We were playing, a crazy fight out there, I threw a sonic and he threw a rocket, both arrived at the same time on the battlefield, And the sonic exploded and finished up with rocket blowing up the 3 sniper there!
Why can´t this happen? Sonic are very low used atm against other shooters, can´t we add another function to them? Maybe blow up rockets or (Crazy idea) another nades?
Grenades, why can we only push them? They´re very fast and hard to aim at, soo why don´t we add a new feacture that makes grenades possible to be pushable by shots? and maybe exploded by them (Only projcetile rifle and ruptor).
And there should be one way to pull (Not push) friendly grenades and rockets, there is no why for don´t do it, it is hard and can be greatly reward if someone does it the right way.
English isn´t my native, as you can see!
Why can´t this happen? Sonic are very low used atm against other shooters, can´t we add another function to them? Maybe blow up rockets or (Crazy idea) another nades?
Grenades, why can we only push them? They´re very fast and hard to aim at, soo why don´t we add a new feacture that makes grenades possible to be pushable by shots? and maybe exploded by them (Only projcetile rifle and ruptor).
And there should be one way to pull (Not push) friendly grenades and rockets, there is no why for don´t do it, it is hard and can be greatly reward if someone does it the right way.
English isn´t my native, as you can see!