Playing Jedi Academy in 2025

Open is finally dead.

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Level Designer
Movie Battles II Team
As someone with a stake in the contributor/beta/dev/open/legends/scrim/troll scenes, I think you guys are being extremely over dramatic and paranoid.

Something to keep in mind, at least regarding my statements, is that it is something I have dealt with for a long time. Much longer than most beta testers, and a good part of the development team (Such as Frenzy) have even bee a part of the process. Certain periods were better, certain periods were worse. However, from a developer perspective: there have been times where I have had a highly motivated day to work on MB2, but then because beta testers have their flavor of the week and its super important to them so it must be discussed right now. In my perspective, I've seen a constant trend of inexperienced developers listening to the loudest in the community, so it often means I have to spend time time trying to convince people to stop going the band-aid route because everyone is amateurs rather than professionals. Over the years it has wasted tons of time from both beta testers and developers, arguing over stupid little things like were some government bureaucracy and never actually getting things done.

Just as an example, the scrim community decided one month that A-280 was a massive problem, even though balance had not changed for the weapon in like a decade. I agreed that there were issues, but beta testers/scrimmers were adamant it had to be immediately solved with their balance values the moment it was discovered. Where as my method was slow, methodical, anti-band-aid, group based balance changes. As part of my overall class update plan, weapons like A-280, DLT-20a, Westar M5, would have had a lot of their balance values detangled from one another. Things like accuracy are the same for half the weapons in MB2, and many of the projectile speeds are all the same. Other balance values like ammo costs, magazine size, reload times, etc are buried so deep in code its impossible to easily modify. Past MB2 developers kept tacking multipliers-on-multipliers in order to do things like projectile speed increases or FP drain modifications. Multiple global-modifiers, multiple sub modifiers etc. Everything needed to be cleaned up and myself, tempest, etc. needed time to clean all of that up and unlock all possible balancing options and stop the slow cascading failures. All those discussions and stuff wasted a fuck ton of time trying to convince people to follow basic proper game design/efficiency/optimization related ideas.

It feels like I wasted 12 years of my life trying to convince people to just follow what I consider basic common sense. Like hey, we need to be able to balance a weapon with ALL values, not just damage, burst count, or FP drain. And it just partially results in the next part of what you mentioned:
I think R20 had the right idea but was rushed and bloated, the numbers were off and beta testing fell off when it should have been at its most populated (where were the complainers?), resulting in hilariously obvious missed bugs.

It was rushed and bloated, because 75% of the features for that release were decided last minute, against the goals of leadership, and the result of beta testers and two rogue developers forcing things rather than sticking with the plan that was decided years in advance, and cemented as the plan for the release months beforehand. It has nothing to do with developers not playing the game. Such a statement is baffling to me when, one of the people responsible for a large majority of the "hilariously obvious missed bugs" was someone who was on the scrim discord, playing and testing with scrimmers on a weekly basis. You would think someone playing and testing that often would have spotted obvious things, and would be able to avoid them when they're modifying core parts of mb2s code base.... but no and its been a frequent problem with that specific developer missing the obvious because their communication skills with the rest of the development team sucks ass and I can even provide a good example of that. If we would have stuck to the original plan, we wouldn't have had issues, and if we had people in the development team that developed as a team and not solo developers, we wouldn't have so many problems. And with that I'll give an example of why I say this, while also addressing another part of your comment:

Legends is more popular because it's funnier and more laidback, changes can more easily be made to the mode to keep it fresh or address balance, and classes have more robust kits and have more lives/bigger health pools/more mobility than their Open counterparts, which DOES actually fix a lot of the "problems" many have with Open.

Which to me is a little hilarious, because a lot of the backend changes I was championing were for the purpose of making much faster balance changes overall. A lot of MB2s balance values were in random files and locations within 10s of thousands of lines of code, often impossible to find, tied to other things, or stacked on top of previous balance changes. Tempest and I worked really hard to centralize all of that in a single easy to read location, which also allowed them to be read into the UI for even players to see. It is something that should have been finished years ago, but has faced resistance due to flavor-of-the week issues taking priority. We also had a list of plans, multiple years old (just look at the date on the thread that is just combining things into a single location as most ideas are way older), that gave classes more options. Below is an example of things just written down, but also notice that there are at least 3 new classes on this as well.


It is also absolutely hilarious seeing the legends system nowadays, especially with some people taking credit for the idea. Here is a news article we published on ModDB of the legends system existing in 2009: From the MB2 Labs: A New Gamemode news - Movie Battles II mod for Star Wars: Jedi Academy Far before any of those people joined the dev team.

  • If you do not create an SA, a default one will be used. Currently, the SA defaults emulate the MB Open mode classes. This effectively turns your SA into per class limits on the MB Open mode classes.
That right there sounds like even Legends itself.

However, the person who worked on the current system never discussed it with the team as a whole before creating it and getting it to the point where it was mostly complete. Thus wasting weeks, months, whatever of his own time when I had part of this system still lying around on my machine. That version that I had would have also solved a few of the issues that cropped up post-release if they followed the initial game plan and communicated and designed things with the rest of the team, rather than on their own. Some people on the dev team think they know better or more than those that have been around longer, yet their ideas are decades old and belong to others.

We had the opportunity years ago, to get Open to a much better place. That chance was completely squandered by a selfish few.


Level Designer
Movie Battles II Team
So if you tell us that this is not the direction you want, and that there are rogue devs doing poor / unpopular changes.

It requires a culture and attitude shift. It requires leadership disciplining people who constantly cause development issues, not just say they're going to especially when words no longer work. One dev has been repeatedly scolded for not listening to simple development guidelines (Such as not lumping 50 changes in a single commit/branch) and not listened for more than half a decade and through 3 project leads. Repeatedly has acted like the victim when Defiant or I has had to go delete portions of a commit, even after being warned for years not to do that. Yet no actual discipline has occurred except for like 3 commits being partially reverted in the past 5 years.

Leadership needs a spine, and to say NOTHING is getting released if its all merged together in an "all or nothing" style, if new components/features do not have written design documents discussed by the entire team. To say that a feature/idea does not get merged if it wasn't a part of the agreed upon plans/meetings for that release (no more last minute scope creep) and actually execute on that. If you're a developer unhappy with stuff getting reverted because you didn't discuss it as a team, or because you made management more difficult by combining it with unrelated things (think government mass spending bills vs single item bills) then you need to check yourself and not be mad at leadership or the rest of the team.

Culture needs a shift, where people realize that even though this is a free, volunteer project, it still in at least some ways needs to be treated similarly to a job. We generally have a list of features that people can work on at any given time. They can choose which of those features they want to do, and they can propose new one but that new one may not instantly get top priority. Its pretty lenient, but sometimes for little bits here and there you're probably going to have to work on things that are not your top choice or something that was your idea. It is a team effort, and very few (I would say none honestly) who comes up with a good idea can execute 100% of that idea. Sometimes your latest brilliant idea might have to wait a release or two to get through the backlog kinda thing. We drastically need to get through our backlog, its way too large and spans more than a decade of ideas at this point.

There is a whole plan I have for reworking vehicles and in particular space battles in JA/MB2, but I realize that those dreams would have taken years to get through the backlog. It didn't mean I suddenly prioritized it over other things (Though I did make some concepts to limit test which is fine) or asked others to prioritize it.
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Can we vote you out of the game?
For what crime ?
as if anyone care about your pathetic harassment on me. animal behaviour at best...

Culture needs a shift
If I ever could have had the opportunity to speak without having an army of monkey discrediting me for the past years (And yes I am not what these horde of crazies described me to be)

I'm sure I would have had the chance to help atleast from a distance.

But looking at thing, who would spend the energy ? Devs are having issues with themselves, and community is just the paroxysm of disrespect.

There are a few individuals that we see sometimes post and express, their post get sink quickly, or without a reply (devs or players).
Cleaning starts from the ground up...
anything remotely useful
Arrête un peu ton cinéma, tu ne fait peur à personne. Non seulement tu passe pour un idiot mais en plus tu chie sur ton propre jeux. Il serait temps de grandir un peu, c'est pas la cour de récréation ici.

As always, you guys brain power only able to monkey dance around me.

No shit the devs don't do much when I see you I understand why


Internal Beta Team
Arrête un peu ton cinéma, tu ne fait peur à personne. Non seulement tu passe pour un idiot mais en plus tu chie sur ton propre jeux. Il serait temps de grandir un peu, c'est pas la cour de récréation ici.

As always, you guys brain power only able to monkey dance around me.

No shit the devs don't do much when I see you I understand why
this is english speaking forum please


KotOR Mapper & Cultist
Movie Battles II Team
Arrête un peu ton cinéma, tu ne fait peur à personne. Non seulement tu passe pour un idiot mais en plus tu chie sur ton propre jeux. Il serait temps de grandir un peu, c'est pas la cour de récréation ici.
El cerdo doméstico, es un mamífero sensible y omnívoro de la familia de los suídos. Llamado cerdo o cochinillo, ha permanecido cercano al jabalí con el que puede cruzarse.
El cerdo doméstico tiene 38 cromosomas. El jabalí solo tiene 36, debido a una fusión ancestral. Su descendencia común es fértil. El híbrido se llama cochonguapo o sanglochon. Los híbridos de primera generación tienen 37 cromosomas. Luego pueden tener 36, 37 o 38 cromosomas. La hibridación es común en las regiones de cría de cerdos al aire libre o cuando la población salvaje se ha restablecido por hembras de cerdos domésticos cubiertas por un macho jabalí. De esta manera, el jabalí corso es genéticamente muy cercano al cerdo doméstico. Esta práctica es habitual durante períodos de guerra.
Arrête un peu ton cinéma, tu ne fait peur à personne. Non seulement tu passe pour un idiot mais en plus tu chie sur ton propre jeux. Il serait temps de grandir un peu, c'est pas la cour de récréation ici.

As always, you guys brain power only able to monkey dance around me.

No shit the devs don't do much when I see you I understand why
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It requires a culture and attitude shift. It requires leadership disciplining people who constantly cause development issues, not just say they're going to especially when words no longer work. One dev has been repeatedly scolded for not listening to simple development guidelines (Such as not lumping 50 changes in a single commit/branch) and not listened for more than half a decade and through 3 project leads. Repeatedly has acted like the victim when Defiant or I has had to go delete portions of a commit, even after being warned for years not to do that. Yet no actual discipline has occurred except for like 3 commits being partially reverted in the past 5 years.

Leadership needs a spine, and to say NOTHING is getting released if its all merged together in an "all or nothing" style, if new components/features do not have written design documents discussed by the entire team. To say that a feature/idea does not get merged if it wasn't a part of the agreed upon plans/meetings for that release (no more last minute scope creep) and actually execute on that. If you're a developer unhappy with stuff getting reverted because you didn't discuss it as a team, or because you made management more difficult by combining it with unrelated things (think government mass spending bills vs single item bills) then you need to check yourself and not be mad at leadership or the rest of the team.

Culture needs a shift, where people realize that even though this is a free, volunteer project, it still in at least some ways needs to be treated similarly to a job. We generally have a list of features that people can work on at any given time. They can choose which of those features they want to do, and they can propose new one but that new one may not instantly get top priority. Its pretty lenient, but sometimes for little bits here and there you're probably going to have to work on things that are not your top choice or something that was your idea. It is a team effort, and very few (I would say none honestly) who comes up with a good idea can execute 100% of that idea. Sometimes your latest brilliant idea might have to wait a release or two to get through the backlog kinda thing. We drastically need to get through our backlog, its way too large and spans more than a decade of ideas at this point.

There is a whole plan I have for reworking vehicles and in particular space battles in JA/MB2, but I realize that those dreams would have taken years to get through the backlog. It didn't mean I suddenly prioritized it over other things (Though I did make some concepts to limit test which is fine) or asked others to prioritize it.

Your points make sense to some extent, but with the current team and the independence of individuals, I doubt it’s achievable.

Your post lands the hammer on the nail, and we can't just blame the death of Open completely on legends like most do.

It's OK at least in recent weeks they exclusively play open now in private lobbies, so I guess they stay out of people's way now.
Better than fighting their skill stack in open because they like to all get on the same team in a VC VS casuals till they make everyone RQ.
What I find funny though is if you beat any of them they're likely the ones to ragequit first, after some consequential yapping.

It's alright tho we have a scrimmer on the dev team recently who likes to shout at you about bad nades, without them having to wait for months with a reply to their dev application for due process, as the balance lead now. Nepotism at it's finest. When you're Frenzy's friend you can get into anything. Everything's gonna be great!
I completely agree with you here. Over half the feedback we’ve provided has been ignored. What’s even more frustrating is that when we started raising the same issues again after the release of R20, we were met with accusations like, “Why didn’t you give us feedback?”

When the patch dropped, we lost a significant number of players, something we backed up with statistics. Despite this, when I continued pointing out problems supported by data, screenshots of conversations with players from our Discord, and direct feedback, one developer responded by calling me “an angry dog who hasn’t contributed anything to the community and only criticizes our work.” This is ironic, considering that for over a year, I’ve been running one of the biggest open hubs with scrims alongside a small group of others—but that’s beside the point.

Tempest’s response was essentially that it’s just “that time of year,” implying the player loss had nothing to do with the patch, which they still claim is “brilliant.” Others echoed similar sentiments: Unguided said the drop in hours played (tracked as daily hours spent on MB2 servers) from 8 weeks to just 24 hours wasn’t a big deal (on the EU side). Tempest added that “people have jobs, families, and kids,” which makes it laughably ironic that, apparently, within one or two weeks, over half the community bought houses, planted trees, and started families.

At one point, I realized I had been quite harsh in my criticism, so I decided to take a different approach. I gathered a group of experienced programmers (10+ years of experience) to help fix some of the issues. And what response did we get? “No, because you’ve said mean things about us, criticized us, and now we’re sad about it.”

So here we are, left with Frenzy (a sensitive mapper) who’ll likely drag John and Defiant into fixing the code. Honestly, I doubt the rest of the team is capable of much in that department.

Is there nepotism involved? Absolutely! Everyone knows that the fastest way to become a developer is through Frenzy. A prime example is Eksha (a good friend of mine and genuinely talented programmer) who got in simply because he told Frenzy his maps were good or agreed with him on certain topics.

Another example is NPC, a person tasked with providing feedback on game balance. This nomination is downright laughable, especially considering that most EU players strongly dislike him. Those who don’t probably just don’t know him. My proposal was simple: add two people to the balance feedback position—one from NA (fine, let it be NPC if they insist) and one from EU.

The reasoning here is straightforward: players are much more likely to communicate with someone they know. Otherwise, we’ll remain stuck in a situation where a large chunk of EU players won’t provide feedback about the game. And as we know from experience, Europe has some of the best open-mode players.

Moreover, assigning someone who isn’t particularly skilled at the game to a position related to game balance is, at best, questionable. There are far better candidates for the role on NA servers alone—for example, Mike or Sandy would be great options.
So if you tell us that this is not the direction you want, and that there are rogue devs doing poor / unpopular changes. What are we waiting to vote them out of our game ?

Thanks you for the transparancy Mace.
For what crime ?
as if anyone care about your pathetic harassment on me. animal behaviour at best...

If I ever could have had the opportunity to speak without having an army of monkey discrediting me for the past years (And yes I am not what these horde of crazies described me to be)

I'm sure I would have had the chance to help atleast from a distance.

But looking at thing, who would spend the energy ? Devs are having issues with themselves, and community is just the paroxysm of disrespect.

There are a few individuals that we see sometimes post and express, their post get sink quickly, or without a reply (devs or players).
Cleaning starts from the ground up...
Jesus, Valkyrie… still sucking up to the developers and trying to influence duels? It’s been proven countless times that you have some serious personal issues. If you want to have any say in balancing duels or the game in general, you should at least be able to play well and understand the game mechanics. All you do is send private messages dictating that people play without this or that mechanic, or without slaps, and if someone doesn’t follow your arbitrary rules, you ban them.

Just looking at how you operate is enough to make people avoid you—you’ve even banned people on Sentinel just for their presence (and yes, there’s video evidence of this). Or how about your infamous tantrums when someone leaves for the Jedi clan because they’re tired of you? Breaking your hand or other body parts out of frustration certainly isn’t helping your case.

If you genuinely want to contribute to the community, then why can someone as young as Leons create a launcher with multiple game versions? Why are duelists actively testing betas, providing tons of feedback (even Kvinto is contributing)?

Meanwhile, what are you doing? All you do is spin developer narratives, pat them on the back for whatever they write, and try to play the victim role you’ve assigned to yourself. I’d understand if you were an outstanding duelist, but you’re not. You’re the type of person who wants to be seen as the perpetual victim, all while alienating others with your attitude.

You claim to want to help, but the reality is that you only push for bans or superficial changes. You want to become a “specialist” on everything so that only your opinion is considered valid. As Bob and others have said: go sit in the corner and reflect on yourself.

But honestly, in your case(and I won’t go into detail unless you really make me angry)you might need some genuine help from a third party.

I’ll also add this:
even Bob, whom you dislike so much and constantly try to degrade to the “monkey level” you mention (which makes you no different from what you criticize), contributes more to this game by creating a good map.

For that reason, I will always have more respect for him and will treat him with decency, despite the differences between us. I would never call him a monkey because, no matter what, part of me will always have some sympathy for him.
All you do is send private messages dictating that people play without this or that mechanic, or without slaps, and if someone doesn’t follow your arbitrary rules, you ban them.
I thought atleast this would be based on like 1% of fact and enriched with bullshit

Well it's just raw bullshit.

How saddening to imagine and read how I am misunderstood, misperceived, it's so much fun to be the "just bully this one it's evil anyway"

It's also what you do, you listen to anything said and make up your mind on people you never interacted with ? you believe your bestie cuz he told you that fact.
(and yes, there’s video evidence of this)
First time seeing a video without context ? Do you live in the same society as we all do or are you recently born ?
thats just 4 - 5 years of manipulation but you see where i stand, looking at how much influenced everyone litterally is, all I can do is just tell you "think on your own, don't listen what your bestie tell you" the amount of people that believe things they haven't whitness, should speak enough about this... Can you name a single person that lived to see any harm I could possibly have done ? (Yes I banned players from my game servers, do you want their list of sins that actually is massive? Bans were always made in approval with my clan council (in case it matters, im not some ermit living on an hill side)
you don't get it ? it became a sport to lie on my name and make absolutely every harm one can imagine be coming from me...

It's very likely the biggest success some wannabe psy criminal would hope for, that the people harming me have achieved. An actual, multi generation (players transmit to new players and so on, losing track on what even is the origin) harassment.

Breaking your hand
like as always, my hand is perfectly fine, and I have as usual, not a single clue the heck you can be thinking I have done ?
You claim to want to help, but the reality is that you only push for bans or superficial changes.
Yes im ze evil, clearly

You want to become a “specialist” on everything so that only your opinion is considered valid
In general I avoid being in public sphere, I avoid giving an oppinion, and I only do if I believe it can ring curiosity, if thats an issue to you, feel free to block me... (Crazy what I can read)

If you genuinely want to contribute to the community, then why
I don't need to publicly mention what I contributed, I have my lot of software dev, and problem solving that Iam proud of. I appreciate the offer, but I don't need you to daddy me for what I do, very kind to mention the child, if only they could discipline into being civilised

because yes, im just a normal player like anyone, and ignored by moderators because why ? I wonder, I'd just like to be left alone, exactly in that corner you mentioned, not having to worry about harass like I receive on every of my post, as I am often told : block and ignore, so I suggest you do the same for me instead of being this smart....


Internal Beta Team
like as always, my hand is perfectly fine, and I have as usual, not a single clue the heck you can be thinking I have done ?
If you are ever to be trusted, why do you keep denying stuff like it never happened? Ailex leaving your clan has caused you to become a total psycho, tell everyone that joining a specific server will cause them to get doxxed and DDoSed while in ur clan chat & DMs you were on a psycho rant claiming "I BROKE MY HAND" "IM GONNA BREAK MORE STUFF".
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