Improving the support role of jedi/sith.

Fletcher Time

Master of Puppets
Community Liason
So, I have been playing for a while now, and every open game (or any game with jedi/sith in the mix), I have noticed that people play what is ultimately a support class, as an assault class (Jedi/Sith). Now don't get me wrong, it is possible to help your team by playing the jedi/sith as an assault class if you are skilled. Unfortunately, this is rarely the case. Usually you will see inexperienced players running towards gunners, then when at a close range, they will swing like there's no tomorrow and get killed. What the jedi should do as a support class, is stick with a gunner. When he needs to reload, block (or deflect) for him. Also, be there if another saber user shows up and fight him. The jedi/sith should be defending their team from other jedi/sith.
Now, my brother and I have thought of something that can help not just new, but also experienced players take on the support role of the jedi. It makes it very hard to defend your team when you have two or three gunners all targeting you. All the bullets that are coming towards you are destroying your FP and making it impossible to hold there for very long. We think this should be changed. Now obviously making it so jedi can defend every bullet is stupid, but If the jedi is standing still, don't you think it's reasonable that FP shouldn't be drained? Now of course there should still be weaknesses to this. The backside of the jedi should definitely be a weak point when defending bullets. This will mean that teams will need to set up flanks. We also think that deflecting should still cost FP, and that it should be done with caution (or else risk losing all your FP). Also, when defending, your FP should not recover, but not be drained. This will make the jedia/sith more of a support class than an assaulting one. Now the jedi/sith can be used to hold positions. There are still weak points so that they can just block off an entire area. Make it so the jedi cannot use force while defending like that. This way, explosives can penetrate a jedi/sith's defense. Also, other sith/jedi can help penetrate defense. Not only would this change be more realistic to the movie, but it would push jedi to not run towards a bunch of gunners.
So there's my suggestion to change the jedi/sith classes so that they are more supportive roles. What do you guys think? Would this be a beneficial change to the saber system? Could this be implemented in a fair, balanced way? Thank You!


Movie Battles II Team Retired
While Jedi/Sith are kind of categorized under support, I'd more so slate them under terms such as "pusher" or "tank" or "brawler" or "disruptor".

They are there to push the frontlines forward as it is the safest for them to advance compared to other classes in the game. Not necessarily by taking head-on engagements, but getting just close enough to the enemy to be a threat if not dealt with, successfully forcing the enemy to divert attention to the more immediate danger of getting sliced were they to slip even slightly. During this time a good team will support the Jedi in turn by advancing closer to the Jedi while taking advantage of the distracted enemies. The difference between a bad Jedi and a good Jedi here is that the good player won't take unnecessary risks and die out early.

This isn't of course the only good way of playing Jedi, but this is the most beneficial to the team. Jedi/Sith spearhead attacks and bolster defenses. In defense they are obviously a lot more clearly mitigated to that of the support class, but an attacking team should not require as much direct support.
yes, the main job is a jedi is to merely exist close to the enemy and die heroically pushing that rocket mere moments before they get sniped by a bh 400 meters away with a hitscan rifle

jedi take on multiple roles more easily and fluidly than any other class in the game based on the situation, but id really still classify those roles as mostly support until you're playing the more blatant assault style gameplay where you're the one making plays and are directly engaging the enemy

The difference between a bad Jedi and a good Jedi here is that the good player won't take unnecessary risks and die out early.
that is, a good jedi's ability to "run in a straight line along one side of a corridor" that is completely lost to new players and is somehow unteachable

i really do feel like peoples concerns that arent "omg push is instant win" would be mitigated if there was an easy way to teach jedi things like:

pick a side in a corridor
if you're going to chase down enemy jedi, either attack from the side so gunners can still shoot or position yourself behind and block
dont push people mindlessly to safety, aim for walls or corners


Internal Beta Team
literally only a handful of jedi that play open jedi well.

Push 3 is a must if you're supporting your team.
Deflect 3 is a good thing to get to help push/practically render yourself invincible vs ranged, so you can focus on pushing the backlines without the constant threat of people shooting you. it's hard to use well, though.

jedi/sith is okay as it is, tbh.
My question is why they took out loss of life upon round loss? Now its back to square one where people camp/hide/run to keep their deaths low.
It got this messed up after devs finally removed the silly death counter for classes with multiple lifes. I mean - it is logical to be the way it is now. As a sold you have 3 lifes, which is part of your class, just like dash is part of hero class and poison dart is part of BH class - so it made no sense whatsoever to be "punished" with 1 death point if you died in round 1 once as sold, then two rounds you didn't die even once and in fourth round you died twice - the counter used to be like "3 deaths? here's 1 death point for you"...
So this counter got removed after we were rambling about it for all eternity here and in game... but with it also came this "no death for losing round" thing with reasons like "you wanted the scoreboard to mirror the events in game more realistically - you didn't die in that round, so really why give you 1 death point", but seems the important part - people wasting time and camping so they won't die and ruin their score when facing certain defeat - was all forgotten just like you pointed out.

Sad thing really, but there are more things like this still in the game. Duh :/
The one that made sense was each death of a solds 3 lives counted as 1/3rd and that it *kept* count from round to round. So if you lost 2 lives before in one round and then 1 in the next, that would be 1 total death. Now, it just resets each round so solds/ets/clones only get a death count if they lose all their lives in that round.

Assists counted as half or a 1/3rd as well eventually adding to overall kill count. Now they're just assists. *snores*
I'd love to hear what idiots changed my idea, yeah, death count on round death was suggested by my greatness:) and implemented years ago in some far off build. I remember Acidus loved it.

It was specifically designed to motivate people off their asses to give a damn. Let me guess who didnt like it? The 5 on 5 euro fanatics with their little tffa competitions. What a joke. They improved their little niche play-dates but let loose this sloth upon open public.

Let me be blunt. It worked. Fools for taking it away. Fools!:)

And that garbage argument, mirroring the reality of gameplay, wtfux do you think happens to the survivors of a losing team during a round anyhoot? Imps doubtle tab a blaster to the back of the heads while rebs do the same or throw them in some shithole for the rest of their gloomy lives.

Surviving a round that you lost should not be rewarded. It should be punished. You failed to defend. You failed to kill. You failed PERIOD. Failure is not an option.



Gameplay Design
Movie Battles II Team
People playing Jedi/Sith as solo players and dying in a team game isn't a class issue.


Gameplay Design
Movie Battles II Team
Do those eyes have a black face or does the darkness have teeth?