Push 3 Balance

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Internal Beta Team
Welcome to the topic. Please excuse the name, I didn't think too hard about it but this should probably be called

Force Push Re Balance

Let me start of here by first saying I do not think Push is Overpowered and this is Not a Nerf Thread. But there is a problem I have with how it affects gameplay. The issue that I want addressed here is The Use of Push 3 as a player crutch and this is what I want to see removed.
Not sure what I mean by that? Let me explain then. I'm sure a lot of you have noticed that Push 3 is easy to use to knock down targets and get some nice ground kills. All the while it is also easy to stop by walking, crouching or standing still. But the real issue is that it is much easier to use Push and very forgiving in mistakes by the user.
What does this mean? Well, simply put, it means that a Pusher has to put forth less effort in an engagement as opposed to his target. And to add a little more to it, a Force User without Push level 3 has to put forth even more effort than his opponent if not the same. This is not good from a gameplay balance standpoint.
What happens from this, then? Well, most Force User class configs basically have Push 3 as a necessity rather than an option. Players become reliant on it and other great elements become unused.
But hasn't Push remained the same for many years? Yes it has, but I never noticed the problem until recently.
How did I see this issue? It actually happened to be the large influx of brand new players. Watching them progress in player ability map after map or even days. But the thing I noticed the most is that they all used Push 3.
What's wrong with them all using Push? Nothing, except for the fact that they try out other classes or force powers but fail and go back to Push 3.
Why would they go back to using Push 3 over and over? After seeing this and examining it, I saw it helped their player ability. Sure, they still weren't very good but they were substantially better than not using it.
So this is a New Player problem? No, not at all. The new players merely opened my eyes by seeing the sheer number of them doing it. I am certain everybody knows of one or a few players who exclusively play Jedi with Push 3.
How does Push help these players out so much? From what I concluded it is because Push is extremely simple and easy to use. It can even be used in a majority of situations. Not much effort has to be used to be averagely effective at the game now.

Now in my opinion this is not fair at all because all players should have to give the same amount of effort to be effective. Sure, all players are different and some are better than others or vice versa. But they all try about the same to be a positive contribution to the team. Just because someone is good or bad at playing doesn't mean they aren't trying.

So, from all this I try and figure out a way to complete this objective: Make Push Harder to Use for Bad Players but Still Retain it's Effectiveness for Good Players.

Here we go then, my idea is below. I am certainly also not saying my idea is the best one or the only option. The one directly below is an edit after reading things from this thread and mashing them together while also thinking of other gameplay elements and how they work. My very original idea, which was pointed out would actually be a nerf (which is not my plan) is at the very bottom.

Probably the most important part of the topic is that these are all suggestions, which means they are not guaranteed to be implemented and are also all subject to change. Everybody here should be striving to make the game a better experience. I implore everybody to share their suggestions, ideas, and thoughts. The key word is collaboration.

Another extremely important part of it is that we all discuss this in a constructive, mature, and polite manner. I don't want to see the thread devolve any more than it has because there are some very good ideas here. If you need an example, here are a couple.
This is how to not be constructive.
Person 1: I think that (x) should work this way because of (y).
Person 2: Hah, (x) is fine you just need to do (z) better.
This is how to be constructive.
Person 1: I think that (x) should work this way because of (y).
Person 2: I don't understand your issue with (x), you can just do (z), can you help me understand?​

So after thinking through after all the things people posted I came up with a new idea built upon some of it. Of course all not set in stone.

Push 3 changes to have a narrower knockdown area which is like a tube in front of the Jedi that is a bit around the crosshairs. Not as pinpoint as a blaster shot but they would still basically need to be aiming at them. But here's the twist, it only is like that for instant button pushes. To compensate the animation should be sped up by about a quarter of a second, reducing the time that the Jedi is vulnerable. But wait, there's more. The power can also be charged up for maybe around 2 or 3 seconds for maximum to unleash a full scale Push that knocks down all runners in the regular arc. Also I think the charged up blast should push things back with greater velocity. That would make for some fun grenade tosses. Although, the charge should not be able to be held indefinite so after maybe 2 or 3 seconds of holding automatically goes off. Now, to think of our saberless Jedi friends even more can come of this but this is just expanding on the idea so it may be too much. Jedi with no sabers using Push 3 in melee can just tap it for full effect like it is now, but if they charge it fully it can Push over everybody in it's line of fire regardless of movement status. It would probably use more FP to compensate but that could make a force only Jedi a very valuable part of a team during a standoff. The issue of wookiees and SBDs I don't know of but if they could fall from it, would be a very useful ally to have.




This can even be applied to Pull to make it affect a group after a charge, which would give that power a bigger oompf it definitely needs!

There have been a number of ideas posted in the thread, which may need to be expanded on and complimented, such as:
  • All levels of Push knockdown at different ranges and spreads
  • Changes in Force Point cost
  • Changes in Class Point cost
  • Delay before pushing
  • Charge up before use
  • Differing types of knockback areas

Below is my first original post.

Now before you all start saying "l2walk" what this stems from is just the amount of Jedi/Sith who only use Push 3 as their main offensive weapon. In my opinion it is way too effective and versatile for how cheap it costs in both class points and FP. When looking at Pull, not only does it cost more, but it is harder to use due to the direct aim required and shorter range. I have seen plenty of players who don't use Push 3, but in comparison to the majority that do they need to play a lot smarter and harder. Push is just too easy.

My proposed fix is very simple although I don't know if the engine allows it. Have push be the way it is for range and AOE, especially projectiles, except for the knockdown which needs to be on the crosshair. Of course the closer the range the more lax this would be and anyone pushed outside of the knockdown sweet spot would still get pushed back, to help get those guys on a cliff. Pull could even be reworked the same way so a large group of people could be nudged closer rather than fall down.

This would increase the skill required to use it and help reduce the class spam for people looking to get easy kills but still maintain the support role it can fill.

Here is a representation of what I mean.
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Chaos basically said it all. Sure, some of this stuff has been changed for a long time. But also like he said, and I said before even in my OP, it wasn't really that noticeable until the pop boost. The new players flock to it because it is easy. Jedi/Sith should be just as hard to play as gunner, and right now it's much easier to be Saber McPusherstein. Cortosis is useless even now, just crouch spam and win. I ditched in completely in favor of Firepower 3.

Only thing I disagree with is his opinion on TFA... I enjoyed it. Not perfect, but still a good movie.
Lol ive already said this. New players do not go to jedi because they think its easy. If this were the fact there wouldnt be lots of noobs with defence 0 not knowing whats going on and getting killed instantly.

They go to jedi cause pop culture. Movies, books, games, if you think the new players go to jedi because it ez win, then you are not looking at the whole picture at all. The one thing people tell new players is to not pick jedi first. I laugh.

And when you say some, I think you mean all.

And sure, maybe gunner were nerfed more than half a decade ago. But also since thenctheve been almost nothing but buffed like I posted earlier.

Faster bullet speed.
The 3 shot burst pistol.
Soldier close combat speed
Rally free and s0eed increase and hp increase
Ee3 can snipe twice.
Ion blobs
Deka quick getup
Tracker dart buff
Dash for hero
Sonic nades
Flame nades
Arc can shoot when on the ground
Wookie rage
Wookie barge attack
Wookie barge attack when not in fury
Arc westar always accurate even when running
Melee adding new moves that are pretty easy to kill jedi with tbh.
And im sure theres more, i just thougjt of these in like 3 minutes.

You seem to ignore all these buffs gunners have gotten over the past 5 years, and instead seem to focus on nades being nerfed to not being insanely op who knows how long ago.

Oh and jedi has gotten nerfed aswell but thats for another time, excluding the silly perk system ofcourse.
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Internal Beta Team
The very first thing a lot of people tell newbies is to go gunner first, but most don't listen. They go Jedi and die, and die, and die. Gradually getting better but considerably more so once they learn to Push and when it works. Then all they have to do is stand there and RMB and Push to be competent in a match. Watching that happen on a large scale and the amount of consistency with which these same new people did the same exact thing was astonishing. I even saw some try out a gunner class, die horribly, and swap back to Pushmania. It doesn't only apply to the newbies, either. There are plenty of "vets" that completely rely on this and outright refuse to branch out and try other setups or classes even.

And, seriously, don't call melee a huge buff to gunners. Using a melee attack on a Jedi is a last ditch death sentence. Any kind of melee knockdown, including SBD slap and Wookiee (spelled with 2 e's) barge, is completely negated by crouch. Damage still happens but there is no knockdown or knock back so damage is moot. They only work as a surprise attack.


The very first thing a lot of people tell newbies is to go gunner first, but most don't listen. They go Jedi and die, and die, and die. Gradually getting better but considerably more so once they learn to Push and when it works. Then all they have to do is stand there and RMB and Push to be competent in a match. Watching that happen on a large scale and the amount of consistency with which these same new people did the same exact thing was astonishing. I even saw some try out a gunner class, die horribly, and swap back to Pushmania. It doesn't only apply to the newbies, either. There are plenty of "vets" that completely rely on this and outright refuse to branch out and try other setups or classes even.

And, seriously, don't call melee a huge buff to gunners. Using a melee attack on a Jedi is a last ditch death sentence. Any kind of melee knockdown, including SBD slap and Wookiee (spelled with 2 e's) barge, is completely negated by crouch. Damage still happens but there is no knockdown or knock back so damage is moot. They only work as a surprise attack.
Actually melee is good against decent jedi if you are good at it. Especially against mind tricked jedi but thats not the point.the point is that I listed all these buffs that gunner have gotten and you still dont seem to acknowledge any of these big buffs th at gunners have gotten. And while the gunners have gotten these buffs. Jedi has gotten these nerfs.
Pull nerfed like crazy
Speed massivly nerfed by fp and jump
Sense nerfed a ton by making it like 2 seconds instead of 10
Choke nerfed like crazy.
Mind trick nerfed/buffed at the same time
And a big one the removal of q3, even though u now can swingblock with defence 3 and q3.

And now if what one of the devs, (I cant remember which dev) says is true, perks will be less impactful in open mode, yet another nerf to jedi. (One I do agree with)

So now you want to nerf, (and yes it is a nerf) push? Because you cant tap walk?
Push has stayed the same for years, because it has been balanced for years.

The only reason half decent jedi can win with push atm is because the influx of noobs who dont yet know how to walk properly since tfa. This is why you see noob jedi get kills with push.

Its not hard to not get pushed down. It happens maybe like twice a day when im quite active. Multiple hours a day.

I feel like if you get pushed once you get mad and think its unbalanced because you didnt hit walk in time. Things arnt unbalanced if they work 1 out of 10 times on you. Which it should maybe be that much if not lower like 1/20 pushes and you fall over. If you fall more than 1/10 pushes it may be a player problem.
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Internal Beta Team
Melee only works as a surprise. Going head on versus a Jedi is instant death.

I agree that the other force powers should change, too. Right now the most useful powers are Push and Speed. Honestly, if I would change it all, I would make Push like Bombad's idea and change the point costs. But then also change the other powers, like also giving Speed to Sith. Give maybe Blind to Jedi but make it a constant hold like Lightning or Grip, they let go it turns off. I think the MT change is much better than before. Grip needs to be able to kill, increase damage while active and maybe add light damage while lockon is acquiring. Decrease force point use while Lightning is active so it can stay on longer. I don't really see a problem with Pull or Sense. Change Deflect back to how it used to be. Get rid of saber perks. Add back blaster fire knockback to all shots, not just badly detected headshots.

The only specific anti saberist stuff in your buffs list were the Wookiee, ARC, and Hero Dash. Sonics are good too when used as mines. But the Blue team doesn't get quite as much as the Red, really. The double snipe for EE3 is only good against Jedi if you're up close in a tight space and can tap both shots point blank, one to drain and one to kill but it is still a huge ammo drain (I think sniper shots for EE3 should be separate ammo). Fire grenades are only area denial and rarely kill people unless they are unaware. Ion blobs are only really useful versus SBDs or Dekas. Rally is entirely dependent on another player, but in a situation like that the opponent usually is swarmed.

Many other things have been balanced for years and changed anyway. This shouldn't be any different. If your argument here is I can't push my walk button, then my argument here is that you can't aim at all.


Melee only works as a surprise. Going head on versus a Jedi is instant death.

I agree that the other force powers should change, too. Right now the most useful powers are Push and Speed. Honestly, if I would change it all, I would make Push like Bombad's idea and change the point costs. But then also change the other powers, like also giving Speed to Sith. Give maybe Blind to Jedi but make it a constant hold like Lightning or Grip, they let go it turns off. I think the MT change is much better than before. Grip needs to be able to kill, increase damage while active and maybe add light damage while lockon is acquiring. Decrease force point use while Lightning is active so it can stay on longer. I don't really see a problem with Pull or Sense. Change Deflect back to how it used to be. Get rid of saber perks. Add back blaster fire knockback to all shots, not just badly detected headshots.

The only specific anti saberist stuff in your buffs list were the Wookiee, ARC, and Hero Dash. Sonics are good too when used as mines. But the Blue team doesn't get quite as much as the Red, really. The double snipe for EE3 is only good against Jedi if you're up close in a tight space and can tap both shots point blank, one to drain and one to kill but it is still a huge ammo drain (I think sniper shots for EE3 should be separate ammo). Fire grenades are only area denial and rarely kill people unless they are unaware. Ion blobs are only really useful versus SBDs or Dekas. Rally is entirely dependent on another player, but in a situation like that the opponent usually is swarmed.

Many other things have been balanced for years and changed anyway. This shouldn't be any different. If your argument here is I can't push my walk button, then my argument here is that you can't aim at all.
Actually I can aim quite well. And making all blaster shots knockback isnt a good idea imo. And you forgot quite abit of my anti saber stuff. But what ever. And actually pull is alot better than push. And changing push to aim like you wanted wouldnt really affect me at all. The only reason I even care about this is that it will make secent jedi have no chance against gunners because they could just run all over jedi like its nothing. This change for a good player wouldnt really make a difference. And still no, melee isnt only good as a suprise, but whatevers.


Internal Beta Team
The only reason I even care about this is that it will make secent jedi have no chance against gunners.

See the point is they aren't decent Jedi, they are bad players using a crutch to simulate skill.


See the point is they aren't decent Jedi, they are bad players using a crutch to simulate skill.
Without push bad gunners will destroy bad jedi. Bad jedi with push will actually be able to kill bad gunners. You shouldn't balance something off of bad players, it should atleast be mediocre players that the game is balanced on. The only people that vad jedi shouldnt be able to kill is bad gunners who litteraly dont know you are suppose to walk to not get pushed over.


Internal Beta Team
Without push bad gunners will destroy bad jedi. Bad jedi with push will actually be able to kill bad gunners. You shouldn't balance something off of bad players, it should atleast be mediocre players that the game is balanced on. The only people that vad jedi shouldnt be able to kill is bad gunners who litteraly dont know you are suppose to walk to not get pushed over.
That is exactly what I'm saying. The mediocre, average players are not balanced Jedi vs Gunner. A bad Jedi is at the same level as the average Gunner, and if both players are of average skill the Jedi wins most of the time. I view the Push as the main culprit here.
Spin kick knocks down crouching players. I've seen a few BHs make hilariously clever use of this.
I forgot that's the one move that does work. It just has such a very small range. Also SBD and wookiee can't use it. I feel bad for them when a crouch spammer heads their way.


That is exactly what I'm saying. The mediocre, average players are not balanced Jedi vs Gunner. A bad Jedi is at the same level as the average Gunner, and if both players are of average skill the Jedi wins most of the time. I view the Push as the main culprit here.

I forgot that's the one move that does work. It just has such a very small range. Also SBD and wookiee can't use it. I feel bad for them when a crouch spammer heads their way.
um no, unless your name of a decent gunner= a player who doesn't know you are suppose to walk to not get pushed, then the average gunner will win. And as I said and im sure many would agree, MB2 shouldn't be balanced off of mediocre players. It should be balanced atleast on players that know how to walk and aim decent.

And crouch spam. really, crouch spam this made me laugh, ill be honest. that's like saying run spam or walk spam...


Internal Beta Team
MB2 shouldn't be balanced off of mediocre players. It should be balanced atleast on players that know how to walk and aim decent.
Except for Jedi Master Race, they don't need to aim and should always win.

Crouch spamming is not the spam of crouch button, but spamming while crouching. It's pretty obvious what it means.


Except for Jedi Master Race, they don't need to aim and should always win.

Crouch spamming is not the spam of crouch button, but spamming while crouching. It's pretty obvious what it means.
Oh my... youre right they dont need to aim... push... so what? Jedi are still balanced if not almost underpowerd vs definetly a few classes. Push isnt effective on players that are decent. Cause they know you have to walk. Sure a good jedi can be a god or whatever vs noob gunners? But so what, a good gunner can do the exact same thing to noob jedi.
And you say crouch spam isnt the act of crouching but wha they spam while they crouch correct? So what is it these horrible jedi are spamming while they are crouched vs a wookie? Cause thats th3 example that you used. Please explain?...


Internal Beta Team
Oh my... youre right they dont need to aim... push... so what? Jedi are still balanced if not almost underpowerd vs definetly a few classes. Push isnt effective on players that are decent. Cause they know you have to walk. Sure a good jedi can be a god or whatever vs noob gunners? But so what, a good gunner can do the exact same thing to noob jedi.
And you say crouch spam isnt the act of crouching but wha they spam while they crouch correct? So what is it these horrible jedi are spamming while they are crouched vs a wookie? Cause thats th3 example that you used. Please explain?...
This game feels catered towards Jedi more than ever. It is not balanced, I view Push as the problem, it may be something else. And when I say a crouch spammer I just mean how you can crouch up to an SBD or wook and swing left and right for a kill with little consequence.


This game feels catered towards Jedi more than ever. It is not balanced, I view Push as the problem, it may be something else. And when I say a crouch spammer I just mean how you can crouch up to an SBD or wook and swing left and right for a kill with little consequence.
Well sorry to say, but your fellings are definetly off. Jedi is not only balanced, but its also been much stronger in the past. Did you not read any of the nerfs I listed for jedi and buffs for gunners over the past 5 or so years?

Oh and another flaw to your argument. Push has been tge same since ever, so how is the game so caterd to jedi now more than ever? Lol. I feel like now you're just throwing stuff out there to try to prove your argument without any facts what so ever.

And aince tgats called crouch spamming, im gonna start calling gunner walk spammers lol.


Internal Beta Team
Well sorry to say, but your fellings are definetly off. Jedi is not only balanced, but its also been much stronger in the past. Did you not read any of the nerfs I listed for jedi and buffs for gunners over the past 5 or so years?
Then why is it that the Jedi wins most of the time in an engagement? If they are so badly nerfed and hard to play, it certainly should be the other way.


Then why is it that the Jedi wins most of the time in an engagement? If they are so badly nerfed and hard to play, it certainly should be the other way.
Read my edit. No facts what so ever. And it seems GoodOl'Ben seems to disagree. Who put gunners 60/40 against jedi. And I trust his judgment much more than you.


Internal Beta Team
Read my edit. No facts what so ever. And it seems GoodOl'Ben seems to disagree. Who put gunners 60/40 against jedi. And I trust his judgment much more than you.
He said at high levels of play, like competitive. That hardly happens here. It's all mostly pub matches. And Star even said that it was imbalanced in the Jedi's favor and something is being done.


He said at high levels of play, like competitive. That hardly happens here. It's all mostly pub matches. And Star even said that it was imbalanced in the Jedi's favor and something is being done.
Yes star did, out of all the other devs that say push is fine. And when ben said at high levels of play, somehow I doubt he meant competitive, prbabaly cause there are no competitive matches ever anymore. Lol. I believe he meant skilled players, but I could be wrong (could use some closure on that).

And I have a pretty good idea on what is being done to jedi, probabaly because another dev has already said what it was. And atleast then, and by then I mean like a week ago. Its not push. But it is something I am muy happy about.

Oh and you ignored my question again like 2 or 3 posts up in the edit.
Ill be back in about an hour gotta get something done.

K am back, yay im fast
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Internal Beta Team
Didn't really see that question, so wasn't particularly ignoring it. It feels more catered to Jedi because of how easy it is to play and win as one compared to before. Like Chaos said they have no real threats.


Didn't really see that question, so wasn't particularly ignoring it. It feels more catered to Jedi because of how easy it is to play and win as one compared to before. Like Chaos said they have no real threats.
Please explain how its easier than before? I must know this. because the only thing that wasn't the average riddles was that nades use to be extremely broken back in the day. That's it
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