which is not the majority.
  4. Punished Crab

    Toxicity kinda kills this game for me and most likely others

    I probably worded half of it wrong but this was part of my argument. The toxicity I complained about wasn't some guy telling me to fuck off, or someone saying offensive shit. My problem was me and my friends were being ridiculed for playing the game normally and not goofing off. I understand if...
  5. Punished Crab

    Toxicity kinda kills this game for me and most likely others

    Yeah I totally get what all of you are saying. I figured there's not much to be done, and I agree NERO that enforcing a culture would be bad, I just wish if people had different things they wanted such as people who want more social elements create a server for such. Thank you all for your...
  6. Punished Crab

    Toxicity kinda kills this game for me and most likely others

    I need to preface that I absolutely love playing this game and have met many really cool players. Recently I was playing and someone(who i won't name cause it will probably just cause more drama) complained that me and my friend (including others on my team) were doing objective on Death Star...
  7. Punished Crab

    Mandolorian saber/staff

    That honestly could be pretty cool. There's probably some balancing that would need to go into it, but it sounds fun.
  8. Punished Crab

    "Selecting a Character" in duel mode

    So I Initially thought this was a bug but considering in the past updates this has not changed I figured I'd post this here. Ever since me and my friends downloaded this mod, we noticed that in duel mode specifically, your selected character would either A.) Not show up as the proper character...
  9. Punished Crab

    A special dialogue should be added to the clones.

    We need the Polynesian spa dialogue added for clones. Could even add a shirtless spa clone at that. Come on New Zealand, try something new.
  10. Punished Crab

    push should cost 100 fp

    Dr. Samuel Johnson is right about Olson Johnson being right. Push needs to require more fp.
  11. Punished Crab

    Occasional servers that have a high amount of players but are pass-coded?

    Thank you for the reply! Didn't even think of that. I figured it had something to do with keeping trolls out
  12. Punished Crab

    Occasional servers that have a high amount of players but are pass-coded?

    So I've noticed once in a while there will be a bunch of servers that have little to no people but then there's a server that has a good 24-30 people but it's locked. I might be an idiot and it's simply a clan thing going on, but was just curious to know of the reasoning behind said servers. I'm...
  13. Punished Crab

    jedi and sith are op in open now

    Yeah I see what you mean with that. Albeit I'm much newer to this community I have noticed that unless I'm an ARC trooper who can use evade and jump to gain at least a bit more distance in order to try and kill a force user, most other times when playing as a wookie, clone, hero, etc. I am...
  14. Punished Crab

    H.B. Pack 7.6 is out // PATCH FOR RELEASED.

    Hey this might be a stupid question, but I'm new, I know when I installed movie battles 2 it came with skin packs installed. I was wondering if I updated the H.B. pack in this instance, would other people even see it if they don't also have it? I'd like the new skins but I also would want what's...