Melee Changes


Internal Beta Team
First off I love the new melee system and think it's super fun but I think it needs some improvement.

Probably coolest idea is Melee Wookiee grapple. I propose that instead of the normal grapple attacks like other classes do, they have a special one that instant kills the target by ripping both arms off. Yeah insta kill sounds a bit harsh, but to be honest, if that Wookiee has enough time to grapple you, he has enough time to punch you to death also. The grapple animation could be a kind of 2 handed lunge forward and if it connects the target gets both their arms torn off. There're always talks in the movies about Wookiees and severed arms.. I really want to see it! Could be only works in Rage.

This idea is just fluff because it would look hilariously awesome. Have the melee block timed counter work against an attacking saberist if he is within punch distance. How it would be is like a Sith runs at a Hero and is close enough their models are touching, he goes to swing and the Hero does the block button at the instant that swing would have hit. The Hero grabs the saber, or Sith's hand, and does like jab in their face. To avoid this next time the Sith uses the longer saber length to his advantage.

Now this one bugs me just because of inconsistency in what you see happen... Crouch stopping kicks... If you watch it, the foot hits the crouching guy right in the face. In the face! Yeah it does some damage but getting a foot in your face should not be good. So how about have crouch still stop knockdowns but do a stagger like the uppercut does with a bit of knockback. Next time they'll block with their fists instead of their face. Added effect of having melee fights less prairie dog-like. (Up, down, up, down, up, down)

I guess all of these are kind of fluff. I like the Wookiee thing the most. What do you think?
About wookies, I always thought it's funny they are the only class with melee that can't knockdown crouching enemies.
Why not give wookies a grab that ignores crouching?
They hold still which gives people enough time to move out of the grab reach, and it gives them some kind of counter to crouching sense they refuse to put a point in thier bowcaster.


Internal Beta Team
Why not give wookies a grab that ignores crouching?
They hold still which gives people enough time to move out of the grab reach, and it gives them some kind of counter to crouching sense they refuse to put a point in thier bowcaster.
Grabs already ignore crouching. I just think the animation needs some refreshment for them wooks.
You already have the perfect defensive move against jedi.
It sweeps the leg.

Would it be too much to request a disarm melee move?
Like I would totally jump kick jedi more if I could disarm them while they are on the ground.

I was actually going to suggest this in the new class suggestion thread as a specific class ability or just a general one. Forgot to:)

It would work through grapple.
Landing a grapple on an armed opponent.
Unless they're afk it's a pretty big risk and hard to do, highly situational, surprise is necessary most of the time.
Even when you outnumber an opponent its a bit hard unless they're knocked down.
But, knockdown typically means death anyway so...its actually a step up as you're still among the living:)
So why not add a disarm to reward?

On the final hit of the grapple when the opponent is flung to the ground, have them drop their weapon. You could then pick it up if you so chose.
A nice little reward.

Obviously you wouldn't be able to pick up a lightsabers...they can just recall it and you'd have to lock that out for the big babies that would qq about it.

But think of the lulz!!

And of course, the universal application in increased laming ability. Forget just taking their weapons. Finally a use for afkers!
No, now imagine, your teammate is in cover, there's suppressive fire right at the edge in the open. You grapple him, fling him as you would a lamb to wolves while disarming him.

Let's give it a 1,000 successful attempts for achievements.
Why not give wookies a grab that ignores crouching?
This is why I prefer to use grenades with melee Wookiees rather than rage. If the ridiculous coinflip getup that jedi and sith do was sorted then it would be fine I think.

On a related note I'm feeling like fury is pretty overpowered right now.
On a more subtle note, can we make it so that when an enemy is killed by wookiee melee it no longer says "x was blundgeoned by y" and instead put "x was shredded by y" seems more appropriate. Maybe 'mauled' would be a better one.


Internal Beta Team
On a more subtle note, can we make it so that when an enemy is killed by wookiee melee it no longer says "x was blundgeoned by y" and instead put "x was shredded by y" seems more appropriate. Maybe 'mauled' would be a better one.
Ooh, mauled is really good. I mean it could even say dismembered and be accurate.
Honestly... As cool as they both sound...

I don't want to see either implemented. Wookies are already strong, if they knock you down you are pretty much insta-killed right there, I'd rather not give them more power.

As for blocking sabers with your hands? From a thematic standpoint? I just... No.

Catching a sword with your bare fists? Sure. Catching an arrow? Ofcourse. A chainsaw? Go for it! ... A Lightsaber? Only if you lose your hands afterwars and run around attempting to headbutt your opponents to death... Well I guess you could kick as well.

Basically I only want you catching sabers with your hands and feet if you end up like this guy:


Internal Beta Team
Honestly... As cool as they both sound...

I don't want to see either implemented. Wookies are already strong, if they knock you down you are pretty much insta-killed right there, I'd rather not give them more power.

As for blocking sabers with your hands? From a thematic standpoint? I just... No.

Catching a sword with your bare fists? Sure. Catching an arrow? Ofcourse. A chainsaw? Go for it! ... A Lightsaber? Only if you lose your hands afterwars and run around attempting to headbutt your opponents to death... Well I guess you could kick as well.

Basically I only want you catching sabers with your hands and feet if you end up like this guy:
Yeah the point is if you're knocked down you're dead already, why not make the boring base grapple animation be cool for a Wook. It wouldn't give them more power, it'd basically just be a finishing move for people who are standing still. Maybe there would be a way to hurt and not rip the arms off? I just want to see arms ripped off.

And the counter thing isn't saying grab a saber with your hand... you don't grab the damn blade, you go for their arms or wrists or the hilt. Something stupidly hard to do but if somebody manages it the entire server erupts in Woahs!

Meh I just want to see it spiced up with flair. It bugs me so much the people who only normal kick down then just punch... so bland.