What grinds your gears in mb Il?

I've been back to MBII for two days, and at a bunch of servers, a good portion of what I hear is people complaining about "this is OP, that's OP" rather than just enjoying the game. Whether my kills are 7/1 or 1/7, I love playing MBII and people should engage in discourse regarding changes to balance without being so upset all the time. It really takes a lot of fun out of the experience.


I've been back to MBII for two days, and at a bunch of servers, a good portion of what I hear is people complaining about "this is OP, that's OP" rather than just enjoying the game. Whether my kills are 7/1 or 1/7, I love playing MBII and people should engage in discourse regarding changes to balance without being so upset all the time. It really takes a lot of fun out of the experience.
That's what happens when a bunch new players join and then get taught to blame the game (not all, but many)


A big portion of this is a lot of people don't recognize class weaknesses, and just see something like a wookie kill 3 sith and immediately think they are broken.
Exactly, wookie is actually quite balanced
Or see a jedi just push all these gunners that dont walk and think jedi is op, or see a sbd tank like 3 saber hits and think thats op. They dont really take into account all tge class weaknesses and dont change their play style to fight different classes and builds
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Quitting the game for a few months and saying "I'll never come back, that's it."
Coming back a few months later because of nostalgia.
Leaving again because the game isn't as fun as it used to be.
Repeat the process forever.
End up in 2016.

{Δ} Achilles

Exactly, wookie is actually quite balanced
Or see a jedi just push all these gunners that dont walk and think jedi is op, or see a sbd tank like 3 saber hits and think thats op. They dont really take into account all tge class weaknesses and dont change their play style to fight different classes and builds

Ah yes, a class that can 1 shot soldier/commander, with a fully automatic weapon, with 4x the health of Jedi, and cannot be knocked down. Very balanced.

Yes, SBD that can take 3 Red swings isn't OP, that is just... perfectly balanced.

So, please, tell me, what is the weakness of a gloan that can land 5/6 of their blobs? Running out of blobs?


Ah yes, a class that can 1 shot soldier/commander, with a fully automatic weapon, with 4x the health of Jedi, and cannot be knocked down. Very balanced.

Yes, SBD that can take 3 Red swings isn't OP, that is just... perfectly balanced.

So, please, tell me, what is the weakness of a gloan that can land 5/6 of their blobs? Running out of blobs?

INC WALL OF TEXT: But it does answer your grate questions for the most part, If not then feel free to reply.

Now, Wookiee actually can be knocked down without strength. Oh and by the way you seem to think that a class can somehow unlock all of it's abilities? you do realize there is only 80 points per build right? Because a Wookiee can not have strength 3, 400hp, and Bowcaster 3. The thing is you need to think about other ways to handle a Wookie other than just charging at it with a Soldier and Commander, or even a Sith for that matter. you can slowly peek around corners if and get head shots from a distance, especially if you chain head shots with the T-21 you can destroy a Wookiee. <--- kind of hard to explain on paper correctly but it definitely works in game.

Now for SBD, just because your light saber that one shots everything except for like 2 classes can't kill an SBD in one hit most certainly does not make it "OP".
SBD's are very poor at maneuverability and have a battery that drains fairly fast if they are constantly moving and shooting. Now one of the things that you can do as a Jedi v.s an SBD is you can stay just out of range from it's slap, and if you can stay out of IDR range as well for an added bonus it gets even easier. So while you stay out of its range, usually it will slowly drain its batter, hampering its movement speed, and its actual damage reduction. So you either can wait for its battery to run pretty dry, or you can wait for its ammo to deplete and go in for the quick combo to end its sad existence.

And for "Gloan". Clones are actually one of the best anti Sith classes, if not the best class. So blobs are obviously a problem for a Sith. But it is certainly possible to kill a Clone as a Sith and any other class for that matter. If you didn't know, you can actually push blobs back at the clone, the timing is a bit rough because of the high velocity of the blobs, but it is very possible, especially if you have push 3 bound to a mouse 4 or 5. Now there is more ways to kill a Clone than just pushing back its blobs obviously, like out maneuvering the Clone. Actually a good combo to use that usually will work, even against good players is to do a little hop to the side of a Clone, and while you are in the air pull the Clone toward you, while you go to its left or right in the air. Either you would of pulled the Clone to the ground and you'll get an easy slice to his body. Or you will pull him behindish you while he misses the blob because of the pull you did. Then after he blobs he can't fire his grand CR3 for some time, so you either do another pull. Or just slice him before his gun works again. That's only one of the obvious many ways you can kill a MLG Clone. but normal clones are pretty easy actually, just like any other class.

Like it or not Achilles, MB2 is actually pretty well balanced, and I know you refuse to believe this and will probably keep blaming the game. But hopefully this will help you to start to learn to actually change your play style when facing different builds, and different classes and players. You can't do the same type of attack for each and every class/player. you have to change it up a little bit. you gotta find out a classes weak points and its disadvantages.

An example of this is me like a month or 2 ago. I use to think that SBD and wookiee were actually very OP,broken,etc... But then I decided that I wanted to learn how to play the classes well, and I did. I found out how to play the classes, and some of the good strategies to use against the other classes. So in return I found out how to beat SBD and Wookiee easier. It's all about widening your scopes, so to say.

{Δ} Achilles

INC WALL OF TEXT: But it does answer your grate questions for the most part, If not then feel free to reply.

Now, Wookiee actually can be knocked down without strength. Oh and by the way you seem to think that a class can somehow unlock all of it's abilities? you do realize there is only 80 points per build right? Because a Wookiee can not have strength 3, 400hp, and Bowcaster 3. The thing is you need to think about other ways to handle a Wookie other than just charging at it with a Soldier and Commander, or even a Sith for that matter. you can slowly peek around corners if and get head shots from a distance, especially if you chain head shots with the T-21 you can destroy a Wookiee. <--- kind of hard to explain on paper correctly but it definitely works in game.

No, because assuming equal skill between Wook with caster 2, and Commander with T-21, if you hit each other the same number of times, the Commander is dead before he even made a remote dent in the Wook's health. Not to mention fury charging with either melee or caster will neutralize any 'cover' you might expect, since the Wook can run faster than a soldier/commander.

Bowcaster 2 can 1 shot kill a Soldier/Commander (if they don't have armor 3), as I've had it happen to me numerous times, which is why I tend to swap to either Sith, or Bounty Hunter against Wookiee spam.

Yes, theoretically if you can land 3 headshots with T-21 primary before they 1 shot you with Bowcaster, you can kill them. Theoretically.

Now for SBD, just because your light saber that one shots everything except for like 2 classes can't kill an SBD in one hit most certainly does not make it "OP".
SBD's are very poor at maneuverability and have a battery that drains fairly fast if they are constantly moving and shooting. Now one of the things that you can do as a Jedi v.s an SBD is you can stay just out of range from it's slap, and if you can stay out of IDR range as well for an added bonus it gets even easier. So while you stay out of its range, usually it will slowly drain its batter, hampering its movement speed, and its actual damage reduction. So you either can wait for its battery to run pretty dry, or you can wait for its ammo to deplete and go in for the quick combo to end its sad existence.

SBDs are fine at maneuverability, unless they have to go up against Wooks, that is, in which case you have to stand there and take their fist spam like a champ.

Now, Red, is supposed to 1 hit kill everything in the game, because it is ridiculously slow to windup the first swing. Why it doesn't 1 hit kill SBD, is beyond me. It is not only inaccurate for movies, games, and every other medium, but it is annoying to deal with. SBD is perfectly fine and balanced without the dumb armor gimmicks it can purchase.

Most SBDs have battery 3, you realize.

And for "Gloan". Clones are actually one of the best anti Sith classes, if not the best class. So blobs are obviously a problem for a Sith. But it is certainly possible to kill a Clone as a Sith and any other class for that matter. If you didn't know, you can actually push blobs back at the clone, the timing is a bit rough because of the high velocity of the blobs, but it is very possible, especially if you have push 3 bound to a mouse 4 or 5. Now there is more ways to kill a Clone than just pushing back its blobs obviously, like out maneuvering the Clone. Actually a good combo to use that usually will work, even against good players is to do a little hop to the side of a Clone, and while you are in the air pull the Clone toward you, while you go to its left or right in the air. Either you would of pulled the Clone to the ground and you'll get an easy slice to his body. Or you will pull him behindish you while he misses the blob because of the pull you did. Then after he blobs he can't fire his grand CR3 for some time, so you either do another pull. Or just slice him before his gun works again. That's only one of the obvious many ways you can kill a MLG Clone. but normal clones are pretty easy actually, just like any other class.

It is the best class in the game, I agree, that is why it is OP. Blobs are a problem for everything, including SBDs. Ion and Concussive are nonsensical against anything and everything.

Did I ever say it was impossible to kill them? I don't believe I did, let me check. Nope. Didn't say it was impossible. However, I do remember saying they were overpowered... in the right hands.

Does it take skill to lob a blob? Yup. Does that mean it should be an instant kill against anything it hits? No, no it shouldn't. Oh yes, good one, just push the blobs back at them. Very smart, super effective, bound to be consistent. "Hey guys, you know how swingblocking red/purple spam is bullshit? Well, if you get right into their face, at point blank, and mblock their swings before they swingblock, you can disarm them! See? Not OP, just takes skill."

Out maneuvering someone with sprint, good plan. Oh wait, you mean with Sith. Right. Didn't anyone ever tell you not to jump at good Gloans? It means they can land their blob guaranteed, because your jump has a super predictable trajectory. 'Pull', yeah, I'm sure.

What is funny, is you're suggesting this in a 1v1 situation with a gloan. I'm talking force multiplier, the more good gloans, the more bullshit. A well balanced team, with their best player on Gloan, is pretty much unbeatable by Imps. I've seen it countless times. The amount of CC and damage gloan outputs, what with their tankiness, is insane.

Point being, none of what you suggested will work against a competent gloan. Believe me, I've tried all those glorious things you've suggested, long before you suggested them.

Like it or not Achilles, MB2 is actually pretty well balanced, and I know you refuse to believe this and will probably keep blaming the game. But hopefully this will help you to start to learn to actually change your play style when facing different builds, and different classes and players. You can't do the same type of attack for each and every class/player. you have to change it up a little bit. you gotta find out a classes weak points and its disadvantages.

I'm sure from your perspective it is. I'd love to see your stats on what classes you main in MB2, would go something like this:

40% Clone

35% Hero

22% Jedi/Sith

2% SBD

1% Bounty Hunter

I go positive on Gloan with P2, just taking advantage of the retarded tankiness and sprint speed, let alone if I bothered to learn how to blob spam. Infact, the only classes I don't feel comfortable going up against with P2 Gloan, are SBD and Sith.
Yes, SBD that can take 3 Red swings isn't OP, that is just... perfectly balanced.
But that's wrong...

Red instant kills sbds like it does to wookies even with the respected cort armor and health.
They only have 200 health.
Whats bullshit is a class with 400 hp dying in one hit.
Most SBDs have battery 3, you realize.

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{Δ} Achilles

But that's wrong...

Red instant kills sbds like it does to wookies.

I expect you to believe my bullshit
Yeah no, when you spew bullshit you need provide proof to back it up.
I play that class exclusively sometimes I don't ever use recharge 3 because without magnetic plating, im fucking dead without it. Cortosis is an option that I only use when thier team doesn't have any gunners above 5.

Red instant kills sbds all the goddamn time. You shut your mouth and learn the game.


No, because assuming equal skill between Wook with caster 2, and Commander with T-21, if you hit each other the same number of times, the Commander is dead before he even made a remote dent in the Wook's health. Not to mention fury charging with either melee or caster will neutralize any 'cover' you might expect, since the Wook can run faster than a soldier/commander.

Bowcaster 2 can 1 shot kill a Soldier/Commander (if they don't have armor 3), as I've had it happen to me numerous times, which is why I tend to swap to either Sith, or Bounty Hunter against Wookiee spam.

Yes, theoretically if you can land 3 headshots with T-21 primary before they 1 shot you with Bowcaster, you can kill them. Theoretically.

SBDs are fine at maneuverability, unless they have to go up against Wooks, that is, in which case you have to stand there and take their fist spam like a champ.

Now, Red, is supposed to 1 hit kill everything in the game, because it is ridiculously slow to windup the first swing. Why it doesn't 1 hit kill SBD, is beyond me. It is not only inaccurate for movies, games, and every other medium, but it is annoying to deal with. SBD is perfectly fine and balanced without the dumb armor gimmicks it can purchase.

Most SBDs have battery 3, you realize.

It is the best class in the game, I agree, that is why it is OP. Blobs are a problem for everything, including SBDs. Ion and Concussive are nonsensical against anything and everything.

Did I ever say it was impossible to kill them? I don't believe I did, let me check. Nope. Didn't say it was impossible. However, I do remember saying they were overpowered... in the right hands.

Does it take skill to lob a blob? Yup. Does that mean it should be an instant kill against anything it hits? No, no it shouldn't. Oh yes, good one, just push the blobs back at them. Very smart, super effective, bound to be consistent. "Hey guys, you know how swingblocking red/purple spam is bullshit? Well, if you get right into their face, at point blank, and mblock their swings before they swingblock, you can disarm them! See? Not OP, just takes skill."

Out maneuvering someone with sprint, good plan. Oh wait, you mean with Sith. Right. Didn't anyone ever tell you not to jump at good Gloans? It means they can land their blob guaranteed, because your jump has a super predictable trajectory. 'Pull', yeah, I'm sure.

What is funny, is you're suggesting this in a 1v1 situation with a gloan. I'm talking force multiplier, the more good gloans, the more bullshit. A well balanced team, with their best player on Gloan, is pretty much unbeatable by Imps. I've seen it countless times. The amount of CC and damage gloan outputs, what with their tankiness, is insane.

Point being, none of what you suggested will work against a competent gloan. Believe me, I've tried all those glorious things you've suggested, long before you suggested them.

I'm sure from your perspective it is. I'd love to see your stats on what classes you main in MB2, would go something like this:

40% Clone

35% Hero

22% Jedi/Sith

2% SBD

1% Bounty Hunter

I go positive on Gloan with P2, just taking advantage of the retarded tankiness and sprint speed, let alone if I bothered to learn how to blob spam. Infact, the only classes I don't feel comfortable going up against with P2 Gloan, are SBD and Sith.
My main classes on mb2 are far different than that lol, the only time you have ever even seen me in game has been dueling or me being an alias and you crying. and even if I do only do "1%" BH (lol) Thats still over 30 hours that I have played on BH, which is completely wrong btw. And no Believe me. all those suggestions will work with a good clone. you're just way too hard headed to even try to learn new tactics. If you want we can go on a server some time and I can show you. "Does it take skill to lob a blob? Yup. Does that mean it should be an instant kill against anything it hits? No, no it shouldn't." since when was a blob insta kill rofl. I understand that you are very arrogant Achilles, I get it. But please stop spouting out nonesense because you can't change your play style. Cause trust me, it is quite easy to kill any class in the game. And also as a dev said a few pages back. Stop posting the stupid gifs and images that have no reason to be here other than just show your character.


Also Achilles Battery 3 first of all takes away from other points, again I can't even tell if you realize classes only got 80 points. And SBD can still lose battery with B3. Also I think Flooven is kinda describing people like you perfectly a few posts up....
"A big portion of this is a lot of people don't recognize class weaknesses, and just see something like a wookie kill 3 sith and immediately think they are broken."
I've been back to MBII for two days, and at a bunch of servers, a good portion of what I hear is people complaining about "this is OP, that's OP" rather than just enjoying the game. Whether my kills are 7/1 or 1/7, I love playing MBII and people should engage in discourse regarding changes to balance without being so upset all the time. It really takes a lot of fun out of the experience.

Too bad you didn't come back a month earlier. You missed the open beta.:)

Lulz at the balance talk. Battery and dmg reduction decreases with each swing. If you let them recharge they can tank multiple swings.
What kind of fool would let that happen:) Commit or die.

I'm fairly confident I could kill myself using any other class against myself. Equal skill arguments right:)
I lol'd at equal skill - means they land all their shots at you. That's not equal skill. That's some simple-minded nonsense and hardly paints a picture.

Hint - when it comes to classes, you factor in movement speed, weapon type, armor, health, strategies to deploy and employ. Clearly you lack the fundamentals.
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{Δ} Achilles

Also Achilles Battery 3 first of all takes away from other points, again I can't even tell if you realize classes only got 80 points. And SBD can still lose battery with B3. Also I think Flooven is kinda describing people like you perfectly a few posts up....
"A big portion of this is a lot of people don't recognize class weaknesses, and just see something like a wookie kill 3 sith and immediately think they are broken."

You can get Hull 2, Firepower 2, Battery 3, and a nice armor bonus just fine, which is pretty much all you need to deal with any class other than a good hero, or a mediocre gloan with ion.

A Wookiee killing 3 anything isn't balanced, you realize? Think of the skill it takes to kill 3 Jedi simultaneously as a Commander with E-11, then compare it to perma-kiting Sith as Wook until they screw up enough for you to kill them.

My main classes on mb2 are far different than that lol, the only time you have ever even seen me in game has been dueling or me being an alias and you crying. and even if I do only do "1%" BH (lol) Thats still over 30 hours that I have played on BH, which is completely wrong btw. And no Believe me. all those suggestions will work with a good clone. you're just way too hard headed to even try to learn new tactics. If you want we can go on a server some time and I can show you. "Does it take skill to lob a blob? Yup. Does that mean it should be an instant kill against anything it hits? No, no it shouldn't." since when was a blob insta kill rofl. I understand that you are very arrogant Achilles, I get it. But please stop spouting out nonesense because you can't change your play style. Cause trust me, it is quite easy to kill any class in the game. And also as a dev said a few pages back. Stop posting the stupid gifs and images that have no reason to be here other than just show your character.

Oh, I'm sorry, 2,000 hours on P3 classes. Better?

And believe me, none of those suggestions work against good gloans, with decent teams.

Blob is an instant kill on pretty much any class beyond Sith/SBD. Land blob, shoot, kill. Enemy stormy squad rushes you down? Charge ion, blob them in hallway, shoot them all, 4 kills.

Oh I'm sure, in a 1v1 situation, it is so easy to kill any class, as long as you have a better class.

I'm fairly confident I could kill myself using any other class against myself. Equal skill arguments right:)
I lol'd at equal skill - means they land all their shots at you. That's not equal skill. That's some simple-minded nonsense and hardly paints a picture.

Hint - when it comes to classes, you factor in movement speed, weapon type, armor, health, strategies to deploy and employ. Clearly you lack the fundamentals.

Movement speed, weapon damage, and tankiness. Seems like I went over that. Strategies mean absolutely nothing when every class can essentially employ the same, disregarding Gloans/Mandos/Arcs/Sabers

If you take a soldier, use whatever tactics you like, a Wookiee will stomp him assuming equal skill in aiming. To fire, you have to expose yourself, fun fact.
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