Playing Jedi Academy in 2025

Recent content by WorldsLargestiPod

  1. WorldsLargestiPod

    Suggested changes to FA features/powers

    Force Destruction: Currently a near instant cast rechargeable rocket that is extremely difficult to balance. Suggestion: Add a cast delay where the users hand glows and then the projectile is fired, essentially operating on the same principle as normal mando and arc rockets. Concussion Rifle...
  2. WorldsLargestiPod

    Moviebattles II V1.9.1 Released

    Works for me
  3. WorldsLargestiPod

    Moviebattles II V1.9.1 Released

    Case could be made to add it for the death watch models, but not of the offshoots of jango/boba
  4. WorldsLargestiPod

    Moviebattles II Version 1.8 Released

    I see no comments about super open mode, I can only assume that everyone that has played it is entirely satisfied with the product. Excellent.
  5. WorldsLargestiPod

    Unconfirmed Kylo Ren Saber in Full Authentic

    There appears to be an issue with saber_kylo_ren in full authentic which prevents someone using that particular saber model from switching saber styles, it will stick with whichever style the player starts out with. I tested this on legends and on the Jakku FA. Switching styles has a special...
  6. WorldsLargestiPod

    Technical Issue More General MBCH Questions

    MB_ATT_SHOCKWAVE, nothing on quick deploy. Perhaps quick deploy is the old 'turning rate', IDK. Unfortunately neither are listed in the mbch values either, as far as i can see. nothing on disruptors.
  7. WorldsLargestiPod

    Technical Issue More General MBCH Questions

    I should have lumped these all together before but since the previous one was about animations... Just some clarification MB_ATT_DEKA_POWER for attributes is the power management correct? Just to clarify what are the other two supposed to be for quickdeploy and the shield shockwave, because...
  8. WorldsLargestiPod

    Grenade Warning

    if we have a grenade warning can it be a woman saying in a calm british accent "You're about to die"
  9. WorldsLargestiPod

    Long time player, never introduced

    I think i remember you. Welcome to the airlock!
  10. WorldsLargestiPod

    How much of the Saber system is being changed next update?

    No more kitchen action dual lightsabers? A shame. No i mean thank the lord.
  11. WorldsLargestiPod

    Block Animations

    if you mean the default blocks, I think it would be nice to see them when pblocks occur but i think that would add too much confusion.
  12. WorldsLargestiPod

    Jedi Temple Teleport

    I was playing a 1 life class, and I didn't die or anything. It was a teleport mid-game and AFAIK i sustained very little dmg.
  13. WorldsLargestiPod

    Jedi Temple Teleport

    I don't know if this has happened to anyone before but i was playing on jedi temple, around the imp spawn [the large main hall] and whilst fighting I suddenly teleported and found myself back in the rebel spawn. Did i somehow trigger a return to the rebel spawn by stepping over one of the imp...
  14. WorldsLargestiPod

    Additional saber colors for Jedi and Sith: white, black, other...

    FA is so unpopular that people don't even realise what sorts of features it has. There is much work to be done.
  15. WorldsLargestiPod

    Melee Changes

    On a more subtle note, can we make it so that when an enemy is killed by wookiee melee it no longer says "x was blundgeoned by y" and instead put "x was shredded by y" seems more appropriate. Maybe 'mauled' would be a better one.