Playing Jedi Academy in 2025

Recent content by Liniyka_xddd

  1. Liniyka_xddd

    Dev ignorance boogaloo

    Oh yeah my bad, I forgot that all ukrainians are like retarded or something. You win! I will now depart this thread, so you can consider yourself a racially superior being. Good luck with that FA or whatever, maybe try adding a Z/V faction to it! That would be pretty awesome :D
  2. Liniyka_xddd

    Dev ignorance boogaloo

    Do you have the main character syndrome or something? Could you list these great achievements of yours? Because unless you've cured cancer, I think you should take it down a notch. You're talking MAD shit for someone who can't even get their FA included into a dying 20yo mod. Also, do you...
  3. Liniyka_xddd

    Dev ignorance boogaloo

    Could you please pinpoint the inaccuracies? The screenshots you yourself posted show that you reached out to Mace to ask him to try your FA, he refused, and that sent you on some sort of a downward spiral. What I'm trying to understand here is why his refusal to play it is such a big deal. He's...
  4. Liniyka_xddd

    Dev ignorance boogaloo

    You sound EXACTLY like old Mace LOL. Listen, if you want to roast the MB2 devs and present yourself as a superior specimen, you gotta check your attitude. This entire thread looks like you got omega butthurt because Mace and Defi didn't do exactly as you wanted, so you yourself decided to go...
  5. Liniyka_xddd

    Dev ignorance boogaloo

    So wait, you wanted Mace to play your FA, he refused, and that qualifies as a "schizo autistic meltdown"? LOL Aight look man, I've talked mad shit to Mace back in the day for DotF v2 and all that, but this just isn't it.... maybe try not getting so angry when ppl don't want to play or engage...
  6. Liniyka_xddd

    Open is finally dead.

    This is the first time I have EVER seen GSE populated in my entire MB2 career
  7. Liniyka_xddd

    Open is finally dead.

    Ah, now we engage in what's fine and what isn't. Is flying bad? Maybe, but people loved it. Is nadejumping bad? Maybe, but people loved it. Is animation manipulation bad? Maybe, but people loved it. I get what your goal is. It is understandable. But it also makes people feel targeted and...
  8. Liniyka_xddd

    Open is finally dead.

    Feels a bit weird telling that to the lead dev, but surely you realize that your game thrived exactly BECAUSE it gave players the option of goofing around as well as just shooting everyone? You ever played Team Fortress 2? The exact same concept. The combination of very deep, skill-based...
  9. Liniyka_xddd

    Open is finally dead.

    I'm sorry to disappoint but the time for deep and intricate systems has come and passed. For the past 10 years, MB2 has enjoyed relative stability, being kept afloat by the renewed interest in Star Wars thanks to The Force Awakens, and all other media that came after it (movies, games, shows)...
  10. Liniyka_xddd

    Open is finally dead.

    Please put this visual diarrhea under a spoiler, thank you 🙏
  11. Liniyka_xddd

    Open is finally dead.

  12. Liniyka_xddd

    Open is finally dead.

    Can we vote you out of the game? Or at least the forums? I'm fairly certain the entire remaining playerbase would vote "yes"
  13. Liniyka_xddd

    Open is finally dead.

    Yeah I also get very happy and excited when entire modes die, which causes people to stop playing the mod altogether
  14. Liniyka_xddd


    Among these 3? 1.3 ez any day any time
  15. Liniyka_xddd

    kvinto's Meme Battles 3

    Nice video of good and cool moments :D