v1.5 increased projectile speeds: discussion


Movie Battles II Team Retired
Alright folks this is a pretty crucial subject for the mod's gameplay, and even though it seemed to receive mostly positive feedback during the previous open betas, hence its addition in v1.5, now the feedback appears to be quite divided on the subject with both very positive and very negative stances.

To reiterate, the projectile speeds have been increased by 15% across the board in the v1.5 release, with the exception of projectile rifle shots and clone blobs (and SBD blobs in FA).
You might have a mental blockade here because you have never seen any balancing to classes different than Jedi/Sith happening, rofl.

True, I haven't been around as long as B16, or seen the days of mandos with proj rifles, as you will no doubt point out, but I've been here since B19 and still seen plenty of changes.
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Mandos with proj rifles.

So I have seen those. I have seen Cortosis 2 in OPEN as well, lol. My first forum account dates back to 2015? I asked @hunGarry for some scopes because I did not like the new ones (long, long ago) and lost the access.

I want both of those things back and a lot of changes to happen because the game is hardly enjoyable from Gunner's point of view. Project Rifle on Hero and Bounty Hunter + Disruptor BH + EE-3 Mando snipers who just run around and quick scope. Gunning is pretty awful right now unless you are the sniper yourself. Bullet speeds make it somewhat interesting again because the chosen ones can not just stand in one spot without putting themselves at risk.
True, I haven't been around as long as B16, or seen the days of mandos with proj rifles, as you will no doubt point out, but I've been here since B19 and still seen plenty of changes.
I recall that the only major gameplay change that happened to classes outside Jedi/Sith was adding the rage mechanics to Wook before classic!DotF got balcony.
With maybe the exception for dash hero with proj/pistol 3 and soon to be nerfed bowcaster attacking became even more frustrating than it was before since you go down quickly especially at choke points. With most classes sitting back and trying to tease the other side to push themselves is now more crucial. While pop-up sniping might be slighty nerfed the playstyle of it definitely is encouraged more so you don't die pretty fast.

Despite the opposite intention "wobbling" is now more crucial than before whenever your weapon's accuracy is more limited than the weapon you are fighting against. This might be untrue on long range but if your guns are matched this way you really shouldn't be fighting on long range anyway.

I'm still dominating team leaderboards despite my slightly better than average aim which also wasn't intended with this change.

All in all i see more problems coming up the more i play and the positives of having more reliable and aim rewarding guns only apply to a selected few. I can only advise anyone to try all classes and most guns on the attacking team while playing versus top players. This should change some minds in my opinion.

But i guess we will see more of: "I don't see a problem", "If there is a problem i don't care for it", "Problems are easily solved*
*i won't give the solution, though"
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Internal Beta Team
Devs should make all weapons hitscan, it relies far more on skill and less on random dodging.
i'd even play open if that would have happened btw
(why am i even responding to 6 years old comment)