Team Stacking

I sure everyone has noticed by now with recent increase in population. This has become a real issue. Admins can't be on 24/7 and if I recall (it's been several years), the original Siege and TFFA modes had a built in command that didn't allow more than one person to join the team if it already had the majority of the players.

Rebs have 2 players and Imps have 1 player. No other players can join Rebels until the teams are evened or the opposite team has more people.

It would be nice if we can have this added as a command for our server.cfg.
If this was the case, then those people changing would instantly show on the opposite team as soon as the round ended, which doesn't happen. If it did happen, you wouldn't see 5 people changing teams right before a match starts. Either way this is a pointless back in forth for something that will probably not be done. I don't agree that this has anything to do with current issue.

in the pre-round period any team switches immediately show
literally the next 3 words were "which doesn't happen" why did you cut your quote off

....It was in response to what you said. Let me help you read.

yeah personally you'll see this a lot on aod w/ my friends and i, which im surprised you havent noticed assassin

If this was the case, then those people changing would instantly show on the opposite team as soon as the round ended, which doesn't happen.

"Which doesn't happen" means that you all don't switch mid round like you claim. If you did, it would show as soon as the round ended.
One would think that if this were happening on a server you have admin on, you could do something about it? Sorry to say, but I've never seen such blatant disregard to admin duties than I have with you, Gumba. Probably one of the reasons why people feel that they can do as they please on BG server - even when there are (purported to be, anyway) admins present.

Oh right agent the one that come under a alias claiming all the time somebody is tking him and that I should ban them.
Meanwhile under his real nick flaming me and being a general asshole in chat. Yes yes we all know you are the best example of how a admin should behave.



Internal Beta Team
Oh right agent the one that come under a alias claiming all the time somebody is tking him and that I should ban them.
Meanwhile under his real nick flaming me and being a general asshole in chat. Yes yes we all know you are the best example of how a admin should behave.


At least I actually know how to utilise kick/force team/have some authority as an admin. I can honestly say I have never seen a more useless admin than yourself.
I only play Imps. I don't care if they're winning or losing, I'm going to play Imps. That's why I play the game now.
Although I have tested out every class and perform reasonably well with them just to get a grasp of their mechanics on the rebel-side too.


Movie Battles II Team Retired
Team Stacking IS problem, but it depends on people, ask, ask admin for help or come to EU Competitive. There is no mercy for win-team-joiners, stacking. We also have class limit. It's all about server's rules and enforcing these rules. Shuffle, auto-balance based on k/d ratio doesn't mean much. I can be a great support class as jedi, and make total newb 10/0 stats. We would have to code AI to enforce balance between teams.

We need:
- Class limit system - 5v5 - class limit 1, 6v6+ class limit 2, 9v9+ class limit 3
- Kick vote system to get rid of lamers
- Force change class vote - great, you play jedi and you are going pit every round....
Thing is while I agree it's the server's job it doesn't work like that. If we started doing class limits everyone will just go to AOD. It's bad enough changing to some of the more obscure maps, change to Mustafar and half the server leaves.

Next time I'm on I'll do my best to enforce team balance with force team but the class problem is a bit more complicated.


Movie Battles II Team Retired
If you consider yourself as a competitive player, you gonna play rebels most of the time. Attacking is always harder, especially on dotf, requires much more teamplay and cooperation. And imperial side stacks pretty much always, skill-wise and number-wise. So. Against all odds. No bitching about teams not even, just go and do your best, like a real man. Viva la rebelion!


Movie Battles II Team
One would think that if this were happening on a server you have admin on, you could do something about it
I don't wanna be the guy that every1 throws their shit at for forceteaming them to make the teams balanced. It is also smth that could be easily abused on players and we get even more shit storms. Sure I may forceteam when the stack is very obvious and done on purpose, but forcing people takes a big part of the fun. Players should have enough sense to keep the teams somewhat balanced, in most cases I myself end up switching teams couple times per map except when I am feeling like playing this particular class only.

About class limits: Definitely no. Inb4 couple noobs happen to pick the classes and never switch from them (for example jedi) and the whole team is basically fuckd because nade spam eats every gunner while jedi have no idea what to do. Next you suggest class system like in FA, so ppl have to wait to get the class. WELL AINT THAT FUN. I would probably stop playing mb2 if I can't play the class that I want to play, lets become dictators and ruin it for all.


Movie Battles II Team
Playing whatever class you want and facing a wall of jedi/sith also aint fun.
Infinitely better than being forced to play smth you don't want to play. Like, I finally get my class I wanted to play and feel like doin it for an hour or two. Guess not since I lose the class after 3 rounds again if I happen to have a random fail : ))))


Movie Battles II Team Retired
That's why i forceteam such a players. If they don't know how to play on competitive server, they won't play x class. And i agree with you @Gargos, that's why i said we need force-change class vote :) That ain't happen, so admin is our only hope.
At least I actually know how to utilise kick/force team/have some authority as an admin. I can honestly say I have never seen a more useless admin than yourself.

You have no idea what you are talking about. I don't openly promote it but I fix the teams with forceteam all the time. I just don't scream about it. Also I almost never wtj but join the team that has less players.

I'm pretty much sick of your bs.
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Slayed dreamer
Class limit system - 5v5 - class limit 1, 6v6+ class limit 2, 9v9+ class limit 3
This makes me very sad. :(
Also I don't understand how it's supposed to help against stacking, in situation like 12 vs 8, or in situation 10 pros vs 10 newbies. Teams still will be unbalanced, no matter of classes.
Kick vote system to get rid of lamers
Yeah, but what if lamers are majority?
Force change class vote - great, you play jedi and you are going pit every round....
How it is related to the stacking? This is timewasting, which is prohibited on most servers.
It's not even related to jedi, since I've seen a several wookiees who were wasting time near the pit.
If we started doing class limits everyone will just go to AOD.
I would probably stop playing mb2 if I can't play the class that I want to play, lets become dictators and ruin it for all.
I guess we could just switch to some unofficial server, where that system wouldn't be enabled.