The next steps forward

Hey everyone. I know that a lot of were expecting changes for the current state of saber v gunner and/or saber v saber in this patch but I assure you, things are still in motion to get those settled and pushed out!

As a preface, MB2 has had a theme of changing things for the sake of changing or trying to address problems in really weird/roundabout ways and not actually solving the issues. This leads/has led to problems not actually being solved and/or creating new ones (although there's been a lot of cool stuff along the way). Moving forward, there's going to be more focus on adjusting things to being able to have more static baselines (e.g. there shouldn't be any major overhauls to saber v gunner interactions once all of this stuff is sorted out) or prepping for future changes, whether completely new features or more intricate adjustments to current ones.

We want to make the game feel more dynamic, volatile, exciting, and of course, fun. That is the main focus of these changes for the next patch as well as the long term goal for MB2 overall.

That said, some time in the following days, we are going to set up an open beta for testing the adjustments to saber v gunner. This will likely involve reconfiguring one of the official servers with the new changes (no messing with files for anyone who wants to try them out!), having a channel on the official discord dedicated to discussions, as well as scheduled times for when devs/beta testers will be around to observe/gather feedback firsthand during gameplay.

Things that will be different and that will be closely looked at include (but aren't limited to) the following:
  • No more flinch
  • No more FP regen debuff
  • Increased knockback against saberists
  • Jedi/Sith only having damage reduction in specific circumstances (not universally)
  • Changes to caps on FP drains (especially for blocking)
  • Tweaks to Pistol/Bowcaster charged damage
  • Ammo changes for the Projectile Rifle
  • Adjustments to projectile speeds
There's more but those are the main points of interest for gameplay changes. Additionally, what's listed in the final changelog that will be included with the open beta is not the extent of what's being looked at. This is just what's been fully agreed on, vetted, and implemented.

I'm also hoping that more transparency on what's being worked on as well as why will help improve community relations in the long run and make it easier for both those working on the mod as well as those waiting for new toys/features/etc. On that note, for those still wondering about the saber system changes, we're still working on figuring out the details since those aren't purely server-side adjustments. Stay tuned for more info!


Project Leader
Movie Battles II Team
Code Leader
Tempest has really done a lot of excellent and hard work on getting these ready. This is only half of what he has done in the past few months because unfortunately the saber changes need client side code adjustments. Hopefully we'll have further news on when you can try these out for yourselves in an open beta before the weekend.


pew pew
Movie Battles II Team
Does this mean all projectiles, or do you mean Projectile rifle? And what kind of adjustments are we looking at?
Tempest told me projectiles are getting an increase. He didn't explicitly say it applied to all guns across the board, but it was certainly stated that it was more than just the proj rifle itself. He also stressed that it was not a huge increase. It's a step in a direction.


Tempest told me projectiles are getting an increase. He didn't explicitly say it applied to all guns across the board, but it was certainly stated that it was more than just the proj rifle itself. He also stressed that it was not a huge increase. It's a step in a direction.
Nice, I agree


Chaos Connoisseur
Movie Battles II Team
Grateful that this mod is still getting love, it's been over 10 years playing this mod now, it still somehow finds way to suck me in.
Thanks for all the hard work, guys! Deeply appreciate you all.
I'm not sure this is even the right place to post this but merp,
So here's the thing. I understand the whole hype about new maps, and updating old ones and stuff, and I honestly don't mean to shit on anyone's hard work or anything, but let's be real. There are changes to certain maps that people just don't like. And while I'm not gonna go ahead and ask you all to just bring the old one's back, what I cannot understand is why can't we have both? New vs old DOTF are two completely different maps at this point, why can't you guys keep both maps available for RTV and let people choose where they want to play. Same goes for Lunar (even though changes made there were much smaller gameplay wise). #MakeDotfGreatAgain. Let's bring 'em back. For the children.


I'm not sure this is even the right place to post this but merp,
So here's the thing. I understand the whole hype about new maps, and updating old ones and stuff, and I honestly don't mean to shit on anyone's hard work or anything, but let's be real. There are changes to certain maps that people just don't like. And while I'm not gonna go ahead and ask you all to just bring the old one's back, what I cannot understand is why can't we have both? New vs old DOTF are two completely different maps at this point, why can't you guys keep both maps available for RTV and let people choose where they want to play. Same goes for Lunar (even though changes made there were much smaller gameplay wise). #MakeDotfGreatAgain. Let's bring 'em back. For the children.
^ Exactly.


pew pew
Movie Battles II Team
Oh god no
The removal of flinch is counterbalanced by the "increased [blaster] knockback on jedi" and, to some degree, by the increased shot speed. Now, instead of knocking back the jedi's arms, you knock back the WHOLE jedi! In theory, it could mean you need to land significantly fewer shots on the jedi to stay safe. We'll have to see.

I suppose with the way knockback works (damage based), there'll probably be a huge difference between bodyshotting and headshotting the jedi. ... We'll have to see how it pans out.

As a tryhard gunner main, I'm excited, at least.