Playing Jedi Academy in 2025

Toxicity kinda kills this game for me and most likely others

Ahem, unfortunately, thing I'm about to say is considered toxic in this day and age, but I'm going to anyway. Not because I want to be mean, but because I think it's a healthy and beneficial thing to remind people from time to time.

Okay, here it goes:
Bunch of stupid fucking children saying mean stuff online shouldn't bother you.

Two reasons, both come down to what you can and cannot control.

1. You can't control stupid fucking children. You are not their parent, you have no means of punishing them for wrong behavior. If you think your whiny posts will achieve something towards making these children less mean - then lol.

2. However you can control your reactions, to an extent ofc. Remember, children's threats are meaningless. Why should you bother with their meaningless threats and insults? If it comes down to damn children sneaking around your house then simply beat the shit out of them. Or mow them down with 50cal browning machinegun, or whatever the fuck you americans do.

Didnt bother to spellcheck, not a native speaker blah-blah.
When the only currently populated server in the game mode you want to play in has 7 stupid children on it on the one day in the week you feel like playing MBII on, and the problem isn't that they're saying mean stuff online but their stupidity is making the game something it's not supposed to be to ally and foe alike, I think people are free to at least bring it up on an online forum and complain about it.

The internet is weird because no one would ever condone a football match, even between children, where 3 random players decide that their idea of a fun football game is to throw horse shit at the other players. So I don't really understand why objecting to playing an online video game normally, teamkilling and being a general pain in the ass is condoned.

The thread is (probably) more about the mean words but trolling is an extension of that behavior.
To play devil's advocate, sometimes playing the objective is the toxic thing when the server is low population. Some maps in this game have very long flank routes, so if offense in a low population server constantly split up to try flank routes to hit the obj, it can create dozens of minutes of waiting for both teams where nothing really happens. Sometimes it's most fun for everyone when a low-pop server has an unspoken agreement to all push the same route every time, because that's when the most team fights happen. So it comes down to whether or not you consider battling with the enemy team fun, or getting a text message that says "you win" more fun.

That said, I don't really get mad when people obj rush, it's easily counterable by becoming an obj camper. The thing that gets on my nerves is actually the opposite, when the last offense players run and hide on the map to preserve their K/D. I don't mind if the last players just want to have a melee duel, but true time wasting like literally hiding in obscure corners of the map is probably the most toxic thing. It's even worse than tk. Tk means one or two people don't get to play for a round, tw means everyone on the server can't play for minutes for no reason.

One general problem is that your issue doesn't come with a solution. If there was an effective reporting feature like you mention, it is made irrelevant by the low-population, theoretically the few servers left could moderate more harshly by banning more players... but banning toxic players might kill the game faster than their toxicity does. This is the only game I play where I have to wait for certain times in the day for a server in my region to have players, I'd gladly deal with some trolls rather than have the game be unplayable. Plus I think there's a bit of charm in trolling, the internet has become such as sheltered place in today's age, that the few places left with little moderation like minecraft anarchy servers or MBII servers are kinda nostalgic for me, and appeal to that bit of libertarian inside me that appreciates the freedom to just say whatever.
To play devil's advocate, sometimes playing the objective is the toxic thing when the server is low population. Some maps in this game have very long flank routes, so if offense in a low population server constantly split up to try flank routes to hit the obj, it can create dozens of minutes of waiting for both teams where nothing really happens. Sometimes it's most fun for everyone when a low-pop server has an unspoken agreement to all push the same route every time, because that's when the most team fights happen. So it comes down to whether or not you consider battling with the enemy team fun, or getting a text message that says "you win" more fun.

That said, I don't really get mad when people obj rush, it's easily counterable by becoming an obj camper. The thing that gets on my nerves is actually the opposite, when the last offense players run and hide on the map to preserve their K/D. I don't mind if the last players just want to have a melee duel, but true time wasting like literally hiding in obscure corners of the map is probably the most toxic thing. It's even worse than tk. Tk means one or two people don't get to play for a round, tw means everyone on the server can't play for minutes for no reason.

One general problem is that your issue doesn't come with a solution. If there was an effective reporting feature like you mention, it is made irrelevant by the low-population, theoretically the few servers left could moderate more harshly by banning more players... but banning toxic players might kill the game faster than their toxicity does. This is the only game I play where I have to wait for certain times in the day for a server in my region to have players, I'd gladly deal with some trolls rather than have the game be unplayable. Plus I think there's a bit of charm in trolling, the internet has become such as sheltered place in today's age, that the few places left with little moderation like minecraft anarchy servers or MBII servers are kinda nostalgic for me, and appeal to that bit of libertarian inside me that appreciates the freedom to just say whatever.
only retards who cant get kills timewaste (usually because they've used up all their quicknades after seeing bob or jono troll around as hero)

this includes the polish "person" el chombo dildos


Movie Battles II Team
Bunch of stupid fucking children saying mean stuff online shouldn't bother you.
You'd be amazed how many people in this world (lets be real this country) can't grasp this concept.

Do what I do and treat MB2 chat like a bad Comedy Central Roast and it works out great :p

You'd be amazed how many people in this world (lets be real this country) can't grasp this concept.

Do what I do and treat MB2 chat like a bad Comedy Central Roast and it works out great :p

tell that to the devs, and particularly the one who is "he who shall not be named" because if i say his name then this account will go bye bye.
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When I used to play, I actually found the toxicity sort of appealing. I suck at the game so I spent 4 minutes 55 seconds of each round dead, and seeing people rage and troll and argue was a pretty good past time. There were very, very few players who were toxic in a destructive way. (Intentionally breaking Lindsey's elevators in DS, teamkilling on spawn then reconnecting with a VPN, chat-spamming with a VPN, camping trash, or DDoS'ing the servers).


Internal Beta Team
As he says half the toxicity in this game is people trying to be fun 😊 ez win


Just a Guy
Movie Battles II Team
literally just stop giving reactions its the only thing that gets me going anymore
When the only currently populated server in the game mode you want to play in has 7 stupid children on it on the one day in the week you feel like playing MBII on, and the problem isn't that they're saying mean stuff online but their stupidity is making the game something it's not supposed to be to ally and foe alike, I think people are free to at least bring it up on an online forum and complain about it.

The internet is weird because no one would ever condone a football match, even between children, where 3 random players decide that their idea of a fun football game is to throw horse shit at the other players. So I don't really understand why objecting to playing an online video game normally, teamkilling and being a general pain in the ass is condoned.

The thread is (probably) more about the mean words but trolling is an extension of that behavior.
I probably worded half of it wrong but this was part of my argument. The toxicity I complained about wasn't some guy telling me to fuck off, or someone saying offensive shit. My problem was me and my friends were being ridiculed for playing the game normally and not goofing off. I understand if some people just want to do fight clubs or goofy shit but there's no separate servers for that sadly. Obviously when ever people see a server that has people in it, they are going to join it, so there is no "lets go do club penguin shit in an empty server" cause people would inevitably join it. That's what creates the problem. You have two different camps I'm guessing but I'd say people goofing off is not the majority. Nothing wrong with doing objective. Maybe if there was a server titled "casual" or "meme/goof/social" so it would be a warning to those thinking objective was a reasonable thing to do.
Obviously when ever people see a server that has people in it, they are going to join it, so there is no "lets go do club penguin shit in an empty server" cause people would inevitably join it. That's what creates the problem. You have two different camps I'm guessing but I'd say people goofing off is not the majority. Nothing wrong with doing objective. Maybe if there was a server titled "casual" or "meme/goof/social" so it would be a warning to those thinking objective was a reasonable thing to do.

Be the one who create it, if there is a need, fill it

Deleted member 9255

Even when I was in elementary school, there was this Paweł, and I was riding a bicycle, and I met him, and then I went to the shop for ice cream, I was on my way home, then I went home already
I need to preface that I absolutely love playing this game and have met many really cool players. Recently I was playing and someone(who i won't name cause it will probably just cause more drama) complained that me and my friend (including others on my team) were doing objective on Death Star and I simply made a joking reply "Sorry for doing objective lol" and he told me to fuck off and it kinda just railed onwards. I even try apologizing and it just turns into everyone supporting him and it makes you want to leave. I know nothing can really be done about it but it I wish there were moderators of sort that would stop that kinda thing. I know the population is low so that won't happen but I'd like to know if anyone else deals with this? Like I try to be civil and if someone gets on me or shows disrespect through messages, teabagging, TKing, etc, I can't help but respond cause I see a lot of people support that behavior. What sucks is we have a very small, tight nit community. So for people like me or my friends who liked to play the game as meant to played with objectives, we have to jump in with people who like to troll or play it like a social game. The least that could happen is either people have a bit more respect and not support this behavior, or they go on servers specifically for what they desire. Sorry if this just sounds like some stupid rant, but this comes from someone that loves playing this, I've donated money for it, and want to see it thrive. I've even gotten many of my friends to play it. (Note: if there is a report feature I don't know what I'd do for that but I'd gladly use it)
whos toxic?
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they are mad because they are chasing kills in Lower without defending the objective. the onus for defense is on the Imperials in Deathstar. the fact that you and your friends can complete the objective is not a remark on your cowardice but rather an indictment on their failure.